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I was sat in Sargents office munching away on some toast that he had produced from somewhere, I really needed to learn where the kitchen was around here. I had yet had the chance to look around at the place, over the passed few days I've been here. He had a little love seat tucked away under the window, I was looking out at it as I had my feet tucked up enjoying the suede fabric. He was reading over some papers he had on his office desk, I did not really mind I understood what it was like to be busy. I've had very little time to myself over the passed few years. With mom been sick and work taking most of my time, medical bills are not cheap.

"So, you said you had questions for me" he calls out distracting me from my thoughts. "Yeah, but if you're busy I don't mind waiting" I turn to look back out the window. I can see a few bikers jumping onto their bikes as they get ready to speed off. "I've got time for a few questions if you don't mind sharing me with this lot" he lifts some papers in the air as he smiles at me. Nodding my head I decided that I would go light on the question till there was a better time to ask the heavy stuff. "So you're a biker?" He chuckles before his eyes lift up to look at me from the papers. "Sure am Harley, it's the way of my life, was born into this, bikers have been a part of our family for generations."

He stands up and walks over towards a photo that sits on a shelf, he pulls it down and wipes of the dust with his shirt before he hands it over to me. "That right there is your grandfather, my father" he points to a tall grey haired man who wears an old denim vest that has seen the best of days. "He has long retired from the life but he's still going strong, lives in the Mounties just on the other side of town." I look wide eyed up at Sargent as he speaks so warmly about his father. It's a strange thing for me to see, he does not offend have a loving look on his face. "You think, I could meet him one day?" I ask as I pass the photo back towards him. He chuckles loudly "you might meet him sooner then you think sweetheart, he's making plans to come down here, I called him last night told him about your arrival."

I was instantly nervous as I bit into my bottom lip, I was not thinking that soon. This man was my grandfather I was hoping to have a relationship with my father before I had to learn to make a new bond. But I just nodded my head as I turn to look back out the window. "You said on the other side of town, does that mean this place has a town?" I wait for his reply when silence meet my ears I turn to look at him as I find him quietly look in my direction. "Is something bothering you Harley" the question is innocent but he's one hundred percent right. I just don't know how to put it into words without sounding like an ungrateful brat.

"Look, I don't want this to come across as it's probably going to sound, I appreciate everything that you have offered me so far, I really do." Biting nervously at my lip I hear the seat he sits on creek as he leans back in it. "I'm getting more grey hair here, it's ok just say it how it is" nodding my head I shift in my seat so I face him fully. "Is there like some other place that I can possibly stay, you know like a motel or B&B somewhere in town?" He seems stunned by my request for a few seconds his eyes going wide before his brows frown together. "Is this place not fitting for what you need, are the guys affecting you?" He questions me as I shake my head "I can speak to them if it's too loud ask them to keep it down or is it something els?"

He stands up as he walks across the room towards me and sits down next to me on the small sofa. "It's not that- are my guys been inappropriate towards you because I will have a word with them." He cuts me off and I end up laughing this time "no trust me I've faced worse in my line of work." Instantly I regret my honesty as I see other questions pop into his eyes. Instead of having to answer that question I decided to just throw some half bullshit out there "I'm a woman, I need woman thing and if you have not noticed but the only women I see around here have their legs spread or their boobs out Sargent, believe it or not these are not the first bikers I've been around." I cut him off because with that statement I can see he's about to ask more questions.

"All I'm saying is, I need to have more woman things around me, I'm almost out of tampons" ok that's a lie but I know men and they get uncomfortable around the subject of periods. My trick works because I can instantly see the tension in his shoulders. "Oh, right yes I see" he coughs as he stands up and walks back over to his desk. He shoved some paperwork to the side as he searches for something. "I see the dilemma you are in but I'm sorry to say that this town is rather small, we don't really have a need for a motel or B&B. But we do have a little supermarket and pharmacy just down the road, their is a dinner too." I nod as I listen to him knowing that I'm pretty much screwed, looks like I'm going to have to just stay here and put up with Lucifer's bullshit.

"Hey but if you need to grab a few things from town, you can take my truck I know Rick is still working on your car" he holds out the keys towards me. I think it over in my mind and ok fine I can't escape this place fully but I could spend the time exploring the town and see whatever sights this place has to offer. Standing up I smile at him as I give him a small hug and grab the keys "thanks Sargent" I kiss his cheek as I walk towards the office door. "Head to the garage first to fill up the gas, she's a little low" he calls after me and I smile as I wave over my shoulder. Deciding as it's such a nice day today that I would get changed into something other then my baggage sweatpants and over sides t-shirt. I would sweat like crazy in this without the AC.

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