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The first bite was like heaven I had never tasted anything like it. The burger was juicy and full of flavour. I moaned out as I chewed and swallowed my food. "Oh yes" I groaned as I took another bite and then another I had barely finished swallowing the last bite before I dived in for another. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up from the huge burger that was between my hands to the eyes that were looking at me. There were a lot of eyes, I must have been moaning loud because every man in the dinner was looking at me. "What you never seen a woman eat before" at my comment they turned back to their conversations and the food they where eating.

Sargent sat opposite me and he was laughing away his hands on his stomach. "You really must have been hungry, I've got to take better care of you" he smiles to himself before he cut into his steak and takes a bite of it. I realised that maybe I was going a little overboard so I took a smaller bite but my eyes scanned around the room and landed on a pair of eyes that had failed to move off me. Lucifer, he licked his bottom lip smirking at me then he winked and carried on whatever conversation he was having with Tracker.

My burger was demolished and I sat picking at my fries dripping them in the sauce every now and then and popping one in my mouth. I had drank all my water but I was feeling something a little more sweet. It did not help that I could see a milkshake across another table that looked mouthwatering. "Sargent, can I get a milkshake?" I felt the need to ask after all he was paying for me to eat "whatever you want Harley." He goes to wave the waitress over but I stop him "no, it's ok, I will order it I need the bathroom anyway. You want anything els?" I scoot out of the small booth as he shakes his head "no I'm ok, thank you for asking tho."

Walking towards the counter I lean against it, Lucifer sits not to far from me and I can feel his eyes burning into my back. I tapped on the counter waiting for the waitress to get back from the kitchen. When I felt someone stand next to me I turned to look up at Bear, he was leaning on his side full on facing me his eyes scanning over my face. "Can I help you?" I questioned him and his brow raised up he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at me. "Sargent and me where having a conversation this morning I know you overheard" I nod my head there was no point in me denying it "I did, but it's non of my business."

The waitress turns up and I order my milkshake pointing over towards the table I'm seated at. "Look, he wants you around, me I could not give a shit, but stay out of the club business, this world is not for women, why do you think there are non permanently
around." It was not a statement it was a warning I could tell by the look in his eyes, I looked down at his patch it read enforcer. I nodded my head "I'm not here to cause trouble, I come here to find my father I had no idea he was even in a motorcycle club, really Bear you have nothing to worry about."

I leave it there and I turn to head towards the back, just before I enter the bathroom I do throw a look over to where Bear was just standing and Lucifer is in deep conversation with him. I sigh as I push the bathroom door open and walk towards the nearest cubicle. After finishing my business I flush the toilet and exit the cubicle only to be scared by the biker standing outside the cubicle door. Lucifer smirks at me as I press my hand against my beating chest. "What is with you guys and just popping up out of nowhere" I breath out as I walk passed him and go to wash my hands. Ripping a towelettes from the dispenser I dry my hands and turn to look at him, I was not expecting him to be standing so close to me. It forces me to take a step back and my back slams into the dispenser, hissing out I step forward as my hand goes to my back.

Lucifer frowns as he steps towards me "here let me see" I shake my head waving him off, "it's fine, I've had worse before." I drop my hand and step to the side trying to walk around him but his hand shoots out to grab my wrist "I came in here to speak to you." I sign I've had enough with bikers wanting to talk to me, first Bear with his warning now Lucifer who's next. "Look I'm not getting involved ok, can I just be left alone, I will be gone before you guys know it." He drops his hold on my wrist and I take that as my que to leave, message received "actually, I just wanted to let you know that Billy fucked up on your car earlier and well, looks like you might be stuck here a little longer Princess."

I decided not to react well if you count walking out as your stamping your feet and slam your ass back into the booth just to down the milkshake and avoid questions all night from your father as not reacting, then that's what I did. Sargent told me that I should follow behind the bikes on the way home and I just nodded. Thinking that home for me was a long way away. But the drive gave me time to think about everything that I had been through the passed few days. It gave me time to question all my actions and it gave me time at attempting to come up with a solution to my problem. I was stressed and this night instead of going to the bar with the others I wished my father a good night and just went to my room. I needed to be alone, everything seemed to be  crashing down on me at once.

All my emotions seem to jump out and I found myself crying in the bathroom. I look down at my hands as they shake. I'm fighting with inner demons from my passed and I'm almost breaking from the pressure of everything going on around me. My breathing picks up and I feel pain in my chest, I know I'm having a panic attack and I try my best to get my breathing under control. Everything feel hot and I can't breath. I cry harder as the image of my mother pops into my head. "Why did you not tell me" I call out as I drop to the ground my hands pounding on the ground. I crawl threw the bathroom into the bedroom curling into a little ball in the middle of the floor and I cry out.

My breathing slows down but the tears don't stop, I'm not sure how long I stayed like that for but eventually I cried myself to sleep.

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