Twenty Six

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The police have been more active around town, I overheard one of the guys saying that they set up a temporary base just by the supermarket. It's worrying me to be honest. I bite my lips nervously as I go threw all the washing that's been dumped in the kitchen. Matt is stood next to me scratching at his neck, "they don't normally bring it all at once" he sighs as he looks at the endless baskets around us. Me on the other hand well I welcome the distraction, "it's fine we can do one at a time." I lift the first set of baskets and place them on the dining table just to make room. "Thanks for your help Harley" Matt says as he helps me carry baskets over, I shake my head at him "no need to thank me Matt, honestly this is giving me something to do."

That was not a lie I was honestly going a little crazy having nothing to do other then watch the bar door for someone to walk threw it or listen for the sound of a vehicle to come down the dirt road. I was more then happy to start doing something around here instead of sitting and feeding off my guilt and issues. These bikers never wore anything bright and colourful so it made sorting each basket easier. Separating the lights and darks I shoved the first load into the washer and added the washing powder. I continued to do this for the next twenty baskets that where stewed around the kitchen area. When one lot had finished washing it went into the dryer and then I helped Matt fold them neatly after I was done loading the next.

Matt was easy to be around he talked very little, only ever bringing up the obvious question and nothing too serious. "So, your from WestOak?" I laugh at how impressed he seemed "I've never been anywhere but Wolf Creek, my family live over the mountains" I nod my head "what are they like?" Looking up at him as I finish folding the last item I had, I wait for him to answer, he looks a little stumped. "I have a sister she's a little younger then me, still in high school, then there is mom, she was a nurse but when dad got sick well she quit her job to look after him. He passed away a few years back now" I can see the sadness behind his eyes even if he's trying to put a brave face on.

Placing my hand on his shoulder I nod towards him "I'm sorry Matt, I know it's not easy, I looked after my mom for a long time when she was sick too" his eyes lift up from the ground as he looks at me we share a look of understanding between us. "I've only just learnt about the town behind the mountains, what's it like?" Matt smiles appreciating the change of subject from the look on his face. "It's different to this, more rules and less control, that's why I like it out here almost feels like I can be free." The look in his eyes says it all, he truly enjoys been out here been a part of the club and it's warming to see it. The ding of the next load of dried clothes pulls us from our chat and we get on with pulling them out and folding them up.

As I go to turn around and get the next load I realise we had already gone through them all. "Well that was the last one" I smile and hold my hand up towards him "we make a great team" he laughs and give me a high-five. "I will take these too their rooms will you be ok here for a few minutes?" He looks unsure poor guys probably worried about the consequences of leaving me alone. "Oh I'm just going to grab a glass of water and sit right here" I point to the dining table as I walk over to the cupboard that holds the glasses and pull one out. I hear the door to the kitchen swing closed as Matt leaves. Signing I sit my ass down on the wooden chair and sip at the water. 

The silence is deafening all that I'm left with are my thoughts as I've got nothing els to do. Doubt starts to creep into my mind, was it a mistake not telling my father about my past. I know Lucifer said I should not tell anyone but Sargent was not just anyone he is my Dad. I'm sure if Lucifer could understand then why would Sargent not. My phone blasted breaking my thoughts and the silence around me, jumping slightly I dig in my pocket for the damn thing. Big Dick flashed across the screen and I rolled my eyes I still needed to change that. Pressing the answer button I held it up to my ear. "Princess" Lucifer spoke his voice holding an edge to it.

"Big dick" I replied back holding in my laughter when he replied "yes that right." I rolled my eyes for real this time "what you doing, also why is the prospect not answering his phone?" I shrugged them realised he could not see me "I don't know, ask him" he sighs "babe come on your not that stupid, how can I ask him if he's not answering his phone, just put him on the phone." Gasping in horror I dramatically reply "you're telling me that you only called me to speak to the prospect, I'm insulted." He chuckled "why would I phone you too annoy you when I get more pleasure from doing that in person." I shake my head by his playful tone "I love the way your little brows squint together when your mad" he add at the end and I bite my lip as his tone turns sultry.

"Lucifer" I moan his name been a little more dramatic on the moan, he groans down the phone just as the kitchen door swings open and Matt walks inside the kitchen looking slightly out of breath "princess, don't do that to me over the phone, you know how difficult it gets riding a bike with a boner?" I crack up inside but keep my tone on the same level "is it hard baby" purring to him. Matt look uncomfortable as he scratches his neck. "Babe" I can hear the warning behind his words "stop distracting me and put Matt on the damn phone woman." I laugh this time, holding the phone out to Matt I mouth Lucifer to him and he quickly takes the phone putting it to his ear.

His eyes go wide as he listens to what Lucifer says to him I can hear his muffled voice from the phone but I can't make out what he saying. It must be bad from the look of Matt's face. Then Matt clears his throat "urm Lucifer it's Matt" I hear silence nothing but silence and Matts bright red cheeks make me even more confused. "Ok I will get on it, sure" he holds the phone back to me. Taking it off his hands I place it too my ear as I watch Matt dig around in his pocket for his own phone. He sighs and leaves the kitchen avoiding my eyes the whole time. "You think that was funny Princess" I'm so confused "what was funny?"

"Oh you passing the phone to Matt as I'm explaining what I want to do to that pussy of yours." My eyes go wide and I burst out laughing "oh my god, that's hilarious, no wonder why Matt turned as bright as a tomato" I crack up laughing down the phone. "You wait till I get back your ass is mine" he threatened me but I know he's only playing, I can hear him struggling to hold his own laugh at the whole situation. After I get my breathing under control I smile "can't wait, I know you're an ass man" I purr before I cut the call off and stand from the table. I know that will get him fired up I giggle.

Walking back into the bar I spot Matt getting it ready. "Sorry about that Matt, I did not know he was still talking to me" I bite my lip as he shakes his head "it's cool, erm they are on their way back I need to get the bar ready will you be ok?" He still won't look me in the eyes and I chuckle "I'm fine Matt I'm going to get a shower will see you later" he waved at me over his shoulder before he starts to stocking the shelf's and I walk towards my motel room, with a little more bounce in my step. Tonight will be a good night.

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