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You ever hear that saying your life flashes before your eyes, well it's bullshit because I could still see them guns pointing at me. My mouth was drier then the dirty that surrounded me, then as quick as one person could blink I was been dragging behind one of the metal pillars that kept the motel standing. Arms wrapped around me, a chest shoved in my face and the familiar smell of Lucifer greeted my nose. He held my shaking body in his arms as he whispered into my hair "I've got you." His words where calm like a thousand bullets were not been shot our way. He stroked my hair holding me tight and kisses my forehead. I clung to him like my life depended on it because at this moment it really did.

It felt like hours but in reality was only minuets till the sound of gunfire stopped, Lucifer's vice grip on me loosened and I could hear men shouting around for other men. I pulled back to look up at Lucifer tears rolling down my cheeks. "You're ok Princess" he whispered to me as he wiped away my tears, cradling my face in the palm of his hands. I nodded my head my mouth feeling extremely dry it was probably from all the screaming I was doing. "Harley" Sargent came rushing around the corner his eyes landing on us. Both me and Lucifer turned to look at him and the look in his eyes said it all.

It switched from panic to fury, he was mad his eyes shot between us both accusations shooting off from his body language. I stepped away from Lucifer as he released his hold on me. "Brother- don't you fucking brother me, get your hands off my daughter" Sargent cut him off. I was extremely uncomfortable I knew it would be bad if he ever found out but I had no idea he would be this mad. His face was turning red and he still had his gun in his hand. I was nervous, more nervous then before. When Sargent raised his gun up and pointed it at him. Lucifer's hands raised up slowly "come on now, I understand that you're pissed off, but a bullet?"

My heart was racing in my chest as my eyes zeroed in on the gun. "Sargent please" I begged but my words fell on death ears his hands was shaking like he was having a battle on what to do. "Have you been sleeping with my daughter" he growled out at Lucifer. My head shot round to look at Lucifer he looked like he was trying to work out his odds of not taking a bullet to the chest, I begged him with my eyes to lie make up anything just don't tell him the truth. "Yes" he replied back never taking his eyes away from Sargent and I died inside. Uncle Rick came slowly up behind Sargent and tackled the gun out if his hands. "Brother that's not our way" he passed the gun behind him and Tracker takes it from his hands.

"He's been fucking my daughter even tho I gave clear instructions to you all she" he points towards me "is off limits." I know it was not the time to be mad but I was inside, how dare he tell me who I can't and can sleep with. He's acting like I'm a child, I'm a grown woman. "It's still not our way Brother, I'm not stopping you from fighting just not with guns" the men behind my uncle and father cheered as they all seemed to have forgotten what happened less then ten minutes ago. Excitement was in the air I was completely confused as to what the fuck was going on.

This was stupid completely and utter stupidity, a man made ring of bodies was made and in the middle of it stood my father and Lucifer. Both shirtless and both eyeing each other's movements like predators. I was stood between Billy and Rick "this is ridiculous" I grumbled as I watched them both pounce at each other swinging and punching. I cringed as Sargent connected his right fist to Aden's face. Tho Sargent had not gone unscathed Lucifer had gotten a few body blows in of his own. "Ridiculous it might be Harley but this is the way of the brotherhood, this is how we solve our issues" Rick spoke to me as I listened to the men cheer with excitement as both Sargent and Lucifer's fists connected with each other's bodies.

"Have you forgotten what just happened? This place was shot up but you guys are just, doing this" I pointed around as I turned my head away from the sight in front of me. Rick smiled his eyes lighting up "of corse we had not forgotten Harley, but we had been expecting Riverside Bikers to show up, this is just to let off a bit of steam." My eyes widened and he chuckled swinging his arm over my shoulders and pulling me into his side. He thought my shock was due to his words but it was not. Riverside bikers, they were here. It was them who had shot up the place. I swallowed the dryness in my mouth coming back from earlier. If Riverside are here that means Daniel is here too, dread ran through me and for a split second I wished my ass had been shot back then.

