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The first guy I look at is the guy from the garage that I first met he had a kind smile on his face as he nods towards me. "The names Hacksaw but you can call me Uncle Rick if you like sweetheart" I nod my head as I turn to the next guy. He was more rough around the edges a bigger man with a beer belly and a long beard. His hair was pulled back into a low pony. "River" he grunts out picking up his beer bottle and looking around the room. I quickly move on to the next guy "Tracker" he smiled, he looks so out of place a small guy with glasses on but something told me he was not to be taken lightly. I smiled back as I looked over towards the last guy that sat at the table. "Bear" he smiled at me but the smile missed his eyes his name made sense to me the man was huge, probably one of the most well built men I've ever seen. But I happen to notice that his right arm was missing a huge chuck out of it.

When I turned back to my father I gave him a look that said ok so what's next? "Your in my chair" the voice was smooth but yet dark and broken at the same time. I quickly turned to look up at the man that loomed over me and I could not stop myself from licking my bottom lip. "Lucifer"  Sargent grunted out with annoyance behind his voice. This Lucifer guy turned his cold sexy as hell eyes from me towards my father with a raised brow, he looked confused. "This is my daughter, Harley, we were just leaving anyway come on." He stands up looking down at me with eyes that are asking me not to fight with him right now. Been honest I was really too tired to fight or argue and I was intrigued as to what he had to show me. So I stood up and followed behind him as he made his way through the crowded room.

He lead me towards a door that had the words president office printed on it. Things that I questioned in my mind were starting to make sense. It was the reason why the men around here seemed to show him respect he was in charge, the leader. But I could have worked that out myself if I had just looked at his patch on his leathers vest. When we entered inside he walked towards the desk and I closed the door behind me and scanned around the room. Looking at the pictures on the walls "it's here somewhere, give me a second to fish it out" I looked over towards him as he rummaged around all the paperwork on his desk. Turning my attention back to the photos on the wall one caught my attention and I stepped closer to it.

My fingers hovered over the dusty glass of the photo frame as my eyes pinned onto the only woman in the picture. It was my mom she stood besides a man a younger version of my father. They both were smiling and looked happy as they looked into each other's eyes, my mother was pregnant in the picture the obvious baby bump on full show. I had never seen a picture of my mother when she was younger but I knew it was her because she looks like me. "I guess you could see my confusion from earlier now" I jumped at his closeness. I had not heard him come closer to me "she looked happy." I whisper as I close my eyes and turn away from the picture. Pulling myself together I push my emotions to one side as I open my eyes and look up at him.

He looks sad as he looks down at me a look of guilt in his eyes. "You wanted to show me something" he nodded as he lifted his hand up and held out a folder towards me. "You said you would give me a chance to prove myself, this is it." I look down at the folder in his hand and I reach out taking a hold of it. Moving to sit down on the closes chair that happens to be the office desk chair I open up the folder. I was not sure what I was expecting to see inside, I was not sure how paper could prove that he had looked for me. He stood waiting for me as I scanned over the sheets of paper. Report after report, photos and printouts of maps all different locations, each with a red x crossed through them.

There was a small picture of me in the top right hand corner, a picture that my mother also owned only this one was complete. My fingers ran over it, I looked happy as a child, in the arms of my father as he made a silly face at me. I choked on my own breath as I closed the folder and slid it across the table. "I can't look at anymore" it was proof alright all the privet investigation he had paid for all the cities he had searched everything was in there, he had looked for me. "My mother told me that you were dead, my whole life had been a lie and I only found out after she had died." I had not realised that he had moved to stand behind me his hand came down on my shoulder in an attempt to be supportive. I jumped slightly and he sighed "sorry did not mean to scare you, I'm sorry to hear about your mother."

I shook my head as I stood up from the chair "don't be, she was never sorry about you." With them words said I turn away from him and walk towards the office door. "I'm not staying long I have to get back home for work in a few weeks but I'm tired and I need rest. I still have lots of questions I want to ask you, if you don't mind taking the time in answering them?" I take a chance at glancing at him over my shoulder, he looks a little lost but he nods his head "sure kid" he whispers and I take that as my signal to leave. So I exit the office and head back towards the bar, I need a strong drink before I hit the hay.

Heading towards the bar I push my way through the crowds of people getting some grunts of annoyance as I use my elbows to push through. I notice that a lot of the patches on the men around here read nomad. I also knew that meant they where road hogs always moving from town to town never truly belonging anywhere. At this point I felt like a nomad myself, signing I lean my elbows on the slightly sticky bar. The poor woman behind it looks like she's rushed off her feet. "Linder, two beers" some guy with a beard so long that it almost ends at his crotch shouts out next to me. His voice is really rough like he's smoked forty a day for most of his life.

I watch as she pulls a few beers out of a fridge behind the bar and pops the caps off, she slides them down the bar like she's been doing this most of her life. But in doing so it forces me to quickly move my elbows off the bar and jump back. I slams into something hard behind me and feel something wet drip down the back of my top. "Fuck" I curse as I quickly turn around, behind me stand no other then Lucifer, beer in hand that is currently foaming and dripping down the glass bottle. His eyes are blazing with anger as he looks down at his leather vest that is currently sporting some of his beer. "Ah, shit sorry about that" I winced inwardly as his eyes shoot daggers in my direction.

I can almost see steam coming out of his ears "my fucking cut" he wipes the beer foam off his vest with his free hand. I roll my eyes at him as I lift up the bottom of my tank top and stand on my tip toes to dab at his vest. "Oh come on it's only a little bit, if anything I should be pissed off, pretty sure my top is soaked from behind." I look up into his eyes as I finish dabbing at it and drop my top. It's all wet and wrinkled as I attempt to smooth it down. The corner of his mouth smirks up into a half smile as a grunt sound exits his throat. "There is a different princess, this is my rank, my pride" his hand points at my shirt as his brows scrunch together. "That is close to been see through as it gets, it makes no difference." I frown at his words looking down at my tank top, granted it was slightly see through but it was one of the most covered up thing I owned. 

Shrugging I reached for his beer not really liking the tone of voice he has with me. It's the tone of voice that screams dominating man who thinks women are below him. His eyes follow my hand as I pull the half empty beer from his hand and lift it up to my lips. I chug it back the whole damn thing and lick my lips after. Putting the empty bottle back on the bar. "Thanks" I smirk up at him "though I might as well finished it off as I'm wearing most of it." I tap his chest just where his patch lays as I turn around and walk towards the exit of the bar. I have a big smile on my face as I remember the look off shock on his face at having a woman steal his beer. Chuckling to myself I walk towards my adopted room for my time staying here. Time to get some sleep I have a feeling my stay here is going to be an eventful one.

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