Twenty Four

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Wrapping my arms around myself I'm feeling extremely cold, even if the sun was out and brightly shining in the sky overhead. I sat with my eyes pinned to The Bar, my butt was numb for however long I had pinned myself to these steps. The compound was silent compared to the commotion that took place in it last night. The sound of feet crunching along the dirt ground made me look over to my right as Billy exits a room and nods towards me as he walks passed and jumps into the work truck. He waved at me as he pulls out of the compound and heads towards the garage. I sigh still feeling a little shaken up by what happened last night I could not get the images out of my head.

I had never seen him that angry, I had never seen him loose it like that not even when he was fighting my father. Sargent was right he was holding back on him. Bear was a big guy the biggest man here but Lucifer hit him like he was a little rock that had gotten in his way. The door to the bar slowly opened and men crawled out looking half awake, some looked like they had not even gone to sleep yet. It was seven in the morning the last time I checked my phone for the time, and that was less then five minutes ago. My eyes stayed pinned to each man that walked out. I was looking for him I needed to see him.

I had not spoken to him since our argument last night, I had spent the whole night alone, with guilt eating away at my insides. I could not get a wink of sleep it just did not feel right not having him next to me. I was scared inside that I would never feel him lay next to me again. I messed up I was stupid for believing Bear, I should never have let him get into my head. Then The Bar door opened again and the sight of him made butterflies flutter inside of me, I shot up to my feet, and ran across the car park towards him.

My body slammed in to his my arms wrapping around his waist my face sinking into his chest. I closed my eyes feeling his body tense up his arms still hanging loosely at his sides "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I rush the words out they sounded muffled to my own ears. Then slowly I felt his body relax as he wraps his arms around me. He pulls me into his body as he sighs I look up at him and he looks down at me. He lifts his hand that I could see has broken skin on his knuckles from where he punched Bear. He lightly brushes my hair out of my face. "I'm sorry" I whisper up at him yet again and his eyes soften "come here" he whispers and I do just that. I step on my tip toes and press my lips to his kissing him with everything I have. Pushing all my emotions into that one kiss.

He cups my face as he kisses me back, rubbing his thumb over my cheeks. He pulls back looking into my eyes. "You look like crap Princess" I chuckle at his words inviting in his playfulness. I also knew he was right I had not gotten any sleep without him. I confess this to him "I've not slept, it's hard to sleep without you" he smirks as he kisses softly over my eyes. "Come on let's get you to bed" he slips his hands down to my shoulders and then the loudest sound I've ever heard makes me jump.

I turn around fast my eyes becoming wide as they look over the endless land towards the direction of the garage. Men come running out of all direction eyes scanning the land where my eyes are pinned. "Fuck, Billy" Rick shouts out as he runs for his bike. I gasp as Lucifer pulls me to look at him. "Billy left this morning heading that way" I stutter the words out. Lucifer's eyes shoot back over towards the cloud of fire that looks like an atomic bomb had been set off. "Matt, stay with her" he turns to call Matt over as he kisses my lips softly but with urgency behind the kiss "stay with him Harley ok" he looks into my eyes as he holds my face in his hands. I nod my head at him and he drops his hold on me as he follows the other men who rush towards their bikes and speed out of the compound in the direction of the fire ball in the sky.

It had been two days since the chaos had started. Men wanted retribution for what had been done to them, Rick was sat by his bedside day and night he rarely left his side. He looked passed the point of been tired as he slept in an old looking uncomfortable chair, Billy was laying in his bed. Eyes closed with burns that covered half of his body. A doctor had to be called out as the club had never dealt with anything like this before. They told us that he would survive but his life would change dramatically. I could see that this was eating away at Rick, he wanted to hunt every riverside biker down and beat them to death with his own hands.

I walked into Billy's room again that morning carrying a tray of food for Rick to eat. A drink of hot coffee and something to ease his hand pain that he was suffering with. He has slight burns on his hands from where he pulled his son from the burning building. He smiled weakly at me as I placed the tray down on the bedside table. I was not sure of what words to use to comfort him, placing my hands on his shoulders I lean my chin on top of his head. "Why don't you go get some rest I can stay with him" I whisper to him as I rub his shoulders softly. He sighs "I can't I need to change his bandages and apply that cream the doc gave us." I nod my head "I can do that" I offer and I would do it just to give him a break. "That's sweet of your darling but I doubt my boy here would want you to see his dick." I chuckle at his words because I'm sure he's correct "your right, but I can sit with him once your finished if you like?"

He turns his head to look up at me and I stand up straight looking into his eyes. He looks sad extremely sad and I wrap my arms around him hugging him tight. "I'm here for you uncle Rick" he stand up and wraps his arm around me, "thanks darling, we need a woman around here" he pulls back kissing me on the cheek "go on get out of here, I've got to clean him up." I nod my head as I release my arms from around him and head towards the door "my offer still stands if you need it" I say to him before I pull the door close behind myself.

Matt stands outside the door giving us some privacy he has not left my side as Lucifer pretty much gave him orders to stay with me. I only see Lucifer on the night times now when he drags himself to bed after a long day off taking care of club business. I don't complain tho I just snuggle up to him. A lot has happened over the passed few days too much has happened. Attacks have been going off everywhere. The Riverside Bikers are hitting everything sometimes more then one place or person at the same time. I was in a constant state of fear that my family might not come back to me one day.

My eyes scanned over the car park as a police cruiser pulled into the compound. I shoot a look over to Matt in shock I did not think that there was any cops around here. "Go get Jim Matt" I tell him as I walk ahead of him and towards the cops. He looks hesitant at first but I throw a look over my shoulder that tells him not to argue. He scurried of towards whatever direction my grandfather was in. I put a fake smile on my lips as I walk over to the police men who are exiting their car. "Hi gentlemen how can I help you" I sweetly say to them slowing my words to sounds more friendly then I normally am.
One police officer looks at me from head to toe clearly not fooled by my act. The other however seems more pleased by my presents.

"Morning mam, we are here to speak with Terry Archwood" he grumbles out his tone sounding bored already. I tilt my head to the side unsure of who he's referring too. Honestly never hearing that name before. "I have no idea who that is, you much have the wrong place" I smile he shakes his head as he walks towards The Bar doors, I move quickly and skid to a stop in front of him. "This is privet property, your going to need a warrant to enter them doors" my happy tone fading as I put my smart brain into action. The police officer looks me up and down "is that so, I could always arrest you for interfering with a police investigation" he throws back at me. I'm shocked he even went there I questioned if I even wanted to get arrested right now.

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