Thirty Six

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Six months later

It was like déjà vu all over again only difference was that I was wearing my cut this time. The words printed on the back off it only slightly annoyed me. I hated been labelled as someone property, but I understood it was the way of the club. My legs was doing way better I could finally remove the bandages and I was off any medications. Aden was still very carful with me tho, he was nervous that I would do some damage and be back in the hospital, it was just as traumatic to him as it was me. Tho I think he's starting to accept that I'm a little bit of a free spirit and hate been told what to do. Tho he's still dominating and overly protective he does it in the right way.

My arms are wrapped around him as I sit behind him on his new bike, I knew exactly where he was taking me and you would think heading back into the wood this soon after would be a big no no to me but actually I was looking forward to it. Daniel was a distant memory for me I had moved on and my family had helped me through it. What I was not expecting however was the new improved road that had been built, instead of a small opening a road was now in its place leading into the tree line. More trees had been cut back. Looking around I noticed that he had made a few changes, small lights had been placed on each side of the road that was wider and more open as it leads up into the clearing.

The clearing had been made much larger too and the wooden cabin was now more like a house. He pulled to a stop parking his bike and I hopped off as he kicked the stand into place. Removing my helmet I handed it over to him as I looked around. It was breath taking, I never though it would look like this. The smell of fresh wood and cut grass greeted my nose. "Want to look inside" he asks me and I turn around to look at him nodding my head I jog up the small steps to reach for the door handle.

He grips my arm stopping me from turning it and I look up at him confused. He smirks and he bends down to pick me up. I scream out in shock and he laughed, "got to carry you over the threshold of our new home." I laugh slapping at his chest then wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me inside the house. As we enter my jaw drops, it's perfect. The wooden floors to the carefully crafted stairs. The walls have been pained and wallpapered with neutral colours that match the theme of a cottage house. He places me down on my feet and I can't stop myself from walking into the open planned kitchen dining area that's located to my left.

There is a large arch opening that separates the small hallways but it leaves the space feeling open and homely. I run my hand over the marble countertop and then turn around too look at him. Smiling I run to him wrapping my arms around him "I love it" I whisper as I hold him tight. He pats my back "you have only seen one room, go look at the rest." I waste little time and do just that half running half walking into the next room. It's a living area a log burning fireplace and sofas I do happen to notice the large tv and I turn to raise a brow at him he shrugs "I'm a man Princess I need some things" laughing I walk passed him and head for the stairs.

Pushing the first door open I come to I stop I'm in shock. I take a sharp breath in as I look at what lays in front of me. "I know you enjoy your long baths, and I know the one in the motel is not big enough as you say a lot, so." He points towards the bathtub it's large enough to fit two in it and I smirk looking up at him "I think I'm not the only one that will benefit from that." He smiles widely with no shame as he bends down to kiss my lips, "it won't be just me benefiting when your screaming my name."
I blush slightly but I know he's correct I'm already imagining all the fun we will be having in there.

The next room I enter shocks me, I had to rub my eyes to make sure I'm seeing thing correctly "erm Aden you got something to tell me?" He walks in behind me his hands go to my hips as he pulls me backwards into his chest. "I though it might come in handy one day" he sounded nervous and I could understand why. It was a babies room, with cot and all. We had not really spoken about children yet, other then the odd joke when my grandfather would mention it but he had always been dead set against it. He had been so against it I had to go see a doctor so I could get birth control pills.

Turning to face him I raise a brow as I look up at him "I though you did not want kids?" He nods his head "I did not want children at the time, not that I don't want them at all." He confessed to me and I smirk up at him "so does this mean you want to start making a family?" He swallows hard as he removes one hand from my hip and scratch's the back of his head. "Erm, one day Princess" he nods but he looks anything but sure I laughed inside but keep my face serious as I place my hands on his chest "I guess this is a good time to tell you then." He swallows even harder "tell me what?" I sigh as I nervously bite in my lip "that, I'm not planning on been a mom just yet, I want to enjoy my freedom as I've still got it."

Laughing I look up at him as his face visibly relaxes, he takes a deep breath "don't do that to me woman, gave me a heart attack." But he smiles as he pulls me into his chest. "I hope you have not show Jim this room you will give him ideas" I feel his shaking his head "I'm not that stupid baby." Laughing I look around him pointing to the last room up here "what's in there?" He turns me around fully and nuggets me forward till I open the door and walk inside.

It's the master bedroom, a large kingsize bed places up against the wall in the middle of the room. Two bedside tables and another door that is already open showing a walk in closet. A large chest sits at the end of the bed with a blanket and pillows placed on it. Sat just next to the walk in closet is a vanity table. "There is plenty of room for you to add thing or change it up to how you would like it." I walk inside and sit on the bed scooting my butt back till my feet hang over, kicking my boots off I look over to him as he leans against the doorway watching me. "There is just one thing missing" I admit he raises a brow "what might that be Princess?"

I kneel up on the bed and remove my cut placing it over the pillows at the bottom. Then I strip my top off leaving me in just my bra and jeans. "You, what you still doing over there?" He smirks as he walks inside the room removing his own cut and kicking off his boots. I giggle as he climbs onto the bed and hovers over me, "I've been looking forward to christening this bed since I set it up" he moans into my ear and I arch my back pulling up his T-shirt over his head. "Fuck me Aden" I order and he growls out as he yanks my jeans down my legs. He licks his lips as he looks at my lace covered vagina.

"Starving" he says before he kisses his way down my chest, I breath heavy my head falling back and I hold the back of he head. "Oh god" I moan out "not god baby but close to it" he says between kisses. I lean up to watch him as he slowly removes my panties his eyes hold promise, a promise I know he's going to keep. A promise I'm ready to receive, I spread my legs wider and cry out as he laps at my pussy like he really is a starved man. "Lucifer" I moan his name and his eyes look up into mine. "That's more like it" he groans before he lowers his lips back into place. Those eyes hold more then just a promise they hold love and I smile at him "I love you" I cry out he winks at me pulling back for just a second "I love you too Harley" then his tongue dips into me and I screaming out in pleasure.

My head falls back and everything hits me hard the man currently between my thighs is the man I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with, my mom was wrong not all bikers are the same. Not my biker anyway.

The End.

Author Note

Well I will be damed, I've had so much fun writing this story, I've written a few biker stories before but I wanted to make this one a little different, not sure if I've achieved that. I guess whoever decided to read this story and has reached all the way to the end will be the judge of that.

If you have enjoyed this story, let me know, and if you did not enjoy it, my apologies my work is not for everyone. But thank you for reading it anyway because if you got this far you read the story.

For now it is goodbye, until next time.
Love ya all xoxo

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