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Finding out that my Father was not dead was the biggest shock of my life. Most people would think that the biggest shock of my life would be the fact that my Mother had died. Less then two weeks ago but no, I was expecting that. I had sat with her through all her hospital visits. Listening to the doctor's telling her that she had less then six months to live. She had a rare form of lung cancer, I suppose smoking twenty cigarette a day for twenty plus years would do that to you. So when she passed away I was not shocked, had prepared myself for that to happen. I was however shocked when I found an envelope with my name on it, at the side of her bed.

Dear my darling daughter,
The only reason you would be reading this is because my time has finally come. This is the time that I should finally be honest with you. Please forgive me, your Father is not dead, he was also never in the war. He is very much alive, when you was three years old I ran with you escaping a life I never wanted you around. It was selfish of me to do so. I'm sorry for keeping you away from him. You have a right to know who he is, your a grown woman, I've watched you bloom into a beautiful flower and it's time for you to make your own choices. I love you my darling with all my heart. Mom xx

Ask for Sargent.
Starlight Bar, Wolf Creek, ML

So that's what brings me to now, driving down the highway, with my windows to my old beaten up car, wide open. Music blasting as I sing along to old classic cheesy pop songs. It was my guilty pleasure and it helped calm my nerves. When I had pulled of the highway I turned my music down to a low buzz. I had been driving for a long time and I needed to pull over and get some gas soon. But I had not passed one single gas station in a long time and I was starting to worry when my car crawled to a stop on the side of the dirt road I was driving down. I was running of fumes, and the smoke coming from my engine was not a great sign.

"Shit" I cursed as I flipped the hood open, my old and faithful had finally caved in. The steam that was coming from the engine told my non mechanic brain that she must have overheated. It was hot outside in the mid afternoon summer sun. Little sweat beads had already started to form on my forehead. Well there was not much more I could do. Maybe I could find someone to come pick me up. Walking back around to the drivers door I reach through the window. Pulling my phone from out of my bag and opening it up to find that I had no battery. "Just perfect" I groan as I flip it back into my bag.

Shielding my eyes from the sun with my hands I look from left to right. Well I had been driving down this road for sometime and I had not drove passed anything. So I guess I'm walking left. After locking up my car and grabbing my handbag and a bottle of water I start my Journey.

My feet felt like I had blisters forming on every surface. My body was physically exhausted, I had sweat patches that made my white crop top stick to my skin. I felt disgusting, was in need of a shower and something to drink. My now empty water bottle sat inside my bag. I had been walking for what felt like hours and my legs where just about ready to give up on me. Until I passed a sign that said welcome to Wolf Creek. I groaned and squinted my eyes as I could just make out a building not far from me.

I was tempted to cry with happiness as I picked up my speed, half limping half running towards the building. As I neared closer I noticed it was an car repair shop, perfect I thought to myself. I could hear the sound of someone working as I walked toward the opening of the garage. There were three bikes inside and one man. He was bent down screwing something into the bike. At first I doubted that this place could help me but it was all that I had. "Excuse me" I called out and his head jerked up his eyes looked sceptical at me until he looked up and down my body then smirked.

He stood up wiping his hand on a dirty cloth. I had to say he was good looking for an older guy. "Well, hello there, what can I do for you sweetheart." I mentally cringed at his obvious attempt at flirting with me. The way his eye raked up and down my body made me feel slightly uncomfortable. "My car broke down just up the road" I stumbled the words out as I pointed towards that road. "Billy" he shouted the words out as a younger looking guy, walked from around the building. He had a cigarette hanging from his lips.

His eyes landed on me instantly and his jaw dropped "damn, you're sexy." I raised my eyebrows at him, "erm, thanks."  His eyes were still pinned on my chest even as the older guy walked over to him and slapped him on the back of the head. I felt highly uncomfortable, so I turned my body a little crossing my arms over my chest to hide myself. He was a little creepy. "The woman's car has broken down, go get the pick up truck and retrieve it dipshit." He scolded him as he quickly scampered off rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry about him, he's got no brain other then the one between his legs, he's a good kid tho" he nodded towards a small building attached to the garage. "Need you to fill out some paperwork" I nodded my head as I followed him inside. Soon as we entered the building I sigh with relief the cool air from the AC attacks my skin. I almost cry with happiness as I notice a water dispenser in the corner of the room. I had not noticed how dry my throat was till I saw it.

"Do you mind" I croak out towards him as I point towards it, he shakes his head "help yourself sweetheart." Nodding my head I ignore the posters of the naked woman on the wall as I walk over towards it filling up a small plastic cup. Bringing the cool liquid to my lips, I moan even if I could have used something stronger, after the passed few days I've been having but water would do for now.

He sat down behind his desk as he nodded towards the chair in front of it, taking a seat I looked over towards him. He rummaged around in a draw looking for paperwork I assumed. "I've not seen you around town before, just passing through?" He questions me with a raised brow as one of his eyes looks over towards me. "No actually, I'm looking for someone" I told him the truth, I'm not sure why. Something inside of me told me I could trust him.

"Ah, fair enough. Not sure what a young lady like you is looking for someone in this town for but that's got nothing to do with me." I could still hear the question in his voice and behind his statement, I chuckled as I shook my head. "Starlight Bar, you heard of it?" I asked him and his brows raised up as he looked me over. "Sure have but you won't find anything there sweetheart, that place burnt down years ago." His words felt like a kick in my gut, I let out the breath I was holding in and looked down at my hands that I had folded in my lap.

Just great, the only place I had to look for my Father was there, and the place no longer existed. What was I meant to do now. "Hay cheer up sweetheart, I'm sure there is a way I can help you out." I shook my head "I'm doubting that, unless you know someone by the name of Sargent then I'm really doubting it. I mean who names their child Sargent anyway." I mumble to myself as he coughed like a manic in front of me. I look over the desk towards him in panic.

He's beating at his chest, his hand formed into a fist. Standing up I walk around the desk and slap on his back, the guy was chocking and I had seen people do this in movies. "I'm ok" he waves his hand at me "you just shocked me a little is all." I frowned at him as I took a few steps back, watching him rise to his feet. "Follow me" he said as he threw me a look over his shoulder and walked towards the exit.

Following him around the back of the building I had no idea where he was taking me. I could hear music and laughter coming from somewhere. As we rounded the corner, I noticed a small gathering of men all sitting around and drinking beer. They all had jackets on, not your normal jackets no. They had biker jackets on and I wanted to run. But the words that flew from the guys mouth made me freeze "Sargent, someones here to see you."

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