Twenty Seven

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The hot water beats down over us as I rest my forehead against his chest. My breathing only just starting to come back to normal after the mind blowing orgasm he just gave me. His fingertips follow the droplets of water as they run down my back. I can hear his heartbeat slowly coming down from its erratic beats. "Turn around" he whispers to me and I follow his soft order watching as he reaches for the shampoo bottle to wash my hair. His fingers rubbing against my scalp in little circular motions. It's soothing and my shoulders relax as I close my eyes.

He takes his time to wash my body slowly running the sponge over every intimate fold, I watch him as he kneels in front of me his eyes focused on what he's doing. His hands all foamed up with soap. It's erotic to my eyes even if we had just had sex I can feel my lust for him build up yet again. When he stands up looking satisfied with his work I repay the favour. Washing his body for him, he watches me, his eye burning into my face. As I drop my my knees his cock twitches standing half erect and I lick my lips as I look up at him. His eyes hold want but I can tell he is not going to force me into it. "Come here" he nods upwards and I stand to my feet, "speak to me Princess, what on your mind."

I knew he could tell something was off with me, I had been in my own world before he had joined me in the shower. "I think I should tell my father the truth" I confess to him and his hands still their movements as he was rubbing them up and down my arms. His eyes focus on mine and he breaths out deeply "it's not advices babe, the trouble that could bring." He closes his eyes for just a second and I can almost hear the clogs of his brain moving. "If you told Sargent the truth, and I mean everything no more secrets, it would bring nothing but death." I swallow at his words looking down at our feet that stand toe to toe.

"I'm scared Aden, I can't keep hiding thing anymore, with the police been around and the constant attacks on everyone, maybe if I just told him the truth then" I swallow unsure of what would happen then. "Then, your father would go looking for him, do you know what he would do to the man that threatens his only child, he's sweet daughter who he's spent the last nineteen years searching for?" I close my eyes as I shake my head leaning into him. His hands wrap around me as he pulls me in closer. "He would kill him Harley, he would not care about the consequences of his actions, he would find him and kill him where he stands with witnesses and all."

I cry as I wrap my arms around him, "don't cry Princess, I'm only telling you this so you understand, your pops can't find out about this. I'm dealing with it babe." He lifts up my chin so my head titled upwards our eyes meet "I need you to trust me Harley, can you do that?" Nodding my head "I do trust you Aden" he smiles as he leans down and kisses my lips softly "good, now come on my balls are turning into prunes from all this water." He winks at me as he turns and steps out of the shower. Turning off the water I step out following after him. He wraps a towel around his waist as I wrap one around my body and use a second to quickly hand dry my hair.

As he walks back into the bedroom I turn towards the mirror in the bathroom looking at myself as I apply a small amount of make up on. "Babe, you seen my belt anywhere?" I chuckled remembering last night "have you checked under the bed" he chuckles back as I watch him sink down to look under it. He reaches under and pulls it out he winks at me through the mirror before he slips in through the hoops on his jeans. As I finish apply products to my curling hair that's always dried with a natural wave to it. I pop my cherry red lips together as I look in the mirror and turn to leave. He is seated at the end of the bed slipping his boots onto his feet, still shirtless but his cut lays neatly besides him.

Digging through the wardrobe I pull out my clothes of choice something I know he will love and hate at the same time. I'm feeling a little frisky tonight, might be all the sex I've been having lately. Dropping the towel that around my body I slip my red lace thong on, I hear him breath in, I know he's watching me. The heat is burning into my ass. Next I pull my leather booty shorts up my legs and fasten them at the front, after that is my red lace bra it barely covers anything up and I giggled inside hearing him groan. I turn to face him as I walk over to the bed I left my cropped top there earlier before I heard his bike coming and I jumped into the shower.

