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I froze to the spot watching as one man stood up and looked over at me, it was like a scene from the movies. His eyes land on me and they go wide, I looked back into his eyes and I saw my own. "Anna" he breathed the words out and walked towards me. Shaking my head I stepped back, holding my hand out in front of me to warm him off. He had called me by my mothers name, I was not shocked we looked so much alike, but we where totally different people. Just hearing him say that name confirmed it for me.

This guy was my father, his eyes where just the cherry on top. They matched my own. "Anna, look at me." He demanded and it made the hairs on my arms stand up on end, I hated been told what to do. So when I looked up into his eyes and I had anger in mine, he took a step back, like he was shocked to see it. Then he shook his head as the shock vanished. "No, not Anna, that's my mother" I say to him the words coming out a little harsher then I meant them too.

I can see his Adam's Apple bobbing up and down as he swallows. Then one word comes out of his mouth "Harley" I nod my head up and down. I was not shocked to know that he knew who I was. After all my mother said she ran with me when I was three so he had known of me for three years. " I though I would never see you again" he admitted as his eyes scanned me over. The words where just a whisper, everything around us had gone quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

He looked at me as I looked at him, he was good looking, even if he was old. Made me understand what my mom must have seen in him. "Ah uncle Sargent , I see you have been introduced to the hotness here" Billy said as he rounded the corner. He slipped his arm over my shoulders and I cringed as I wiggles from underneath it. Not even seconds had passed before he was been dragged away from me by Sargent. "Get your fucking hand off her, have some fucking respect kid, she's your cousin."

I did not know where to look, I could feel all eyes on me. Gapping with interest, I was out of my comfort zone, way out. Considering what my job is you think I would be used to having eyes on me. But I was not, when I was working I become a different person, but here now. It was me that was been viewed like some knew arcade machine. That people looked on with excitement and wonder. I needed to get away so I followed my instincts from earlier. I ran, I walked back the way we had come ignoring the shouting of my name.

Having no idea where I was going to run to but I was regretting ever coming here in the first place. It was a mistake and I was stupid to follow my heart. Everything in my life started to make sense tho, why my mother had warned me about people like this. Why I had this stupid name growing up, it was not a common name in my school and I got bullied for it. I hated it so much that I went by my stage name most of the time, Cherry. "Harley" he grabbed my arms swinging me around so I faced him. "Don't run away from me child." He growled anger evident in his words.

"Where have I got to run too, please tell me Sargent" I spit his name at him and he flinched back at my words. "You don't talk to me like that, I'm your father, so treat me with respect" he spat right back at me and I flipped. "Father, is that what you think you are, a father. Well your wrong, I'm twenty two and you have only been in my life for three years. Where were you huh?" He looked taken back by my words. Shocked that I had answered back to him. "Harley, I looked for you, everywhere. You were gone."

His voice sounded softer, almost broken as he replied back to me and I felt a slight pang of guilt inside. It was not all his fault it was my mothers too. She had kept him away from me but he could have tried harder. Taking a deep breath I calmed myself down, the sound of bikes pulling up into the carpark had me stepping back as dust swirled in the air. Almost making me choke on the gritty dirt, I covered my mouth with my hand as I shield my eyes. The sound of the bikes deafening to my ears. Sargent still stood at my side I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face. My mind was all over the place and with the new arrival of these bikers turning up I felt even more uncomfortable.

He leaned in to me as he shouted the words, "let's go somewhere more privet to talk" I turned to look at him weighing my options. It's not like I had much choice really where els did I have to go. Also I should probably give him a chance to explain himself. I nodded my head in agreement and a small smile cornered his lip, he turned and pointed back towards the office I had been stood in earlier and I followed behind him. The sound of the bikes piling into the car park dies off as the office door closes behind me. I turn and look into the eyes of my father as his eyes look over me with what I can only guess is nerves.

"Take a seat" he pointed towards the seat I had sat in earlier, walking over towards the chair I take a seat and wait for what he has to say. "I guess you have a lot of questions" I scoff and roll my eyes before I mentally remind myself that I need to give him a chance. "Look Harley, this is a shock for me just as much as it is for you, you have to believe me when I say I really thought I would never see you again." I place my hands in my lap entwining my fingers together "why do I have to believe you?" His mouth opened and closed like he was not expecting that question to come out of my mouth.

I shake my head at him I can almost see the panic wash over his face, laughing without humour "you know I would have believed you if you had maybe I don't know tried to call, write a letter or even came to visit" I shake my head again. Standing up I walk over towards the door. "You can't honestly ask me to believe that you tried to do everything in your power to see me and thought oh it's hopeless nothings worked." The dry laugh that comes from my open lips sounds rough to my own ears. "I was three years old when mom took me with her, you knew I was out there, you just never tried hard enough." He shook his head as he takes steps towards me " that's not true, I tried I really did. Please Harley just give me one chance to prove it to you" the look in his eyes was pleading.

My gut twisted as I shake my head slightly biting into my bottom lip with regret for my next words, I should not give in so easy but I needed to be fair to him I needed to give him a chance. So I nod my head "one chance, that's it." The big sigh of relief that he breathed out was written all over his face as he nodded his head.

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