Loud shouts brings my attention back to the fight in front of me and my eyes land on Sargent who sends one large punch at Lucifer who trips over a rock and lands backwards. He hissed out and rolls over and that's when I see the broken glass from the windows digging into his back. I take a deep breath as I slip from under Rick's arm and rush over to him. The blood drips down his back and I cringe as I get closer to him. Sargent don't give up tho he grabs hold of Lucifer and pulls him to his feet sending one more punch to his face. "Stop going light on me brother, I know you have more then this" Sargent screams at him as he raises his fist back again. I need to stop this "Dad" I shout out and the punch that was just about to connect stops inches away from Lucifer's face.

He drops his hold on Lucifer who stumbled back a few feet, then he turns to look at me. His eyes are wide in shock and to be honest I'm in a little shock too. When he takes steps towards me he has a small smile on his lips I stand still not moving an inch as he gets closer and closer to me. When I know he can hear me I look up into his eyes "please dad he's hurt, that's enough." He shakes his head as he places his hands on my shoulders. "Harley, are you sure about him kid, I mean there are others that will treat you better sweetheart." I smile and shake my head laughing "I'm not sure about anything I don't even know what it is that we have yet Dad." He smiles wildly again as he pulls me into his chest "keep saying that" I giggle as I hug him back nodding my head.

I'm not sure how long we hug it out for but when we pulled apart most of the bikers had gone off doing there own thing or cleaning up the mess, Sargent slips his vest back over his shoulders and pats me on the back. "Go see to him Harley, he's probably beating himself up right around now." I nod my head as I turn away from Sargent and walk over towards Lucifer's room his door is completely open well it has very little choice as the thing has hundreds of bullet holes in it. I can see him through the doorway sitting on the bathroom toilet with Rick attempting to pull the glass shards from his back. I can hear him cursing out in pain and I winced inwardly at the thought of it.

As I lean against the doorframe and look into the mirror that Lucifer is using to watch me through I can see the pain on his face as Rick stitches up the deeper looking gashes on his back. He had a swollen eye and a nice big cut on his eyebrow, that's going to leave a scar I think to myself. "Keep still, or you will have ugly ass scars" Rick complains and I giggle walking into the room. I stand next to him watching what Rick is doing and I could not help myself as the next words slip from my mouth. "Will match the rest of his big ugly ass then won't it" I giggle as Lucifer hand slaps down on my ass cupping it in his hand and pulling me into his front. Rick laughs along with me "enough out of you Princess, you already gotten me into enough trouble."

"Me, you did that all by yourself, you could have lied you know" I grumble and Lucifer shakes his head as he takes a sharp breath in. He leans his forehead on my belly and I cringe at his pain. "I can't lie to a brother" he breaths out and I place my hands on his shoulders running little circles with my fingertips choosing to ignore his brother comment about my father it just feels so wrong. "All done" Rick says as he snips at the threat he was using to stitch his back together. His eyes look up at me and he nods once before he walks out of the bathroom closing the door behind himself.

Stepping away from him I place my hands under his chin as I lift up his head. "Let me clean that up" he goes to argue with me but I place my fingers over his lips "please, it will make me feel a little better." Going over to the medical kit that Rick had left behind I search around in it for something to clean up his eye with. After finding the disinfectant and some cotton balls I dab some onto it and walk back around to him. He sits still as I clean him up even if he winced just a little on first contact. His eyes scan my face and mine do the same to his. "Thank you for saving my life back there" he stands up and pulls me into his body kissing the top of my head and I rest into him. Needing him right now with everything that's going on in my head.

"You don't need to thank" I cut him off "yes I do, and I'm going to thank you in a way we both know works for us." I step away from him as I reach for his belt buckle he smirks at me, licking his bottom lip. "Not sure now is a great time Princess" he groans as I reach into his jeans and cup him in my hand. "I know, that's why we are not doing it now I am" he frowns at me but I can see wonder as to where I'm going with this. Smirking at him I unzip is pants and slide them down his legs and I lower myself down to my knees. "Oh fuck" he groans making me smirk as I look up at him wrapping my hands around his cock I watch him tilt his head back. Yeah that's it you enjoy it Big Dick I think to myself as I wrap my lips around him.

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