Twenty Three

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It's been hell, Riverside have been popping up in the most random places, I'm not meant to know, but it's hard not to overhear the chatter around the compound. Nothing serious has happened but I'm forced to stay here I'm confined to two places The Bar and my motel room that is currently only occupied by myself. I don't mind so much but the fact that Lucifer is out there doing club business and has not contacted me in the last few days its driving me crazy. He could be in a ditch bleeding out for all I know, I'm worried sick and he's not replying back to my texts.

To make matters even worse Bear has been everywhere I am, he's watching me like a hawk, a constant reminder that I'm not trusted by him. I try to avoid him but he just appears out of nowhere looking at me like I'm a cockroach he wishes to stamp out. The things he's been saying to me too have me even more on edge, "Lucifer's only using you" his voice greets my ears yet again as I sit on the back of my fathers truck. "It's been two days right and he's not contacted you at all, funny really River just got off the phone with him" he smirks at me. I roll my eyes ignoring him "got nothing to say Princess" he mocks me using Lucifer's nic name for me and I snap.

"He's out doing club business I'm staying out of it like I said I would" I grit my teeth together hating myself for talking back to him. It's only what he wants a reaction out of me. "Is that what he told you, club business" he laughs, there is a evil tinge to his voice. "Funny really because Sargent did not send him to do any, so I wonder what or who he's really been doing" my insides twist up at his words. "I'm
watching Harley" he sniggers as he walks away from me heading back towards The Bar. I turn and watch him walk inside as Rick walks out. Slipping from the back of the truck I walk over to Rick, trying to keep myself under control.

"Uncle Rick, is Lucifer out on club business?" I ask him as he shakes his head at me "not that I know of sweetheart why?" My mouth becomes dry as I fight off the tears that are threatening to spill from my eyes. I shake my head putting a fake smile on my lips "no reason, I'm tired I'm going to bed" Rick frowns as he watches me turn away from him and walk towards the motel room. Before I enter the room a single tear falls down my cheek. Everything between me and Lucifer I'm questioning, where has he been the last few days what is he doing, my inside twist up and I drop onto my bed as my phone starts to vibrate across the bedside table.

I reach for it and see his name Big Dick flash across the screen. Scoffing I ignore the call, watching as it gets sent to voicemail, I was going to change his name in my phone but that seems to suit him perfectly one big dickhead. Turning my phone face down I place it down on the bedside table again. It only starts to vibrate again a few seconds later. I huff picking up the phone to answer the call then I cut it off straight after. Switching my phone off and throw it onto the bed. Grabbing an empty bag from the wardrobe I go around the room shoving his things into it the whole time tears run freely down my cheeks. "Asshole" I curse as I shove items of clothing into the bag, not even trying to be neat about it.

Dropping the bag to the ground I cry my hands covering my face as I sink to the floor. Why am I so stupid to fall for all this crap all over again. They are all the same one biker is just as bad as the other. Of course he's going to sleep with other woman he's a biker it's what they do jump from one pussy to the next. Lately he's not been sleeping with me so of corse he's going to be searching els where for it. I felt like a complex fool, to think I could trust him with my emotions and feelings, I'm still the same as that stupid teenage me, nothing has changed I'm still accepting the fact that men use me. I'm a stripper of corse they see me as nothing but a body to use.

I sat on the edge of the bed just waiting for the door to open, I heard the sound of his bike pulling into the compound. I know he will come looking for me, and I know he's going to be pissed off. But he don't know that this time I'm going to be just as pissed off. I counted to twenty in my head before the sound of the knob on the door was been twisted open. I did not move an inch as he pushed the door open and walked inside. "Your phone is turned off" he says but I can here it the anger just underneath the surface ready to come out. I nod my head "I know I switched it off" I reply to him not even trying to hide my annoyance. "Your stuff is there" I point to his bag that I sat just to the side of the door.

I watch him as his eyes turn to look down at the bag then they turn to look back at me. "What the fuck is going on?" I spit the next words at him "get the fuck out" he raises a brow at me the classic smirk of his returns to his lips "get the fuck out" he repeats my words but more quietly as he nods his head. "I've got no clue what the fuck is going on babe" he says and I snap I stand up and scream at him "don't you fucking call me that, I really hope her pussy was worth it you fucking asshole." I cry even tho I told myself I could not let him see my tears, "who's fucking pussy" he throws back at me looking honestly confused. "I've not touched anyones pussy but you're since I met you, I've got blue balls like a fucking bitch this passed week has been hell, what the fuck are you talking about Harley?"

My eyes scan over his face as I look for any sigh of him been dishonest, I find nothing and I sob "Bear said" I sob unable to finish my words. Lucifer groans as he walks across the small space between us. He lift up my head with his hand forcing me to look at him as I sob louder looking into his eyes he's angry still. "What did Bear say to you?" I hiccup as I try to form words feeling even more stupid then before. "He said you was not away on club business he said that I was just pussy to you and you was out doing other pussy." He drops his hold on my chin and turns his back on me running his fingers through his hair "fuck woman, why do you listen to him, he's trying to get into your head."

He walks towards the door and opens it "stay fucking here." He growls out at me not once looking in my direction. I panic as I go after him "Lucifer please" I call to him he turns around pointing his finger at me his face shows nothing but rage "I told you to say fucking there, I've got more shit too deal with" he spits out as he turns around and walks down the steps taking two at a time. I walk quickly towards the railing as I follow him with my eyes across the compound. Standing out the front of the broken and rundown bar is Rick and with Rick is Bear. Lucifer stalks towards them each step screams purpose, I hold my breath as I watch him walk straight up to Bear raise is fist and punch him straight in the face.

Gasping my hands fly to my mouth as I watch Bear fight back, he's huge compared to Lucifer and I worry for a split second about his safely. The music in the bar is turned off as the men empty out of it to find out what all the composition is about. Rick attempt to pull the two guys apart as they attack each other. I wince as I watch them fighting full on this is nothing like what Lucifer and my father did. This is real, way more real, Sargent pulls Bear back as Rick tries to keep Lucifer from hitting out again. "Keep her fucking name out of your mouth, don't speak to her, don't think of her don't even look in her direction again you hear me" Lucifer shouts so loudly that I can hear him crystal clear all the way up here.

A few of the men look up towards me, but I'm too scared to look away, my fathers eyes land on me and he shouts out the words "party is over boys, meeting tomorrow morning, don't be fucking late" he shoved Bear into The Bar and Rick pulls Lucifer towards the motel. I swallow sharply as his eyes land on mine he still looks mad as hell and I'm unsure of what to do. "Go to bed Harley" Uncle Rick calls up to me I nod my head as Lucifer's eyes leave mine. Turning towards the motel room I glance one more time at him as Rick leads him into the lower rooms. Into his old room and I sigh. What have I done.

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