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It was beautiful this morning and as I opened the door to the motel room just to let a little of the morning air inside I lay back down on the bed still in my sleep clothes a cami and shorts. There is a light knock on the door and I turn my head to look over at my father. He pokes his head around the door his eyes look over at me as he smiles shyly "mind if I come in for a second, need to have a chat about something." It's kinda strange how his emotions change so quickly he goes from one emotion to the next. But I smile and nod my head "come on in" pushing myself up into a sitting position I make room for him to sit down on the bed. He looks around and then closes the door behind himself.

Choosing to stand I raise a brow at him as he looks like he's struggling to find the correct words to use. Ok so it must be bad "just say it, I'm a grown woman I can handle it." He takes a deep breath as he looks over at me I can see his emotion change he's going into leader mode. "I heard about the commotion in the bar last night, between you and Lucifer, your cousin Billy has done nothing but go on about it all morning." I smirk inwardly but hide my emotions on my face it was kinda funny I have to admit. "Yes, I might have bumped into him" he runs his fingers through his salt and pepper hair as his eyes focus back on me again. "I need you to apologise to him, he's hot headed and has a temper that flies off the tracks, but he's a good man deep down and you embarrassed him Harley, please just do this for me make an old man's life a little easier sweetheart."

I'm about to argue my side of the story when he opens his mouth "I know it's not fair of me to ask this of you, but as you said you're a grown woman I need you to be the adult here." The pleading look in his eyes had me caving in and I nod my head "ok, fine, I will apologise" he sighs his shoulders visibly relaxing "thanks Harley, I will erm, leave you to your morning, their is breakfast in the bar if you're hungry." He walks towards the door and exits the room closing the door behind himself, it's like déjà vu all over again only this time I plan on enjoying my long hot shower.

My father had a serious chat with me. Told me that I needed to apologise to Lucifer after my behaviour last night, I rolled my eyes at first but then I realised he was probably right. I did act a little childish towards him. But he was also at fault as he over reacted about his cut as he put it. I get it, I've been around enough bikers to know that their vest is their number two, their bike is number one. I grit my teeth together hating having to be the bigger person in this situation. I make my away across the car park where he currently sits on his bike chatting away to some other biker.

As I near him the other biker points over towards me causing Lucifer to turn around and smirk in my direction. Ugh I wanted nothing more then to wipe that ugly smirk off his face. I rolled my eyes as I stopped in front of him. "What you come for round three have you princess?" I frown at his words "round three?" I question unsure of even when round two had happened. Waving off his words I decided to ignore it. "Look I'm here to say sorry about your vest" I point towards it as I rush the words out. "As you should be, it was your fat ass that bumped into me causing me to spill that drink" my jaw dropped.

I could not believe what I had just heard "excuse me?" He waved me off as he turns around "you're excused just say out of my way princess." I was in complete shock at this point and inside I was boiling up with rage. I tried so damn hard to hold it back but I've never been great with my temper. "You know what asshole, I was trying to be the bigger person here, apologise and move on but it's hard to be the bigger person when I'm standing in front of the biggest dickhead ever." I hiss the words at him as I feel my cat claws come out. "What give you the right to comment on my ass, you know the only thing you can do with my ass is watch it as I walks away, Dickhead" I finish as I turn and walk away from him.

"I'm good princess, would not go near that ass even if you paid me too" he shouts back at me. I lift my middle finger up and point it at him as I see his eyes shine with the though of conflict. "What makes you think you even stood a chance" rolling my eyes this time I really do turn and walk away heading back to my room to cool off. My insides where twisting up as I replayed his words in my head, I can't believe I ever though that guy was good looking he's so ugly on the inside. I was hungry but that argument has put a damper on my cravings for food and brought out my craving for something els. A strong drink, thinking over my options I will still have to walk back outside this room no matter what I do.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the full length mirror that stands in the corner turning around I look at my ass over my shoulder. "It's not fat, it's rounded and plump but not fat." My brows crunch together as I shake my head cursing at myself for falling for his words. Why am I letting them affect me, I don't know that dick, and after a few weeks I will never have to see him again.

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