Thirty Two

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Lucifer's POV

"Shit" my back is burning from pain. I groan as I attempt to get up but can't move from it hurting too much. "Them assholes" I know I've been shot, it's not my first time and I know it won't be my last, I'm not dying here. Gritting my teeth I shove my hands into the ground pushing myself up to my knees, my head spins from the pain and I'm sure the blood loss. My cuts sticking to my back, I lift my hand up and feel my chest nothing, no exit points. Meaning the fucking bullets are still inside me. I can breath well enough so no vital organs have been hit, I smirk dickheads can't even kill someone correctly. Harley.

"Fuck" I look to my side where I had last seen her, she was not there "Harley!" I shout out and nothing comes back to me. Shoving myself to my feet I wobble from side to side gritting my teeth from the pain and my dizziness. "Harley" I shout out again and I wince, inside I know she's not out here, I know she's gone. I dig into my pocket and pull my battered phone from it. The screen cracked but it still has a little life in it. I go to my contacts, and press call over his name, he's going to murder me.

As I wait for him to answer I stumbled passed my recked bike. Not even sending it a second glance it's nothing to me right now my number one is my woman. "Lucifer, you on your way back brother" Sargent grumbles down the phone he sounds like he's only just woken up. "They have taken her Prez" I breath out as I look down to the ground. I see a small amount of blood a line of little droplets. I stumbled as I follow it through the sand. "What you fucking mean they have taken her" he shouts down the phone making me pull it back from my ear for a second.

"The RS, they shot at us on the way back, they have taken her" I wheezed out, my vision is becoming blurry. I push myself forward tho as I near the road, "I told you to protect my little girl, I told you" I cut him off "I know I fucked up, shit." I sink to my knees falling to my side. My breathing is more like gasps now, "Lucifer, you been hit brother?" Sargent sounds more worried then angry now. I open my mouth "two, just a few miles away from the dinner" I breath out as I close my eyes. I've lost a lot of blood it's making me blank out. I can faintly hear Sargent shouting "hold on, we are coming." Before I fully blank out, loosing grip of my phone I hear it thud to the ground.

Faintly hearing the distant sound of bikes I try to even out my breathing. I'm laying on the side of the road, the hot sun burning my skin. I can feel the wetness of the blood dripping from my back. Mother fuckers might just kill me yet, I think in my mind. Everything's feeling heavy, I can't open my eyes I'm just barely breathing at this point. I think about her, I think about my Princess, she keeps me going. I remember last night the beautiful woman who lay sleeping in my arms as I watched her, her golden brown hair laying loose over the skin on my chest. I think about her, about her love for me and my love for her.

"Lucifer, brother" I hear Ace drop to his knees next to me. I hear Sargent giving out orders as someone pulls my cut from my body. I can't fight I can't move I'm just barely breathing. "Stay with me" is the last thing I hear before I pass out yet again.  My eyes fly open as pain assaults my body, I'm been lifted and carried over towards a truck it's my truck and as I'm placed in the truck bed I stop Matt behind the wheel. "Fuck up my truck prospect I will kill you" I grumbles out as I cough. Ace laughs "he's still with us boys" I wince as he pushes on my back. "Suck it up brother it's going to sting like a bitch till I get these slugs out of you" I nod my head trusting his words.

He was a medic in the army before he got discharged, I take deep breaths in as Matt pushes down on the pedal. "Easy their prospect, let's get him back in one piece" I groan with every small bump in the road. My eyes start to feel heavy again the sound of bikes coming up behind us and passed up as they race ahead make my head spin, it's loud.
Ace slaps the side of my face soft "no brother, keep them eyes open come on look at me." I peel them open and stare at him like I could kill, he smiles that knowing look on his face "you will thank me for it later."

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