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Things have been quite lately, the drinks at The Bar have been supported by a low buzz of music there are no woman dancing around from man to man. The men seem to be more on edge and well it's give off a bad atmosphere, it's been far to quiet for my likening I feel like it's the quiet before the storm and when I tried asking Lucifer and Sargent about it they changed the subject or outright told me I was been paranoid. But something was definitely off, Speaking of Lucifer he's been MIA lately, and I'm not sure how I should feel about that. I've not seen him in two days to be exact and I know what you're thinking it's only been two days but for a woman of my needs two days is far too long.

I needed to get away for a while and I thought maybe a nice drive into town, and a walk around the supermarket would take the edge of all the bad vibes I've been feeling. Sargent was sitting at his normal table with some of the normal bikers that are always around. Most of the nomads had already jumped back on their bikes and drove to god knows where. I still had not heard anything about my car other then it would take a little while longer from Lucifer because Billy had broken something on it. It was way to earlier for me to drink but the bikers seemed to never care.

"Sargent" I called out to him as I slip from the barstool and walk over to his table, "what's wrong sweetheart?" Ok so he seems in a decent mood even tho he looks like he had not slept in days. "I was wondering if I could borrow the truck?" He shook his head from side to side "not today." I was stumped it was the first time he had told me no and I was a little confused as to why. "I just want to take a ride into town" he shook his head again "no Harley." Ok so I was annoyed now "why?" I ask as he goes to lift his beer to his lips. His men were all looking at us and been honest I was slightly embarrassed. "Because I said so, it's my truck and I said no" he snapped at me and I take a step back from the table he looked pissed off that I had even questioned him.

It was a first time for me, he had never spoken to me this way before and if he normally had something to say to me he would pull me to one side. He never spoke to me out of tone before in front of his men, I was passed been embarrassed and I felt my cheeks flame red from the heat of it. "Rick is my car almost ready?" I turned my glaze to my uncle who was seated next to Sargent. Trying to keep my tone lighter then I felt but I could still here the edge behind it. "Not yet sorry darling" Rick looked honestly sorry and I took a deep breath in as I tried to calm myself down.

"Asking for your car would not change the fact that you still would not be leaving this compound Harley" Sargent spoke out and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. "What is wrong with you, you think you can tell me what I can and can't do." He cut me off before I had chance to finish my statement. Standing up from his seat he pointed his finger at me "I'm your Father, I know what is best for you and don't you ever question me again do you understand girl." I was completely gob smacked I think my jaw even dropped as I stared wide eyed at him. "Now I see it, why mom left all them years ago, to get away from you" I spat at him as I turned on my heels and ran from the room.

"Harley" he shouted after me sounding mad as hell, I did not stop I kept going. Out of the bar door and headed towards the steps that led to my room. "Harley" he shouted out again hot on my heels I ran, full on ran wanting nothing els to do with him. I was done, I would lock myself in my room till my car was fixed, I would ask Lucifer to drive me to the nearest bus station if it was going to take too long. I was leaving I was not staying here a moment longer. Just before I got to the steps Lucifer came walking out of his room his eyes landed on me and he quickly looked just passed me.

He looked honestly scared, fear was behind his eyes, he reached into his waist band and pulled out his gun and that when the sound of bikes flying passed the compound had me turning around, the sound of a loud bang greeted my ears. My name been shouted out I stood frozen as the bikes pulled to a stop and bikers wearing different coloured patches jump off their bikes and started to shoot at the bar. I think I screamed at the top of my lungs as my eyes froze on the sight in front of me.

Bullets shot through the bar, the sound of windows smashing, glass flying, it was like something from a movie. I was frozen watching this like it had to be some kind of dream and any moment now I would wake up. "Harley" two sets of voices shouted out "get down" my brain registered the words but my body did nothing, and then the bullets started to fly my way, towards the motel rooms. My eyes widened as guns were pointed at me. I could hear the whistle of the deadly bullets flying passed me and I did nothing, just froze up.

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