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We both lay naked wrapped in each other's arms the moon is high in the sky and the stars twinkle, I watch them with my head laying on his chest. His fingers run through my hair softly. It's cooler here, the trees create a breeze and I shiver "are you cold?" He asks me and I nod my head "a little" he shuffles underneath me and stand up butt naked. I lean on my side as I watch him paddle bare foot over the wooden floors towards another room. I giggle when he bumps into something in the dark, hearing him curse "fuck." He renters the room not long after caring something large a fluffy in his hands "here, this should help." It's a woollen blanket I move over on the rug that we lay on, as he lays back down besides me and wraps the blanket around both of us. Mostly on me tho he leaves his chest still bare as he folds his arms behind his head.

Resting my head back down on his chest I play with the small amount of chest hair he has. Running my fingers through it "that feels nice" he hums. He sounds so relaxed so at peace, and I feel the same way. Pushing myself up so I am laying belly down and lean on my elbows next to him I look up at his face. Freeing one arms from under his head he pushes my hair out of my face "I'm glade we came out here, just us" I admit to him. He smiles as he runs his thumb over my bottom lip "I'm happy to babe, I want to ask you something."

I wait looking into his eyes he half smiles but looks slightly nervous. I've never seen him look nervous before. "I want you to be my woman" I smile biting my bottom lip "I though I already was." He shakes his head as he leans further up making me change positions so I can see him better. I lay on my side the blankets falling from my exposed chest. His eyes shoot down his fingers tracing a line between my breasts. "I'm mean officially in the eyes of the club" goosebumps form where is fingers caress my skin.

"What does that mean exactly?" He signs laying back down flat on his back I hover over him still leaning on my side. "It means that you will be marked by me, claimed for all to see" he does not look into my eyes as he says these words he looks up into the sky. Placing my hand on his chest I think about my next words carefully "so, you would claim me as in sleep with me in front of the others?" His eyes shoot to look at me his brows squeezing together "hell no." He spits out his arms sliding underneath my body as he pulls me into his side. "Nobody sees you like this but me Princess"

I smile at this side of his possessiveness he's so protective of me. "It means that you would be seen as belonging to me and me alone by all my brothers and anyone outside of the club." I nod my head not really seen this as a bad thing I already see myself as been his, also it would help with all the perverted looks I get from some of the men. "And how does this claiming go?" He smirks at this question looking over at me "you won't like this part babe, it's old fashioned" I frown already knowing I'm going to hate it. "Go on" I encouraging him to continue, "you have to stand in front of all the men and claim that your body, mind and soul belongs to me and as my woman you will obey all my wishes."

I scoff at his words rolling away from him and onto my back looking up at the stars. He chuckles "told you that you would not like it" I agree with him there, don't get my wrong I love him deeply but them words are just not me. "Aden" he rolls onto his side his lips cover mine stopping my next words as he kisses me. "In return you will wear my patch" he whispers against my lips "you will be mine fully and mine alone." I look into his eyes he look more nervous then before. I sigh hating that I'm actually thinking about going through with this. "You will be my made woman" I kiss his lips this time stopping him from speaking.

"Do I get the same promises in return from you, been mine alone?" He smirks shaking his head "it don't work that way baby" I cut him off "bullshit, I'm not sitting at home with you out there doing god knows who, I don't want to catch any diseases from them skanks, I'm not that type of woman Aden I won't put up with you been unfaithful." He smiles wildly at me his teeth on full show "I would never cheat on you babe, god your sexy when your mad." I roll my eyes at him "don't try to change the subject." He laughs as he lays back down on his back pulling me with him so I'm squished up against his side.

"What I did not get to say is, it don't work that way, like I said the club still lives by the old rules it's very outdated. I accept your proposal and then normally the men cheer, it's been many years since a claiming has happened." I go to open my mouth but he covers it with his hand "woman let me finish" he growls playfully and I close my mouth looking at him in a way that say go on then. "But if it means so much to you then yes my body, mind and soul belong to you, and you alone." I smile behind his hand that still is covering my mouth. He looks so honest as he says the words to me looking into my eyes I melt. He removes his hand when I lean into him.

I slide my leg over his waist my body follows as I kiss his chest and then move up to his neck. I sit up looking into his eyes as I straddle him. His eyes look down at my naked body as the blanked falls to just cover his legs. "Ok, I will say it" I whisper as I slowly move my hips on him letting his penis feel the wetness between my legs. He groans but there is a smile on his face a smile that soon vanished as I move my hips harder. "Fuck, babe your killing me" I smirk as I lean forward a little sliding my hands between my legs to grip hold of him. Placing him
at my entrance I push down, siting up at the same time.

Gasping with a breathy moan I ride him my hands flat against my thighs as I raise up and down. His fingers dig softly into my hips his brows scrunch together as he allowed me to continue this slow tortures pace. Each time he slides into me I gasp at how full I feel with him, there is nothing between us it's our first time with no barrier and it feels amazing to be connected to him fully. We are both breathing heavy looking into each other's eyes. He reaches for my hands and links our fingers together I roll my hips and he groans gritting his teeth together. "Aden" I cry out his name he pushes his hip upwards matching each one of my rolls with a thrust.

I see stars all around me, bright lights as I explode around him, he rolls us over so I lay underneath him as he continues to thrust into me, a little harder. I'm still breathing heavy from my orgasm still been fresh and he cursed under his breath quickly pulling his penis out of me as he ejaculates over my lower stomach. I feel his hot seed coating my skin the warm of it instantly cools down in the chilly breeze. His eyes are closed as he leans on his elbows hovering over my body. "I love you" I breath out and his eyes open he half smile half smirks "I love you too Princess." He rolls next to me and I look down at his cum that lays across my body "Aden, what are we going to do about that?"

He looks down at my body smirking then he laughs throwing his head back. "I've got nothing baby, maybe there are some larger leaves out there" he chuckles and I join in with him because honestly at this point I've really got no other ideas. If my mother could see me now she would be shaking her head in disappointment. I'm currently squatting down in the middle of the woods as I pee, the leaf idea worked pretty well, I could see Lucifer not too far from me having his own bathroom break as he stood with his back facing me. I'm still butt naked, as is he, we look like two naturist in the middle of the woods. I giggle as I wait for a few seconds letting myself drip dry and hoping I don't get bit on the ass by something.

Lucifer turns around and looks in every direction before his eyes land on me as I'm bent down, he shakes his head but I can see the large smile on his face. After I think enough time had passed and I feel nothing dripping anymore I stand up, and jog over to him as he stand just by the clearing. "Next time we bring essentials" I complain rubbing on my thighs "squatting for that long to drip dry hurts like a bitch" I confess earning a huge belly rumbling laugh out of him. He takes my hand in his pulling me back towards the cabin "come on before my balls get frost bite." It's my turn to giggle now, we run together back to the cabin and return to our comfy make shift bed.

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