Twenty One

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The night was drawing in, the bar was a little more crowded and I found myself sat in the booth snugly in between Sargent and Aden. Lucifer had his arm thrown over my shoulders as I leaned on him. I had one too many drinks and I was halfway to beer heaven. I openly flirted with him having very little shame in my drunken state. He smirked the whole time shaking his head at me when I whispered naughty things in his ear. I was still on my period so I was out of luck but that did not seem to stop my body from wanting him. "Princess" he groans at me as my hands slides down his chest and rest over the obvious bulge in his pants. His hands spreads over mine as he stops me from rubbing on him he kisses my lips lightly as he whispers in my ear "not here."

I grumble as I curl into him hating how responsible he's been right now, he's always up for sexual stuff. Pouting like a child who's been told of I look up at him and he shakes his head kissing me lightly again. He chuckles and I curl into him more feeling the affects of the alcohol starting to sink in. I listen to his conversation with River and Tracker his soothing smooth voice sending me of to sleep. My body weight drops on him and I feel his fingers move my hair out of my face as he kisses my forehead pulling my body in closer to his. I hum lightly as the heaviness of the stress and alcohol make me feel extremely sleepy.

I'm almost fast asleep when the conversation around the table changes peeking my interest. "What are we going to do about Riversides" my breathing hitches for a second but I carry on breathing a little heavier pretending that I'm still asleep. Lucifer runs his fingers over my exposed hip and this soothes me. "We deal with it when the time comes, yes they shot at us first, they made their presents known to us, and with their visit and warning to Lucifer the other day." I can feel my father turn slightly next to me as he looks in this direction "I'm still not happy that you took my daughter out of the compound, I'm just grateful that she was not around when they showed their faces to you."

I'm panicking inside with him talking about it all I did not even know that Lucifer had spoken to him already. Trying to act like I was still sleeping I listen more closely because I was finding it extremely difficult to stay awake. Aden's caressing of the skin at my hip was extremely relaxing. "Should we really be talking about all this with her here" Bear's voice was not one you could miss especially when he seemed to be talking too me or about me. It had an edge to it that said I don't trust. "She is a party of this family boy just like you are" Jim spoke up for me he sounded angry and I almost broke my act of pretending to sleep with a smile.

Jim defended me made me feel so welcomed that I started to think much happier thoughts then the stress about the Riverside Bikers. "We will deal with it, it's not like we have not faced these threats before, we are still standing are we not" Jim spoke loud and proudly. I could hear the authority tone behind his voice and the men grunted in agreement around the table told me that they respected him deeply. Lucifer's chest even rumbled and I snuggle into him more sighing, soon tho real sleep took over me as the conversation around the table turned into bike talk and all the normal crap these guys spoke about.

The light swaying I was doing from side to side had be feeling slightly sick. I groan as I attempt to crawl back into the warmth as a small chill hits my skin. "I feel sick" I groan out and the sway stops "don't throw up on me Princess." His voice floats to my ears as the swaying starts again and I hear what sound like footsteps on stairs. Peeling my eyes open I look up at Lucifer as he looks forward focusing on where he's going. I'm in his arms as he carries me towards the motel room we share I smile at how focused he is. He looks likes he had a few drinks himself and it's sweet that he still carried me instead of making me walk myself. The light is flicked on as he supports me with one arm the other reaching back to close the door.

Placing me softly on the bed I lay on my side and watch him as he strips out of his clothes, sitting up I take my shirt off and slip my legs out of my pants. Letting them thud to the ground he turns around throwing one of his shirts at me and I smirk. He rolls his eyes as he removes his boots then his jeans and crawls into bed next to me. He falls face first into the covers his bare back muscles tensing up as he tries to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I chuckle as I stand up ignoring my spinning head and flick the light switch off. Pulling his shirt over my head I crawl into bed besides him and run my nails down his back. Feeling him shiver under my touch "go to sleep Harley" he warns knowing full well what I'm doing. Biting my bottom lip I roll over and snuggle into the pillow slowly falling back to sleep again.

He breaths heavy down my neck, his body pinning mine to the covers of the unclean bedsheets. I try to wiggle away from him fighting off his huge mass as he thrust into me over and over again. I scream out begging him to stop but he pushes my head into the pillow almost cutting of my oxygen supply. "Shut up bitch, you want this" he grunts and he slams into me. I try to push my legs together but he forces them open his nails digging into the flesh of my thighs. Leaving ugly scratches behind, he brutalises me, uses my body for his own pleasure I feel sickness build in me, and realise the more I struggle the more it hurts. So I stop I just lay there and he pushes deeper inside of me gaining his pleasure as my world comes crashing down. I count in my head trying to distract myself from the torture I'm going through. Then he grunts is body collapsing on top of mine. I cry as he breaths heavy. His breath burning my skin.

I shoot up into a sitting position on the bed, breathing heavy as nightmares plague my dreams. Memories I had fought so hard to forget about flash through my mind again. Turning my head my eyes land on Lucifer's relaxed back, he breaths heavy as light snores leaving his lips as he sleeps peacefully. My body is burning up and I crawl from the bed walking bare foot towards the door. Unlocking it I pull it open and step outside the cool air hitting my skin as the darkness of the sky is only lit up by the moon that is full. I look up at it as I grip hold the railing. The stars twinkle lightly and my breathing calms down, I have to remind myself that part of my life is over and I never have to go back to it. The smell of smoke greets my nose and I turn my head to look for the source.

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