Stella x hell hound reader

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Requested by: julianneAnderson6

My hairy beast

Stella's pov
"Stop moving you hairy beast." I snapped at y/n, wrapping they're arm up in a bandage. They huffed and shifted around, "be a little more gentle than." I grumbled "I wouldn't have to be gentle if you weren't such a baby. How did this even happen?" I finished wrapping they're arm up, they sighed "it's normal for other hell hounds to get into fights about territory or mates. Something you higher ups wouldn't know." I rolled my eyes and placed the rest of the unused bandages into a little box "and what exactly were you fighting for?" y/n shuffled around on the bed, they're eyes looking everywhere but me. "Its stupid honestly." I frowned "the only thing that is stupid is you not telling me." I sat down beside them as they're tail wrapped around my waist. "Fine. Remember how I said we hell hounds usually fight over mates?" I nod "yeah?... Wait were you fighting over some whore?" they're ears droopped "no... I was fighting over... Ugh this is so embarrassing." they covered they're face with they're paws. I placed my hand on they're shoulder "come on now, it can't be that embarrassing. The only embarrassing thing there is, is that your still single." they remove they're paws from they're face and look up at me "really? So, like your not going to laugh in my face if I tell you?" I nod "of course not. Now, tell me." they take a deep breath and spoke quickly "iwasfightingoveryoubecauseIlikeyou!" I looked at them "okay. Now repeat that slowly." they groaned "I was fighting over you because I like you." they buried they're face into my pillow, "... Why are you not laughing at me?" they're voice was muffled but I could them. I giggled and leaned down beside them "because my hairy beast. I like you too." I wrapped my arms around them and gently preened they're fur. "Soo, who were you fighting with?" they shifted around and sat up. "Stolas, He's got bad aim." I laughed and nuzzled my head into they're neck "tell me about it. I was married to him." they laughed and licked my head gently "I love you big Bird." I snorted and snuggled up against y/n "I love you too my hairy beast."

Word count 429
If I'm being honest I'd let this woman step/spit on me and i'd thank her for it. Thats just the sadistic side of me talking tho who else is a Stella lover? Comment if you are.

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