Thirty Three

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I'm not sure how long it's been, I woke up tied to a tree. These ropes are thick and very tightly tied around my ankles and throat. My hands are also bound in front of me. My body aches and the pain is almost becoming second nature, I find it does not hurt as much if I keep still. Tho breathing is becoming an issue it's like I'm living on a thin line of strangling myself every time I take a deep breath so I limited myself to short shallow breaths. The sun has long since set and my body is becoming extremely cold from the lack of movement and the cool wind the trees bring. I know exactly where I am, I've only seen trees like this in one place.

The light from the man made fire flickers just out of reach for me to feel any heat from it, the Riverside Bikers all sit around it drinking and chatting amongst themselves. The reality of my situation sank in a while back, I was screwed I knew this and I was living off pure adrenaline and willpower at this point. My body hurt so much but I knew I just needed to hold on, I needed to give them time to find me, I just did not know how much time I had. Dried blood had spread across my legs that were barely covered by my torn and ripped jeans. My hair was matted from more dried blood, where I had hit the van and split it open.

My father must know by now that we where missing I only hope that he find Lucifer's body, just thinking that makes me feel empty inside. Lucifer, he was out there bleeding out dying and I can't do anything but sit here and do nothing. I should have fought harder I should have done something more. Everything is eating away at me inside and I feel it rising up my throat as bile slips from my lips. I tilt my head to the side so I don't throw up on myself. A little slashes over my arm, the ropes making it difficult to move very far. The pain is burning with each retch of my empty stomach.

"Discussing, sitting her watching you make me feel dirty" Daniels dark words greet my ears and I ignore him. I have very little interest in hearing what he has to say. "To think I used to screw you, every night that used grimy pussy, it's even more used now" he smirks. I turn my head to look at him resting my head back against the tree trunk. "I don't remember, I was too drunk to remember you, good job really could not feel anything from your small shrivelled up cock." My voice is horse, my throat scratchy but I show no emotion as I say the words that make him sneer at me. "Watch your mouth before I let my boys fill it, then you will be saying more then cock you will be feeling it down your throat."

He stands up and throws some leaves at me before he undo his jeans and whips out his small shrivelled cock. He starts to urinate just to the side of me. I look away the smell of piss is not a pleasant one. Then he covers himself but before he walks away he backhands me around the face making my head whip to one side. I grunt from the impact my eyes closing as I bite my tongue to not scream out I know it's what he wants. He wants to see me break, I will not give in too him. "You did everything I wanted, you made them love you, now that I have you." He tuts grabbing my chin in his dirty hands and forcing me to look up at him.

"Now you belong to me to do with as I please, not that I would want to fuck you, not anymore" he smirks as he spits in my face. I feel his saliva drip down my cheek, my eyes stay the same lifeless. I mentally tell myself to not break reminding myself it's what he wants. He laughs pushing my face away and walks back over towards the fire pit he grabs a beer and joins in with chatting to the other men. I close my eyes lifting up my arm. To wipe his spit away on the sleeve of my jacket.

My eyes closed as sleep was getting ready to take over my body I'm slowly running out of adrenaline and the pain was getting worse, for a split second I wonder if death would be better then this. Liquid splashed over my face forcing my eyes open, gasping as Daniel stand over me beer bottle in hand as he pours it over my face. It stings my open cuts and makes me hiss out. This gives him satisfaction his eyes widen in joy as he laughs. "You don't get to sleep, you have to stay awake, so you can watch as I take daddies life" he smiles his eyes manic. "I've already taken Lucifer's pathetic life, man was weak, two bullet" he smirks I tried to hold it back but a single tear slid from my eyes.

"Ah, there it is, not such a tough bitch after all are you babe" he laughs "fuck you, I can't wait to watch you beg for your pathetic life" I spit at him as I let my eyes burn hatred towards him. "You see, you won't live long enough babe, when I'm finished stripping daddies skin from his body as I make you watch. I'm going to let my boys have you till your begging for death." I look away from him, just looking at him makes me feel sickness inside. "You enjoyed it so much last time, I know you remember it clearly" he laughed.

"I will let you into a little secret babe, I sent him to see you, I told him to fuck you, that's how he was going to get his patch" he smirked. My eyes shoot to his and I see it, his twisted mind is telling the truth. He sits down on a fallen tree log in front of me, he pulls out a knife and plays with the sharp point of it. "You hit him pretty hard but not quiet hard enough to kill" I swallow hard listening to his words. "He was still alive, but I finished the job for you, I've known for a very long time who you are and with you taking the prospects life that was very useful to me." My heart starts to beat quickly inside my chest "you, you killed him not me?"

He smiled his eyes showing pure evil "I finished what you started, we killed him, and I used his murder to my advantage, I knew you was the daughter of the infamous leader of the WC, I wanted their land, it's good ground for trafficking." He shrugs like his confession was no big deal, "when I heard your mother had died and that you went searching for your daddy I knew it would be the most perfect time to take what belongs to me." I breathed deeply ignoring the pain of the ropes pinching at the skin around my neck.

"It all fell into place, everything is going just as I planned, daddy will come looking I will kill him and then I will eliminate every WC member that gets in my way. One by one they will all drop" he smirks as he stands up, he hums to himself "I've got the advantage here babe, I can see and hear them coming" he laughs more loudly as he walks away. Panic and dread fill me, I knew he was right you can hear and see everything out here and been in the trees it was much easier to hide. I also knew my father would come looking for me and he would not think twice about his own safety.

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