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Lucifer drives us back to the compound, "don't speak a word of this to anyone when we get back, go to your room and wait for me there, I will put everything away and come to you." I looked out the window we were not that far from the compound and I was feeling pure guilt building inside of me. Guilt that I had put my issues on to him and now he was having to face my demons too. I had to remind myself that it had to be done I had to tell him the truth about my past or he would have told Sargent and the others that he thought I was a spy.

"Harley, you listening to me?" I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face I was not in the mood for speaking knowing my voice would crack from all the emotions I was feeling. So I just nodded, then I turned to look out the side window, my cramps had starting to build up again but I welcomed the pain it's only what I deserved. We pulled into the compound and I reached down pulling my bag from the ground pulling out my ice cream I passed it to him and exited the truck. "Harley" he called my name stepping out of the truck I turned to look at him "it will be ok." He said softly to me and I just nodded. Keeping my eyes to the ground I walked towards my motel room, unlocking the door I walked inside and closes it behind myself.

I told myself over and over again I was not going to cry, stripping out of my clothes I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stood under the hot water feeling it wash my body, I scrubbed at my skin till it turned red, memories making me feel dirty. Then I cried, salty tears mixing with the shower water as in ran down my body. I dropped to the ground. Curling up into a ball and cried. I just wanted to feel numb again I just wanted to forget everything but it was flashing through my mind over and over. I pulled at my hair "stop, just stop" I cried out. I heard the shower curtain move but I did not look up.

"Princess" he murmured as he pulled me out of the shower turning it off and wrapped a large towel around my body. He pulled me into his chest and I broke yet again, I sobbed into him, I don't know how long we stood there with him rubbing my back as I held onto him with everything I had. "Come on let's get you some clothes" he whispered to me. He led me into the bedroom sitting me down on the bed and went to find me something to wear. "Here, put this on" he passed me a shirt it was far to big to be mine and I would be correct it belonged to him. I stood up dropping the towel and he cursed "fuck Harley your back." He walked quickly over to me and turned me around his fingers running softly over my skin.

"What is it?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder and up at him. "Im sorry" he bit into his bottom lip looking guilty and I frowned walking back into the bathroom, sure my back hurt a little but I though it was connected to my period. I turned so my back was facing the full length mirror and I looked over my shoulder pulling my hair over my shoulder so I could see better. There travelling down my spine was light bruising and I understood why he felt guilty. It must have been from where he shoved me into the truck. "It's ok Aden, it hardly hurts" I smiled weakly up at him as he stood leaning in the doorway. I pointed to the toilet after I slipped his shirt over my head.

He nodded and closed the door giving me some privacy that I needed. I had to pull myself together, I could not hide in here forever and soon my father would come knocking demanding to see me. Changing my tampon I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I walked back out into the bedroom to find Lucifer seated on the bed waiting for me still. I half expected him to run by now. I walked over to my bag and reached down for some underwear slipping them on I tied my hair up with a scrunchy and walked over to him. Climbing into his lap I straddled him wrapping my arms around his neck. He placed his hands on my hips lifting up his shirt so he was touching my skin.

His touch always seemed to calm me, I have no idea when it happened but I stopped disliking Lucifer and started to enjoy been around him. I needed him in more ways then just sexual, he brought me comfort that I've not felt in a long time. "I need to know what he said to you so I can start making a plan princess" he ran his fingers softly up and down my sides. I nodded my head as I told him everything "he threatened me but you already know that part, he also told me to tell daddy that we are taking over" I breathed in deeply resting my head on his shoulders. As I try to push my encounter with Daniel from my mind. "Is that all he said?" I nod my head into his shoulder and he sighs, "I will make sure Sargent knows about the threat to the club, I will keep you out of it." He kisses my forehead softly and I hum with the feeling of his warmth so close to me.

"We don't know what he wants from you, I guess he's still holding them cards close to his chest for now." I listen to his deep voice as he lays back in the bed pulling me with him so we lay flat. "So for now we just keep acting like normal, my guess is he's got someone watching the town so he knows when our guys leave the compound." I tense up at his words "you think he's watching here" he rubs my back softly avoiding my spine area. "No, it's just open land out there it would be obvious that's why we built here." I turn my head to look up at him and he bends his to look at me. "Aden, thank you" I whisper as we look deeply into each other's eyes. He brushes a loose strand of my hair out of my face and leans in.

I meet him halfway as our lips connect and we share a sweet warming kiss, it's short but holds meaning. "I've got you Princess" he repeats his words from the other day and I melt in his arms because I know he means them. I have no secrets left to hide from him I've told all so when we kiss the second time there feeling behind it, unspoken words and kept promises between us.

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