Thirty One

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It was much cooler in the woods, when I woke up this morning I was freezing cold. It probably did not help that Aden had hogged all the blanket last night. We are currently back on the road, riding slowly towards the tree line so we can go back to the compound. It was nice to spend some time to ourselves but I could not lie I was in need of a hot bath and a change of clothes. Lucifer promised me that next time I came here it would all be fixed up. It was a beautiful place and very isolated and I liked that. It made a change from a busy city that I lived in back home.

Speaking of home I was as not even sure if I was ever going to go back there, maybe to collect a few items that I owned but to live, hell no. I giggled at my own thought causing Lucifer to turn his head and look at me. "Nothing" I sigh happily, wrapping my arms around him tighter and snuggling in. He picked up more speed as we cleared the tree line, and I smiled feeling the sun hit my skin. Crazy as it seemed even the air out here in the dirt filled desert seemed to smell different. I felt him relax now that we where back on the main road, where he could cruise along the only road back into town.

It had not been long since we had started to go a little faster when I heard it, he heard it too because he shot a single look over his shoulder before he turned fast and picked up speed, on instinct I held onto him tighter. There were more bikes coming up behind us, I could not turn fully and see who it was but by the tensing of his muscles and the speed of the bike between our thighs. My gut twisted up, it had to be bad. "Hold on Harley" he shouted out and I did just that, I sunk my nails into his leather covered chest.

It sounded like a sharp whistle noise at first and then the loud bang as gunfire went off. I screamed shoving my face into his back as my body started to shake out of fear. I had been here before but this time I had nowhere to hide, this time I was fully exposed to the bullets that where flying in our direction. "Fuck" I hear it connect as he cursed out, risking a glance upwards I turn my head and right there I see his arm, his t shirt ripped open and wetness seeping through the dark material. "Aden" I cry out in panic he's been shot. "I'm ok Princess just keep your head down."

He twists the accelerator harder causing the bike to lurch forward as we pick up more speed. My legs have turned into jelly, my whole body is shaking, I've never been this scared before. Then I hear them coming up close again more bullets been fired off and the sound of them embedding in the dirt around us it terrifying. The sound of metal been ripped open greets my ears, it almost feels like it happens in slow motion. One minute I'm clinging onto Lucifer and the next we are both tipping to the side, the bikes been hit with a bullet and we fly off the road.

My scream sounds strangled as the impact of me hitting the dirty gravel knocks the wind out of me. Pain shoots through my side as I loose my grip of Lucifer, the bike pining me to the ground as it drags me over the surface. Hitting my head hard I see black dots in my vision, I come to a sudden stop pinned underneath the bike. My breathing is coming out fast and sharp as panic sets in. I'm trapped unable to move and it hurts everywhere but mostly my leg. I can feel my jeans become sticky and I know I've got some damage to my body. The pain is almost too much for me to handle and I try to reach up with much difficulties to remove the helmet from my head.

After pushing it off and to one side things seem to be less foggy to hear. "Lucifer" I call out quietly hearing movement sounds like something been dragged through dirt. "I'm here Princess" I hear him just to my right turning my body hurts but I managed to turn my head slightly. Seeing him crawling through the sand towards me. He looks pretty beaten up himself blood dripping from his forehead, dirt stuck to his clothes. I'm still happy to see him alive tho "shit baby" he curses when he kneels next to me and I blink looking up at him, the sun is bright in the sky blinding me. "It hurts" I cough, "my leg it's stuck" I try to push at the heap of metal that is the mangled bike off my lower body.

"Keep still, let me get it off, it's going to hurt tho Princess" I nod my head biting into my bottom lip as he lifts the bike slowly off me. My eyes shoot open wide from the pain, I gasp as the air leaves my lungs just to be filled instantly again as I breath in sharply. He shoved it to one side and the pain easies off my body relaxes just a little as the weight of the bike is removed. He standing up now bent over me shielding the sun as he looks down at my body. Then I hear it again the dreaded sound of one single gunshot. Lucifer stubbles forward at the sound of its impact. His eyes looking pained and then he drops to his knees.

I panic as I watch it all happen the silhouette of someone els walking up to us as another gunshot goes off. I scream out as Lucifer groans from the second impact. He falls forward face first into the ground and I reach out for him. Ignoring my own pain I push my body along the dirty dirt till I reach his, placing my hand over his leather covered back where I feel wetness. I gasp knowing it's blood without even seen it. Then hands pull me from the ground I scream out in both pain and panic. I try to fight them off but he holds onto me roughly "now now Cherry, you're just going to piss me off." His words sink into me and new fear washes over my body.

I don't stop fighting him as he drags me away from Lucifer who not moving, "Lucifer!" I scream with everything I have as I use my half good leg to kick out. "Shut up bitch" I feel the impact of his hand slap me around my face and I gasp from the sting of it. I'm turned loosing eyesight of Aden's body that's unmoving. I cry salty tears that slide down my face, he's not moving. I'm been carried as my body becomes limp from shock and pain. When I look up and see a white truck the side doors been slid open I know this is it for me. In the split second I decided, do I give up or do I fight.

Ignoring all the pain in my body I kick out one last time waving my arms and my hands connect with his face, digging my nails into him I claw at his skin. Daniel cursed at me shoving me roughly into the back of the van. "Fucking bitch" his hand wipes at the bloody line on his cheek and I smirk. "Fuck you" I scream at him and his fist flying towards my face is the last thing I see before I fall backward and blank out.

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