Twenty Two

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Bear stands there a cigarette between his fingers as he rest his elbows on the railing. He brings it up to take a drag of the smoke and I turn my face away from him looking down at the ground. Leaning a little over the railing as I try my best to ignore him. "If your going to jump save yourself a failed attempt, most you will do is break your legs" he grumbles out and I shake my head sighing. Fed up with his bullshit, "what no snarky come back" he taunts me as he chuckles lightly to himself. I go to turn away from him and walk back into the motel room when he walks closer to me. His eyes scream hate "I know your a fucking spy sent here to find out information and I don't trust you one fucking bit."

"What one are you fucking huh, who do you belong to from the Riverside." He spits the words at me as he looks me up and down. "Lucifer might be stupid, but I won't fall for some wet pussy like him, you know that's all you are wet pussy." He sneers at me his body screaming danger and his words sting like a slap in the face. I hide the overwhelming feeling of sadness from my face as I turn away from him and look towards the open door. I'm about to open my mouth when I hear Lucifer's voice calling from inside the room "Harley" I turn and see his silhouette in the darkness as he rolls over in bed. "Harley are you out there?" He calls again and I compose my voice as I reply to him.

"Yes, I just needed some air" I'm shocked at how smooth my voice sounds even tho all I'm feeling is sadness inside. I look up and into Bear's eyes as he gives me a look of disgust from his. "Come back to bed Princess" Lucifer calls for me, I hear the creaking of the bed as he rolls over fully facing my direction I turn away from Bear and look towards him I put a fake smile on my lips and step inside the room. Closing and locking the door behind myself, breathing in deeply I walk back over to the bed and climb back in. Lucifer wraps his arms around me his warmth invading me. He rest is head on my head as he kisses my forehead and I sink into him. Needing him, I push Bear's words from my mind as I hold onto him both of us falling back to sleep in each other's arms.

I stand between them both my father and my
Uncle as I look over the blueprints they have placed out over one of the tables in the bar. My grandfather sits at the bar with a beer in his hand as he tells Matt the prospect how to do thing properly. They argue over what should be places where and I roll my eyes at their current debate finding myself agreeing with my uncle on this one. "So where are you guys planning on building this exactly" I try to steer the conversation elsewhere and it works. "The old motel is not big enough anymore so we are planning to extend it and add this onto the back of it." Sargent explains to me as he points at the blueprints. "You see the rooms will get bigger more like small apartments to give the men more privacy" he points to a section on the paper and I nod my head.

"Me and your father are arguing over the layout, I think it's too cramped in this section of the blueprint and I think we should move the kitchen dinning area to here." Rick points to the blueprint as he explain to me, I look up at my father "what do you think dad?" He smiles at me as he point to the blueprint "the bedrooms are here in the back for when we have visitors, so I think we should keep it Business in the front and party in the back" he chuckles and I cringe "please I don't want the image in my mind of all the noise that's going to bring" uncle Rick laughs at my statement.

"I like the idea of the kitchen been here" I point to the back section of the blueprints agreeing with Rick. "Hear me out first" I rush out already seeing my father disagreeing with me he nods his head and I continue speaking. "Currently the motel is built here and they are bedrooms already, if your build apartments for your men then this will be more then enough room for them why do you need extra space here" I point to the blueprints as I explain. "Plus's if you move the kitchen here it could be larger, so you can fit a bigger table in. Then this could be turned into a utility room, it still gives you room for maybe a lounge area here and there are more then enough rooms for everyone." I tilt my head to the side as I try to image the building in my mind.

"I find myself agreeing with you darling" Sargent says and Rick nods his head in agreement "me too brother." I giggle at them "anyway I'm sure Matt would appreciate more cooking space that thing is impossible to move around in when all of you guys are crammed in there. I point towards the back where the current kitchen is placed. "What's with you and the prospect?" Sargent asks me raising a brow in my direction, shrugging I shake my head "I don't know, I feel bad for him Lucifer is always giving him a hard time." I look over in Matts direction as I feel guilt build up inside of me both Sargent and Rick laugh out loud.

I turn to look at each of them confused as to what is so funny. "Of corse he gives him a hard time, it's his job sweetheart" Sargent shakes his head at me and this just confuses me even more. It must have been obvious I had no idea what the hell they were on about because Rick added. "The prospect belongs to Lucifer, it's his prospect" my eyes open up wide as my mouth pops open. "Ohhh" I swallow as now I understand better, feeling so stupid for my guilt earlier. "I though he was just jealous of the attention I give Matt that's why he was treating him badly" I laugh feeling silly.

Both of them boom out laughing sitting down on the chairs close to them I turn around leaning on the table as I look between them feeling even more silly. "He's probably doing it because of that too" Rick chuckles my father joining in. I could not stop myself from laughing along with them, it was contagious and it felt good to laugh freely, it had been a while since I had done so.

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