Twenty Eight

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I had long finished eating my sandwich and the beer bottle was empty, standing up I clean up after myself needing something to do as the boredom of waiting for him to come back was sinking in. All I had been doing around here lately was waiting, I was not sure what exactly I was waiting for. Deciding enough was enough I places the empty beer bottle on the counter and walks towards the kitchen door. Pushing it open slightly so I could see the back of a bikers vest directly in my face, the hallway was crowded with men that spilt in from the opening of the Bar. I can't see him anywhere so I calls out my small voice almost echoes from how dead quit it goes "Lucifer" all eyes turn to look at me. All men, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Spotting him as the crowd seemed to part for me, his eyes are dark and deep as they landed on me almost making my knees weak with the force of them. "Come here" he orders with no room for argument behind his words. I honestly do not want to argue knowing I will be much safer with him then anywhere els right now. His arm is out as his hand is palm faced up like he's offering me his hand, I walk towards him leaving the kitchen behind as I slide between the men that I can feel staring at me. When I'm within reacting distance of him he pulls me roughly into his side, his arm wrapping around my back he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"I told you to say put" he hissed the words anger lacing every letter. "Don't break my orders Harley do you hear me" he breaths into my ear and I snap hating it when he spoke to me this way. He's controlling and dominating, it drives me crazy and not in a good way. Shoving his arm from around me and stepping away from him "I'm not a dog, that you can order about" I choked on my words from the rage inside that had built up. He reaches for me again his eyes blazing with rage but I shoved his arm away from me and walks away from him. How dare he, I  think to myself as I make my way through the crowds and back towards the kitchen.

I can hear his boots thudding on the concrete floor as he follows me, my heels click as I  push the door open not even holding it open behind myself. Letting it go and the sound of his palm slamming into the door makes me shudder from the booming sound it makes. He slams the door behind himself and I turns to shoot daggers at him with my eyes. This was not my first argument with Lucifer, I was sure it would not be the last, it's how we worked our toxic relationship.

"What the fuck was that, you never talk to me like that in front of another MC, are you fucking crazy Harley" gritting my teeth as I watched him. His hands are clenched and unclenching at his sides. "That is not how a woman of the MC acts you hear me" I scoff at his condescending tone he's speaking to me like I'm a child, scolding me. "How am I meant to know the only woman around here are the ones with their legs spread, you want me to act like them, open my legs for all men to plow into me" I scream at him and he see red his face visibly changed to a deeper shade of red. "Over my fucking dead body" he yells back shoving the items off the table the sandwich skids across the floor the beer spills and smashed on the ground.

He breaths heavy as he looks towards me then he shakes his head "go back to the room, I'm fucking done with this" he points between them "I'm done with fighting you." He turns his back on me like he's just going to leave me here and takes steps towards the kitchen door. I scream at him, screaming out as I pick up the empty bottle on the counter and throw it in his direction. It smashed again the wall just to his left, his back tenses up his body stiffens as he turns the rage behind his eyes make me panic. This is the first time he's ever looked at me like this like he could kill. I panic, fear running through my body as I step backwards my hand shoot out in front of me. I breath heavy and when he stops just a few feet away from me I close my eyes and bring my hands up to cover my face. Expecting the worse to happen.

I peak at him opening my eyes as nothing happens his eyes are scanning my face, my body that's shaking like crazy. His shoulders drop and he looks winded like he's just been punched in the gut. His eyes soften and he raises his hands slowly so that he can lower my arms that are still raised as I tried to protect my face. He sighs stepping a little closer towards me and I break down, tears run down my cheeks silence tears, I was so scared of him just then. That look in his eyes brought pure fear into me. He shakes his head looking pained as he looks at me "I'm sorry Harley" he whispers as he pulls me softly into his arms. I know I should probably fight it, fight him and tell him no.

I know I should leave and not look back, but inside I can't, we are toxic our relationship is pure toxin's like a drug that is running threw my veins. I need him, and hate him yet I love him at the same time. My emotions are been pulled from pillar to post. My insides are been ripped apart but I can't pull myself away from him. I can't make myself leave and never go to him again, he's got a hold on me that I can't break. Deep inside I don't want to break it, because I'm just as much at fault for the way our relationship is turning out I'm just as toxic as he is. I welcome his chains that he's got tied around my neck and as I do that I place my own around his.

"We are bad for each other but I can't let you go Harley, I'm nothing without you." He says to me, like he can read my own thoughts. I hold onto him "I'm not going anywhere Aden, I can't let you go too" he breaths heavy we both hold onto each other and he pulls back to kiss my lips, the kiss is almost desperate and needy it would be a first for him, he's always in control. I cup his face seeing the emotional struggle behind his eyes. "I love you Aden" I whisper to him, he smiles his eyes glazing over as he deepens the kiss his tongue sliding into my mouth, he lifts me up so I'm seated on the kitchen counter top. I reach for his shirt tugging on it, he removes his vest then his shirt they drop to the ground, then he pulls mine off after. "I love you too Harley" he whispers as he bends his head down to kiss along my chest.

Yeah I knew I was screwed the moment I first looked at this man, but I knew I would enjoy the ride with him. I had no idea I would fall so deeply for him as I rode that high.

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