I refuse to look in his eyes because one I enjoy teasing the hell out of him and two I know if I did I would cave in. "Harley" he groans as I slip the white crop top over my head it shows my belly button off and it's extra see though. "Yes " I purr as I turn around showing off my outfit "don't you like it?" His eyes darken as he runs his hands over his face my eyes dart down for a second and the bulge in his pants tells me he likes it a lot. "You can't wear that baby, I'm going to be beating the men of you" he groans out and I place my hand on my hip "but I like it" I moan. His eyes gloss over as he looks me up and down once more time "I like it too Princess, but cover up" I shrug my shoulders as I walk back over to the wardrobe.

I hear him stand up off the bed as he shoves a shirt over his head. I dig around on the shelf and pull out my knee high boots giggling to myself I slip them on. Then turn around as he slips his arms into his cut. "Covered up" he turns to look at me with a smile on his face that drops and his eyes widen, he licks his lips as his eyes travel over my body and down my leather covered calf's. "Fuck babe, I'm screwed, come on" he grumbles as I smile fight off my laughter, he hold his hand out to me and I link my fingers with his.

We walk into the bar together our hands still firmly together, well he hold mine with a death drip. I can still hear him grumbling about my choice of outfit and inside I'm dancing with happiness at managing to win this one. He always wins our teasing games and the fact that I won I'm treasuring this moment. The moment we walk inside the guys turn to look at us some have there eyes pinned on me with desire other look at Lucifer with fear. He purposely pulls me into his side and he drags me threw the bar, I was expecting him to go for a drink but he pulls me towards the back rooms. I'm forced to half run to keep up with his speed.

I giggle when we enter the kitchen "not thirsty" his eyes zero in on me and he drops his hold and turns to give me a death glare. "No babe, I'm hungry tho" he licks his lips as his eyes dark between my legs and I feel myself becoming wet. He smirks at me as he turns back towards the kitchen and goes over to the fridge "you hungry" he calls out as he digs around inside it. "Starving" I reply hearing the lust filled edge to my voice he laughs out shaking his head. "There is nothing in here, it's like I had not recently gone shopping, what does Matt do with it all" he huffs as he digs around inside.

Shaking my head I walk over towards him hearing my heels click off the hardwood floor. "Let me look" I tap the side of his arm as I try to scoot passed him. Looking inside I shrug he was not far from telling the truth, there was not much but leftovers and pizza that looked like it had seen the best of days. Then I spot some slices of meat towards the back that had a good date on them. Pulling them out I place them on the counter and grab some salad leaves and the mayonnaise. "How does a sandwich sound?" I ask him he grumbles "sure better then nothing babe, thanks."

Pulling open the bread bin I grab a large bread roll and cut it open, slapping some mayonnaise and mustard onto each side, then I layer the salad leaves and some red onions topping it off with the sliced ham and some pickles I found on the top shelf of the fridge. Closing the sandwich up I cut it so the large roll made two sandwiches. One bigger half and then my smaller half, he was a big guy he needed way more food then I do. Placing each half onto a disposable paper plate I bring it over to him placing it on the table, then I go back to the drinks cooler that sat next to the fridge and grab two beers.

His eyes follow my movements as he takes a bite from the sandwich. He groans "this is good Princess" he takes a much larger bite licking his lips after. I smile proudly as I sit opposite him after I clean up the small mess I made and dig into my own sandwich. It was good, "lucky bastard" I hear someone call out from behind me where the door to the kitchen is. Lucifer stops mid bite into his food and looks over. He smiles wildly at the new face that I've never seen before. I lower my food as I watch him get up and walk over towards this guy they give each other what I can only describe as a bro hug. "Fuck, brother when did you get into town" they pull away from each other smiling like maniacs.

My eyes scan over the patch on his jacket and it does not read Wolf Creek, it reads Hells Gate. I frown turning to pick up my drink "words gotten out that Riverside are here, you know me always up for a fight" I swallow choking on my beer it splutters from my lips and I quickly grab a napkin to clean it up. "Harley stay here" Lucifer orders me as he nods towards the outside of the kitchen. I hear the door swing close and the muffled voices off Lucifer and this new guy talking away. Inside I panic if word had really gotten out about riverside been here, who els was going to show up. More people means more risk of someone find out my secret.

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