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I wake up and roll over in bed expecting to hit someone but I don't. Peeling my eyes open I look over to my left and he's not there. My room has currently become our room. It has less damage so Lucifer has been crashing with me, I can't say I'm not grateful I feel much safer with him here next to me every night. It's been two days since the Riverside Bikers showed up, he told me last night that I'm in what they call lockdown or as I like to call it prison. I literally can't go anywhere without one of the men following me everywhere.

Currently it was Matt he had been put on babysitting duty he jokingly told me. Matt I could cope with but when Sargent asked Bear to watch me well that was hell for me, the guy can't stand me for some reason. I roll over and stand up and it hits me, cramps, bending over I clutch my stomach with my hands. "Shit" I curse out, "not now Mother Nature" I groan as I quickly walk into the bathroom and grab my tampons from under the sink. Opening the box I curse yet again and it's like karma is coming to bite me in the ass. I have two left that will not last me. Oh god I'm going to have to go talk to my father and explain to him I need tampons when I've already meant to have brought some. Kill me now.

Cleaning myself up and grabbing some clothes to throw on I curse the sun for been out on full blast today. I'm sweating and I'm in pain, I'm hungry and not in the mood to wear these tight ass clothes because they make me feel hotter. I just want to stay in bed and watch a movie as I eat my ice cream and grumble about the joys of been a woman. I walk slowly across the car park taking my sweet ass time not by choice tho, the pain is bad this time and I thank Mother Nature again in my mind. I ignore all the guys that are outside as I head into the half fixed bar. Lucifer is talking away to Tracker, his eyes scan over me with a little concern in them but I wave him off as I walk over to Matt who's counting the surviving bottles that are on the shelf.

"Hay Matt, are there any painkillers around here" I lean against the bar as I wait for him to reply to me. He shakes his head as he writes something down on the paper then he reaches for a bottle of whisky and holds it out to me "it what these guys use for pain." He smiles at me and I frown rolling my eyes and turn away from him. "Lucifer is heading into town ask him to grab you some" he calls out to me and I smile a big wide smile "oh I could kiss you thank you Matt" I hug him awkwardly over the counter then twist around expecting to see Lucifer still chatting away to Tracker but he's not. Tracker is seated at a booth typing away on a laptop and I panic. Please don't have already left "Tracker where is Lucifer?" He looks up from the keyboard and nods towards the front door "he's going into town."

I screech out loud as I dart for the door regretting my choices as my cramps start up again but I have no choice I can't miss him. Soon as I shove the door open I slam into a hard body arms shoot around my waist steadying me so I don't fall flat on my ass. "Easy there Princess" I sigh hearing his voice "thank god you have not left." I look up into his eyes taking a step out of his hold it's too damn hot for that, "miss me already?" He smirked, I shake my head "what no, I need to come with you into town." He shakes his head "nope I've got things to do I can't be keeping an eye on you the whole time." He goes to walk around me and back into The Bar but I grip hold of his arm digging my nails in.

"Please Lucifer I would not ask if it was not important" I beg him I sound pathetic but I need this. He sighs turning his body around to face me "just tell me what you need and I will grab it." I think this over and if it's the best I've got I will take it. "Fine, I need some painkillers" he nods and goes to turn away making me pull on his arms again. "Ice cream, I want the chocolate one tho and not that cheap tasting one the good stuff, oh and some chips, the spicy the better." He raises his brows at me and I shake my hand in his face "and tampons." I finish my list of for him with my last words spoken he pales and takes a step back from me "go wait in the truck." I drop my hold from his arm and spin on my heels "ok I will see you there" I smirk as I walk over to the truck with a little more pep in my step.

We pull up to the supermarket the ride is silent I spend most of it holding my stomach as waves of cramps assault me. Lucifer looks extremely uncomfortable as he was driving. As he gets out of the truck I bring my legs up to my chest placing my feet on the seat. I don't move an inch as I feel like Godzilla is trying to break out of my pussy. My door is pulled open the heat from outside hits my skin "what are you doing" Lucifer questions me and I grit my teeth as I look up at him "cramps" I snap. He takes a step back scratching the back of his head "did you really need to shout it out for all to hear?" I roll my eyes at him "I'm a woman Aden this is perfectly normal, anyway you should be grateful at least you know I'm not pregnant."

He looks like I just slapped him across the face, he swallows and breaths heavy. "Wait here I will grab you some painkillers" he closes the door and quickly walks away. It's like he could not get away from me any faster. I close my eyes leaning me head back on the headrest as I wait for him trying to keep my breathing under control. I might be a woman and periods should be second nature for me but I'm really bad with pain, I can't handle the stuff. By the time he gets back the cramps have eased off a little but I take the painkillers anyway swigging them down with a bottle of water he gave to me. "Thanks" I say feeling a little guilty that I had snapped at him.

We walk around the supermarket, I'm pleasantly surprised at the items it has to offer. Lucifer stoped  at the meat section putting big joins of beef, pork and whole chickens into the cart he pushes. I take my time scanning over the fresh bakery the smell of just baked cookies has my mouth watering. I grab a family size pack and slip them into the cart, Lucifer raised his brows at me but says nothing about it as I smile at him. I pay very little attention to what he throwing into the cart only looking at the items on the self, when I come across some extra hot chips my mouth waters, I grab two bags tossing them in next. "I will be right back" I call out to him as I spot the frozen section of the supermarket "don't go far" he shouts out to me.

My eyes scan over all the delicious ice creams just sitting there waiting to be sunk into with a spoon and scooped out. I run my fingers along the glass as I look each one over. "Just pick the one you want Harley" I jump as I look over my shoulder Lucifer smirks at my reaction I did not even hear him approach me. "I can't choose" I admit he sighs as he pulls the freezer open and grabs the biggest triple chocolate swirl ice cream I smile because honestly it's the one I was more tempted by. He places it in the almost full cart and my eyes almost pop out as I look down at it. How long was I looking at ice cream for. "Come on" he calls as he pushes the cart down one more section of the store. Toiletries are lining the self's and I smile inside, last time I came looking for these I had been in the wrong store.

He smirks at me as I pull item off shelf, lotion, body scrubs, shampoo and conditioner, tooth paste I was almost out. Then I reach the tampons I grab two boxes one heavy flow and one light. Throwing them in the cart with the other stuff. I spot the condom section as he goes towards the checkout, I grab a box of them and slip them in the cart too. He smirks as he sees the condoms I've chosen "magnums" he sounds proud, almost like he's patting himself on the back. I smirk back at him "yeah though that Matt would appreciate that too." It takes him a few seconds to register my words and he spins around looking at me like he's going to kill. I giggle as I back up and he smirks and he steps towards me "oh you thought that was funny did you." I giggle as his arm shoot around me and he pulls me to his chest "I'm sorry" I say knowing I'm screwed as his hands go to my sides. "don't tickle me I'm in pain" I beg him. Instead he slaps my ass and let's me go as he shakes his head.

Lucifer checks out handing me my small bag of items and tells me to go wait in the truck as he picks up some packages from the post office. Of corse I was not going to argue with him it was much cooler in the truck with the AC on. And his truck was not old so the AC was like a minute freezer, it would keep my ice cream cool. Taking the keys from him I jogged over to the truck as he turned and slipped into the post office. As I rounded the corner I come to a stop next to his truck was a motorbike, and leaning against that bike was Daniel. I froze looking around for somewhere to hide but he spotted me before I got a chance to do so.

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