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I was sat inside the truck bed. My legs crossed over each other as Lucifer was chatting away to River, I've not had much interaction with him but he seems friendly enough. There convocation seemed completely boring, not that I was paying it much attention tho. I had my phone stuck to my ear as I waited for my boss to answer his damn phone. The sun was just starting to get to its peak in the sky and I was burning half to death, "Cherry" the calm voice of my boss answered the call and I jumped slightly "hay Patrick, urm I've got some bad news" I bite my bottom lip as I wait for the response I know is coming.

"Cherry, please tell me you are on your way, we have a show booked for two days time and you're my headline" I wince knowing full well about the show. "I've ran into a problem Patrick, I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to the show" I can hear him gritting his teeth. "I gave you the time off after your mothers passing with the promise from you that you would return for the show Cherry." He sounded disappointed and I understood why, "I know but my car broke down I'm getting it fixed but it's going to take longer then I thought." Seconds tick by and I hear nothing from him. "Patrick- it's not good enough" he cuts me off sounding outright annoyed.

"You promised me Cherry, you told me you would be there, who am I going to get to cover your act, non of these girls have what you do but that does not give you an excuse to come and go as you please." I take in a deep breath sure I knew my boss could get angry but he's never gotten this angry with me. "I'm sorry- don't bother Cherry, I've had enough of your antics, I suggest you find yourself a new job when you get back." He hangs up the phone on me and I pull it away from my ear looking down at the blank screen. I was gob smacked, what the fuck just happened. Did I just get fired over the god damn phone.

"Asshole" I breath out as I shoved the phone to the ground of the truck bed. It thudded on impact but I did not care, I was screwed what was I going to do now, I was jobless. I still had medical bills of my Mothers that I was paying off. "Harley" the sound of my name been called out across the compound had me turning  my head in the direction of Matt. "Sargent want to see you in his office" I frowned at him about to ask him why when he turned and walked back inside The Bar. I shoot a look over to Lucifer who is looking back at me.

Scooting out of the truck I land on my feet reaching for my phone. I glance back at Lucifer who seems to have forgotten his convo with River and his eyes scream at me to keep my cool. Taking a deep breath I pull myself together, you got this Harley I tell myself as I walk into The Bar and towards the back office. As I walk through it feels like every pair of eyes are looking at me, it puts me on edge. As I lift up my shaking hand to knock on the office door I take a few deep breaths. "Come in" I hear Sargents voice he sounds calm as ever, twisting my door handle I push the door open and my eyes land on a man who sits calmly behind the office desk.

I had seen him before but never in person, he was the man in the photo that Sargent had shown me, it was my grandfather. "Come in Harley I want you to meet someone" Dad smiled at me proudly as he stood just next to the love seat. "Hello, grandfather" I spoke out and the older man scoffed at me "oh please call me Jim, grandfather makes me sound old." I smiled and nodded my head as I turned to look back at my father he winked at me rolling his eyes and I bit my lip to keep my chuckle in. "Well then let me get a good look at you" he stood from the chair and walked around the desk to stand right in front of me.

It felt like ages till anyone made a noise, I watched him as he looked me over from head to toe, he was around my height on the shorter side from what I was expecting. He had a long grey beard and a bald head. I noticed a scar on his upper lip that made it look like he was frowning the whole time. To say I was not slightly intimidated by the way he scanned me over was an understatement. "Well at least she has our eyes, looks too much like her mother if you ask me" he grunted out as he turned to my father. My mouth popped open in shock I was not expecting him to be this rude towards me.

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