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He smirks at me as I take slow steps towards him, that smirk was cruel and twisted I questioned what I had ever seen in him. He stand straight from his bike dropping his cigarette on the ground and meets me in the middle his steps much larger then mine. "Fancy seen you here, long time Cherry" I gulp as I walk passed him "I've got nothing to say to you Daniel" I try to keep my voice even but I know I fail. I sound scared and strained, "I've got plenty to say to you tho babe" I scoff hearing him call me that but decided his temper is not worth bringing out so I ignore him and walk a little faster. Opening the truck door I place my items into the footwell and close the door. His slimy fingers wrap around my arm as he pulls me around to face him.

"Now now cherry is that really how you want to start this off. You know how rough I can play baby" his hands slide to my sides and I slap them away. "Don't touch me" I growl at him and his eyes shine with excitement he grabs me harder shoving me up against the truck I gasp feeling the heat from the metal burn my skin. "Now you listen" I struggle against him and he tuts at me wrapping his hand around my neck forcing me to look at him. "Listen, you are going to do me a favour, and you know you are because if you don't then things are going to come out that you want kept buried." I gasp "you wouldn't" I breath out and he smirks at me "try me babe."

"Now, you pass on a little message to your daddy for me, tell him we are taking over, I will see you soon Cherry" he licks his lips as he releases me and takes steps away he jumps back on his bike. As the sound of his engine starts up I take my eyes off him and they land on Lucifer who looks at me with hatred. I panic and I step away from the truck and step towards him, I don't even look one more time at Daniel as he drives away, my eyes stay on Lucifer who currently walking towards me with death in his eyes. "You fucking bitch" he yells out as he pushes me hard up against the truck. The impact was much harder then what Daniel did and my back arches from the pain. He grabs my neck in his hand and forces my head to look up at him.

A single tear runs down my face, he hates me, I can see it in his eyes. "I heard him call you Cherry, I fucking knew you was hiding something. So what Bear is right you're a fucking spy." He pushes me harder into the truck and his hand comes back I close my eyes waiting for the impact. The sound of his hand slamming next to my ear and connect with the metal of the car frame has my eyes shooting open. He's breathing heavy as he shoved me one more time before he lets me go. "I should fucking kill you for this, but that's not my choice" he shouts out at me. He reaches for me but I slip away from him "please Lucifer let me explain." I'm begging him as more tears run down my face, "explain what, that you're fucking the enemy, he fucking shot up the compound Harley" he spits my name and I sink back within myself.

He pace's back and forth running his hand through his hair he shakes his head. "Get in the fucking truck, Sargent can deal with you" I shake my head as I step further away from him. "No, I'm not leaving till you hear me out please" I'm begging him again and he spins on me "fucking burn out here then, you've got nowhere to go Princess" he spits as he walks towards the truck and I go after him grabbing hold of his arm. He pushes me off and I land flat on my ass in the dirt. I cry but he does not stop he keeps walking till he grabs the door handle and I scream out. "He's my ex" he freezes and I continue "you're right, I was hiding something but it's not what you think." I shove myself to my feet and wipe my eyes on the back of my hand.

He turns to look at me his eyes cold as they stare into mine. "I met him a few years ago, I was stupid and young, I enjoyed the fast rides and long night of drinking and partying." I look down at the ground unable to look into his cold eyes anymore. "One night I got into some trouble, a prospect of his walked in on me when I was changing and attacked me. I tried to fight him off but he was much stronger then I was and I had already had a few drinks." I hear the dirt crunch under his feet as he walks towards me I keep my eyes pinned to the ground. "He entered me, he raped me and tried to hold me afterwards like it was ok even tho I begged him to stop, I felt dirty and used." I cried tears steaming down my face, his hand came to rest on the side of my arm.

I shrugged him off "Harley, it's ok" he whispered almost sounds lost himself. I shake my head "you don't get it, I watched him reach for his pants slip them on his legs and I felt rage inside of myself, I grabbed the lamp of the side table and I smashed it over his head." I push the words out rubbing at my eyes angrily. Looking up into Lucifer's eyes he looks sad as he looks down at me I see pity behind his eyes. "Don't look at me like that, like you feel sorry for me, I don't deserve your sympathy" I shake my head from side to side "don't you see, I though he was a monster for doing what he did, but me I'm the one that killed him so what does that make me."

Lucifer's eyes changed from sadness to something I could not work out he pulled me into his arms wrapping them around me "it makes you a survivor" he whispered into my hair as he holds my shaking body to his own. "Daniel covered up the body, he covered everything up, he's trying to use it against me to help him" I sobbed as I hold onto him. I felt his body tense up but his arms only held onto me tighter "what am I going to do." I cry out he rubs my back "I will fix it." He says but inside I know he can't he's just saying this to try make me feel better.

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