Thirty Four

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I lost count of the times I've watched the sun rise and fall, I'm hungry and tired, I'm loosing my battle and my skin is starting to smell on my leg that screams infection. I know it's just a matter of time before my life ends but I almost welcome it, I've suffered long enough and if Daniel is right and Lucifer is dead, I want to be with him. If I'm dead my father will not look for me and then he will also live as well as the bothers. They will all be safe, even Bear, I laugh at my own thoughts. Who would have thought that I would wish that man life after all he has mentally put me through.

My eyes are heavy my mind is shutting down and the sound of Daniel watching me as he craves his knife into the wooden log is driving me insane. I wish he would just get it over and done with. His men are starting to loose their patience I've watched as they have fought with themselves and fought him. I watched as the fights have broken out. They ran out of supplies a day ago and this had put them all on edge including Daniel. It's almost bitter sweet to watch it's kept me going for one more day anyway. But enough is enough if he won't do it I will.

I lean forward feeling the ropes dig deeper into the raw flesh on my neck. I keep going till I'm gasping I hear his feet crunching on the twigs and leaves as he walks over to me and then an explosion so loud makes the earth below me vibrate. It all happens so fast I almost don't see it. My heads shoved roughly back as he grips my hair in his hand, one man drops to the ground and then another. Daniel roughly cuts the rope that is tied around my neck and yanks me to my feet. His men are screaming and shouting out as more explosions go off. My eyes widen as I watch them fly through the air body parts separating before my very eyes.

The feeling of the sharp blade is placed against my throat as I'm pulled backwards. My back is firmly against his chest. "They are here" one man shouts out gunshots and explosions go off all around me. It's almost beautiful to see as body drop to the ground one by one. I can hear Daniel erratic breathing behind me I can almost feel his thumping heartbeat tho it could be my own because in that very moment I see people waking towards us. I blink almost unsure of what I'm seeing, it's my father. He holds a shot gun in his hand as he points it towards a man that hold his very own gun and pulls the trigger. He drops to the ground and my father walks over him putting one more bullet in the guys chest.

His eyes land on me as I watch River, Tracker and a few others punching and stabbing men that run for their lives.  My father drops the shotgun and pulls a handgun from his waistband, he points it towards me but I know he's not aiming for me. I almost smile, just almost because I can feel the blade at my throat cut into my raw skin. I feel the wetness of the blood trickling down my chest slowly "not one more fucking step" Daniel shouts out. "Let the girl go, make this easy on yourself Daniel" Sargent shouts out and Daniels body starts to shake before he laughs out loud.

"Make it easy for you, you mean, I'm not an idiot Sargent, you want her alive if you step any closer I will slit her throat then you can watch us both die." I knew he was not joking he would do it, he had no love for me or my father and if he was going out he would take me with him. I showed no fear as I looked into my fathers eyes he looked back at mine "it's going to be ok sweetheart, you're going to be ok." He held determination behind his words but I had little hope left in me. I scanned around the woods hoping to see him but knowing he was already dead, it had taken them too long to find me. That meant they had not found him in time too.

One tear slipped down my face followed by another tear. I was ready to die now, I was ready to end this suffering. I prepared myself to end my own life on this blade when the sound of his voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "How about I just watch you die" Daniel took in a sharp breath and I could only hear Lucifer not see him. He was standing behind me but his voice was loud and clear he was very close. The sound of a gun been clicked backwards locked and loaded met my ears and the knife at my throat loosened a little. "Drop the knife and we can end this like men, I would much rather take your life with my bare hands then a bullet."

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