Twenty Nine

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The police cruiser drives passed for the second time in the last thirty minutes. I've been leaning here against Lucifer's truck as he lays on the ground on top of an old looking work mat. He doing some crap to his bike I've long stopped asking questions as I have no idea what half of the words he said mean. "Pass me that spanner Princess" he point over towards a bunch of tools that lay on some torn fabric next to me in the truck bed. I turn to look at them having no idea what the fuck a spanner is. "Erm" I hum out and he chuckles. Pushing himself to his feet he winks at me as he wipes the sweat of his forehead with a rag and pick up one of the tools. "So that's a spanner, note taken" I comment trying my best to keep my cool even tho he's looking mouthwatering right now.

"I will turn you into a biker chick in no time don't worry" he slaps my ass and I shriek out "oh god Lucifer these are my favourite jeans." He left an oil hand print on my ass he only laughs louder at the sound of my despair. Before he bends back down working on something els on his bike. "I will buy you some new ones Princess" I roll my eyes but nod my head in agreement "Dam right, that's not going to wash out" I still have my body twisted in an awkward position as I try to look at my ass over my shoulder. "I could just strip you out of them or you could strip for me" he looks up at me raising his brows as he looks at my ass that I have pointed out.

"Sounds like a party too me" I untwist myself quickly at the sound of the deep voice and look over towards Ace, Lucifer's brother, biological brother the leader of the Hells Gates. "One that you are not invited too" Lucifer calls out and Ace laughs loudly "heard loud and clear bother, she's yours. This one got all you guys wrapped around her finger, even Sargent warned us off her" he looks confused but Lucifer just chuckled "that's because he's her father, could you pass me the screwdriver Harley." I turn around looking at the tools again ok this one I think I knew. I picked up the long pointy thing and turn holding it out towards him. He winks and takes it from my hand I smile proudly at at least getting something right.

"We need to talk brother, maybe the woman can go grab us some drinks" Ace looks over at me expecting me to just happily go along with what he says. Hell no I cross my arms over my chest and lean back into the truck. He smirks at me and Lucifer stands up wiping his hands on the rag "she's not a club whore Ace, she's not going to just bend to what you say" he speaks out. I feel pride in myself as he defends me I smile at him as he walks over to his truck and pulls the door open "no, she is not but she's not a made woman too." There is something in his voice that gives me the creeps when he says this. Lucifer pulls out a pack of smokes from his truck and lights one up. "Not yet she not, she will be" I'm so confused by what the fuck they are talking about that I turn to look at Lucifer expecting answer but get nothing.

"Have it your way brother" Ace says as he pulls out his own cigarette and lights it up. "Sargent thinks it's time for us boys to go, said that the Riverside have not been seen around town now for a few days and our presents is giving the club heat from the cops" Lucifer nods his head his eyes scanning around the area before he shrugs his shoulders "you're telling me this because?" Ace smirks "come on Lucifer you're not an idiot, you know just as well as I do they are hiding out there, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Talk to Sargent get him to change his mind." Lucifer laughs "you think Sargent will listen to me, don't be stupid Ace" with them words said Ace switches his eyes onto me.

"Well maybe I'm speaking to the wrong person after all, maybe I should be talking to the woman, daddy will do it for her." Lucifer steps forward his eyes turning darker "don't even think about it Brother we might have been pushed out of the same pussy, but you stay away from her, I won't be held accountable for my actions if you don't." I swallow not liking where this is heading I need to step in but I know I can't. I can't challenge him again in front of the other bikers not after last time.

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