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It had been a few days since I had fallen asleep in Lucifer's bed. I was currently stood inside the small kitchen that I had finally managed to find. Matt the prospect was cooking away on the gas top stove. Frying bacon from the smell of it, and I have to say it smelt pretty damn good. I was sat next to the small utilities corner where a washing and dryer machine sat next to each other. I was starting to wonder where all these guy had washed their clothes, I was running very low on clean underwear so that left me in my current predicament of having to go comado. The feel of denim on your naked ass was not one I wanted to experience ever again.

With the warm cup of coffee in my hands I watched as Matt expertly moved around the kitchen like he was a natural, it was very impressive I must say. "You want some of this Harley?" He looks over his shoulder at me and I nod my head "damn right that smells amazing." He chuckles but had a proud look on his face as he cracks eggs into another frying pan. Men start to pile into the kitchen area taking a seat at the large dining table that's placed in one area. The ding of the dryer goes off informing me that my clothes where finished drying. Jumping from the barstool I walk over to the sink and drop my cup into it. Then I head back over to the dryer "foods up guys" Matt calls out and I hear the commotion of what sounds like a hundred men all dive into the small area at once.

Blanking it out I get on with removing my clothes from the dryer, and folding them neatly, I'm half turned to the guys. Focusing on what I have to do, with each item folded I place it into one of the baskets and move on to the next. Someone clears their throat and I turn around to find Sargent scratching the back of his head as he looks over at me. "Morning" I smile at him holding a item of clothing in my hand he looks anywhere but at me a look of uncomfortableness on his face. I frown as I look around the room, most of the men are eyeing me up and that when it clicks. I laugh a real laugh "oh come on guys, it's just a bra" I hold up my underwear in the air placing it against my chest almost modelling it. "I know it looks scary, and I know you have probably never seen one before as most of the woman around here are all about the free boobs experience but don't worry it won't bite."

Matt is the first guy to react he cracks up laughing and soon a few others join in. I smile as I turn around continuing to fold up the rest of my cloths but as I do movement in the doorway catches my eye and it's Lucifer, he shakes his head smirking at me as he walks inside and joins the other men around the table. Soon the sound of mild chatter and forks on plates greets my ears. As I finish up folding my clothes, placing the last item in the basket Matt walks over to me. "I erm put you a plate in the microwave, hope that's ok" he looks nervous as he steps from one foot to the other. I smile at him placing my hand on the side of his arm. "That's perfect thank you Matt, it's very sweet of you I'm just going to drop this off in my room then I will come back for it."

He smiles proudly, looking a little shocked that I had thanked him. It was a little sad to see this poor guy did not seem to be appreciated enough. That was the life of a prospect tho, they had it rough till they graduated. So I did something I probably should not have I leaned in and hugged him in a friendly way, before I walked over to the basket and popped it on my hip. Walking back towards my room so I could drop it off and go eat that delicious food, it smelt amazing and I really was hungry.

I had only just closed the door to my room when it was been pushed open again and roughly shut. I looked over my shoulder at him. His eyes screamed trouble, he looked annoyed. Rolling my eyes I knew that the good vibes between us would eventually come to an end "what is it this time?" I blankly asked as I started to place my clean clothes into my duffel bag. He walked around the room to stand to the side of me and gripped my arms roughly in his hands turning me to look at him. "What the fuck was that in the kitchen then?" I looked confused up at him but I could see he was obviously pissed off about something, raking my brain for all the events that had happened in the kitchen I frown, unsure of what he's upset about.

He saw my bra speech and seemed to think it was just as funny as the other guys so what got his panties in a twist. "What was what" I ask as I tried to shrug out of his hold, this only made him dig his fingers into my skin harder and I winced. "Aden you're hurting me" this made him loosen his hold on me just a fraction but he still held me in place. "Don't play stupid with me Harley, what was that shit in there with Matt, he's pretty much dancing around in the kitchen like he's won the fucking lottery." I roll my lips into my mouth fighting off a smile as realisation sinks in, looking into his eyes I can see he's not annoyed he's jealous and I giggle as I place my hands on his chest.

My laugh throws him off and he steps back away from my touch "don't do that" he growls out and I raise a brow "do what Lucifer?" He takes his eyes off me as he runs his hand through his hair. He looks stressed but I can see he's trying to keep his cool, it's rather sexy to be honest. With his eyes off me I step towards him and place my hands on each side of his face tilting his head to look down at me as I push up to kiss along his tense jaw. "Harley" he warns but the warning is weak as his hands slide to my waist as he pulls me into his body. My tongue trails alone his jawline till I reach his ear and I suck his earlobe into my mouth.

Groaning he cups my ass lifting me up into the air and I wrap my legs around his waist, grinding myself against him. "I'm not interested in Matt, all I want is you" I purr into his ear as I lick and suck on the skin just bellow his ear. He growls out as he drops me onto the bed he looms over me shoving my freshly clean clothes onto the ground as he climbs over me. "Don't test me Princess, if I do hear that Matt has been sliding between these thighs" he shoved my legs apart as he slides his hands painfully slow up my legs. "There will be trouble to pay, you understand me?" He growls out as he wraps his large strong hands around the top of my thighs and pulls me down till I'm spread wide up against him.

Moaning softly I nod my head as I reach for him but he just smirks as he shakes his head from side to side "words Harley." I suck in a breath as I force myself to say what I know he wants to hear out loud, "my pussy is only yours Aden." He smiles in approval nodding his head "good girl now take these off and get on your hands and knees." I don't even argue with him because I need him right now, I'm horny and he can only fix that, and he sure does.

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