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The car ride is silent as Sargent drives me towards a place that he said would be safe for me to crash at. I had only agreed on letting him drive me because my car was still been fixed up. It was starting to get cooler now that the sun was just setting. And I had to be honest with myself I was in need of a shower to wash away all the sweat I had made from that long ass walk. I'm not normally one for silence but I welcome it under these circumstances. I needed time to think about what I was really doing here. This was not my first run in with bikers. I had dated one a few years back much to my mothers distaste. It was nothing serious just a casual thing but I had seen and gone through enough to know that bikers were not good company to keep.

Looking out at the windshield I watched as a building that looked like an old run down motel comes into view. He pulled the car to a stop at a small car park that had a lot of bikes and trucks parked in it. "Here we are" he said as he opened the door to his own truck I followed suit and opened mine. This place was in the middle of nowhere it looked so out of place surrounded by endless nothing not even a single tree in sight. Turning around I looked over towards him "this is safe?" He scratches the back off his head as he reaches into the back off the truck to pull out my duffel bag. "We own it, no one will bother you here" he simply says as he walks towards a set of metal steps that lead to the upper rooms.

I can't lie and say I was not a little shocked to hear that he owns this. Not the kinda impressed shock but the why would he want it shocked. But I quickly move my legs to catch up to him hearing my boots tap on the metallic steps. He stops just a few rooms down and reaches into his pocket to pull out a set of keys he unlocks the door and shoved the door open. It creeks slightly like it had been a while since anyone had opened it. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I follow behind him into the room mentally preparing myself for the worst. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the inside did not match the outside. I guess you really should not judge a book by it's cover.

"It's not got much but the basics" he places my bag down on the end of a neatly made bed. I look around and nod "it's perfect thank you" I attempt a smile but it's not normal for me to do so. He turns and points towards a closed door "bathroom is that way, their is hot running water." I walk over towards the bathroom door and push it open switching on the light that flickers a few times before illuminating the small but comfy bathroom. "Well I will leave you to get settled in, you can find me at the bar" he points out the door towards a smaller building that's on the ground level that has a flashing sign that literally says The Bar. I smirk as I look up at him "original" he chuckles as he fold his arms over his chest.

"Come find me when you're ready I have something to show you" he turns and places a key on the small table before he closes the door behind himself as he exits the room. I run my hand over my face and through my tangled hair before I reach for my bag to find something to change into. A hot shower sounds perfect right about now.

I was not sure how long I spent in the shower but the constant sound of bikes pulling up every five seconds distorted any contempt I had at relaxing under the hot water so I just quickly washed away the grime of my skin and jumped out. Wrapping a towel that was hanging on the back of the door around my body I walked back into the bedroom and pulled the clothes on that I had set to one side. With my hair hanging loose and damp after I towel dried it my natural wavy curls forming. I shoved my feet into some flat shoes I had blisters on them from earlier and I did not want to damage my feet anymore then they were.

Ripped skinny jeans and a white tank top on I reached for the keys off the side as I slip them into my back pocket and make my way over to The Bar. I might as well get this over and done with, I think to myself trying to calm down my fast heartbeat. I was nervous as to what Sargent was planning on showing me. With each step I took my legs shakes a little more till I placed my hand over the dark blue painted wooden door. Pushing it open I was greeted by loud rock music and the smell of smoke and alcohol. The smell was almost familiar and made my inner Cherry come forward. I walked inside with my head held high and my shoulders pushed back as I scanned around the room.

Men and half naked women where everywhere and I mean everywhere. Even the club that I worked at never got this many men visiting it on the night. The half naked woman was nothing new for me so I was not shocked by that sight. "Ahh there you are, was wondering when my extremely beautiful cousin would show up" Billy flung his skinny arm over my shoulders. I raised a brow at him as he swayed from side to side a beer bottle in his other hand. I think he was using me as a leaning post. "Are you even old enough to drink?" I turned to face him as I eyed up the beer bottle. He frowned at my question before he removed his arm from my shoulders and thumped at his chest "I'm a man."

He winced a little as he discretely tried to rub at his own chest, I hold in my chuckle and pat his head "sure kid, you seen Sargent around?" He grumbles something as he point over towards the corner of the room. Following his arm I look over and see no other then Sargent himself sitting in a corner booth with several other men. All laughing about something as they swing on a beer bottle. Leaving a half drunk Billy behind I make my way through the crowded room towards my father. When I reach the table I bend down and drop in the only empty chair there is. All the men turn to look at me but I focus only on one, Sargent his eyes brighten up a little as he looks at me.

"So I'm here, you said you had something to show me" I called out over the table. "Guys this is Harley, my daughter" he says to the men around the table he looks at each one of them his eyes changing to look a little more deadly then before. That's when I take the time to officially look around at them all.

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