Thirty Five

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Three weeks later.

Im attempting to fold my clothes that I have very little of into the small black carry on bag. It holds a few toiletries and some underwear inside. Aden is leaning against the hospital bed as he tries to take the clothes out of my hands so he can do it himself. I roll my eyes giving up on trying to fight with him. It's been like this for a while now since I woke up out of the medical induced coma the hospital put me in so my body could heal faster. I've been awake fully for one week, other then naps obviously. I've felt perfectly fine for the passed few days but Aden refuses to let me do anything alone, somethings I did not mind like showering that was always fun even if we did nothing sexual.

Turned out the worst of my serious infection was gone and I was free to return to the compound. Under strict rules of no drinking as I finish of a course of antibiotics. My leg was all messed up the doctor said I would have a nice scar going down it but I would live. I was willing to take that for the chance of spending the rest of my life with Aden even if he did drive me completely crazy at times. "All sorted kid, you ready to get home?" My dad popped his head around the hospital door as I pushed myself from the bed and nodded my head. "Yup, think I got everything" with one last glance around the room I reach for my bag. Aden lightly taps my hand away from it as he picks it up himself.

Sighing I look up at him showing him I'm annoyed and he shrugs "be mad Princess, you're meant to be taking it easy." He reaches for my hand and links his fingers with mine "my arms are perfectly fine Lucifer I can carry things, it's my leg that's all messed up." I complained as he pulls me along sides him he drops the bag on the bed and lifts me up bridal style. I screech as I hear my father enter the room laughing "Lucifer put me down" I giggle as he takes steps towards the exit "nope your right it's your legs so I will carry you." I sigh shaking my head but have a smile on my face as I look over his shoulder and see my dad following us out carrying my bag.

"Do you know how many people are staring at us right now" I say as I look into his eyes he shrugs again "let them stare." He smirks as he raises his brows at me "they are looking because they think I'm a lucky bastard for having such a beautiful woman." I slap his chest playfully but laugh anyway as I rest my head on his shoulder. I watch his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallows titling my head slightly I press my lips to the side of his neck just bellow his ear. "I've missed been all wrapped up in your arms" I purr and he swallows harder I smirk against his neck. Listening to him groan "Harley, your dad is right behind us, really Princess." This only pushes me to go further "I've also missed your big dick, just so you know I'm not wearing any underwear."

Licking up his neck I moan softly and he stops walking for a second "you wait till we get back" he growls out and I giggle in excitement. He shakes his head as he continues walking towards my fathers truck. Seated in between my father and Aden in the front cab I look out the windshield as we drive through Wolf Creek, the main town. It's actually really beautiful, full of greenery and modern looking houses. Kids play in their front gardens as woman hang clothes on the washing lines. Men cutting their lawns as teenagers hang around the local park.

We drive passed a police station and I spot officer Barns exiting the building. Dad had told me that things pretty much have gone back to normal, the woman are also coming around to the Bar again and I was not sure how I felt about that. Tho I do trust Aden, it's the woman that I don't trust, I know about his passed. He's a complete man whore, but he's stopped that since he met me. He told me I had nothing to worry about, "you're the only woman I want babe" his words repeat in my mind. I smile as I lean into his side.

My hand rests on his thigh as his hand is wrapped over my shoulder, fingers running up and down my arm. The window is rolled down on each side as both Aden and my father smoke a cigarette. The cigarettes I dislike but I can't have it all so I accept them because it's a part of who he is. "I hope your ready for the ceremony when we get back, I know he's sitting right next to you sweetheart but it's not too late to back out" my father looks over at me before he laughs at my face of shock. I could not believe he had just said it like that right in front of Aden, I feel Aden's body shaking and know he's laughing too. Then I realised they are just messing with me.

"I'm absolutely ready, done nothing but think about it for a three days now" I look up at Aden and he's smiling at me, "he's a lucky bastard" my fathers says and we both burst out laughing. "That I am" Aden agrees before he kissed my forehead and pulls me closer into his side. My father sticks on the radio and the rest of the drive back to the compound is filled with old songs and the smell of the trees that we just passed through.

Pushing the clothes hangers one at a time passed I panic, I have no idea what to wear, when an idea hits me. I brought this item with me to change into for the way back home, knowing I would need it for my act, if I just adapt it a little it could work perfectly. The dress is all in one leather dress that has a thick band that covers my boobs and flairs out with pleats. If I just cut the thick strap I could turn it into a two piece. Smiling I get all giddy as I run into the bathroom and grab the first aid bag under the sink. I get to work pulling out all the things I will need and chop up my dress.

With my dress now transformed I lightly curl my hair and do my make up, remembering to use waterproof this time, you never know. Walking back into the bedroom I slip the skirt up my legs ignoring the ugly bandage and slide the crops boob tube over my head and securing it into place. I'm already wearing my underwear nothing too fancy just some French panties. I look in the mirror and turn around smiling I look good if you looked passed the bandage that goes all the way up my leg. Impressed with my handy work I walk back into the bedroom and slip my feet into my black ankle boots. There is a tap on the door and I call out for them to come in.

"You ready, wow" my dad says as he enters the room and looks at me I smile and turn around "what you think?" He looks emotional as he smiles at me "beautiful Harley, Lucifer is a lucky man" I walk across the room and throw my arms around him "thanks Dad." I hold onto my emotions and try to pull myself together. "Come on kid before you get your old man all weepy" he laughs tapping my back lightly and I pull back giggling with him. He gives me his arm and I link mine with his as we both walk out of the room and across the compound towards the Bar.

My father told me not all the club members would be present just the main ones and this helped a lot, I would feel less nervous with only a few watching me. "Ready" he turns to look down at me and I take a deep breath and nod my head. He nods back looking serious before he pushes the door open and leads us both inside. We walk down between the lines of men they all look at me and I know I have to hold my head up high showing no fear. I spot Aden at the end and his eyes land on mine he smiles widely at me and I smile back. Standing next to him is Uncle Rick and beside Rick is Billy. He's seated in a chair but he's looking good.

We stop at the end and my father loosens his grip on my arm and turns me to face Aden before he stands up the front between us. "Before the ceremony begins if anyone objects to these two coming together speaks now or forever shut the fuck up, I should remind you I have a gun in my waste band ." There is a hush laughter that goes around the room but no one steps forward to say anything and my father turns to me and nods his head for me to speak. I turn to face Aden and I smile as I catch him checking me out, he winks and I feel proud inside for my outfit choice.

Opening my mouth I begin "I, Harley" then I realise something  stopping and leaning into whisper to my father the men all look on confused but my dad smiles proudly nodding his head. "I, Harley Rose Archwood, hereby give you Lucifer, my mind, body, soul and heart, from this day forward. I promise to love, cherish, obey and honour you with all I have and own. Do you accept?" I feel one single tear of happiness and slight nerves fall from my eyes as he steps forward and cradles my face in his large hands. He winks and leans down pressing his lips to mine "hell fucking yes" he says out loud and the men all cheer and shout drinks. I hear my grandfather sound out "grand babies" and this has Aden groaning but smiling anyway.

Uncle Rick passed Aden a cut, a much smaller cut and Aden stands back opening it up and showing me the back. I gasp looking wide eye up as him. It's got the club logo on it and in big bold words says  Property Of Lucifer. I tilt my head to the side as he shakes his head at me but opens it up for me to wear. Slipping my arms into it and turning around for him to see flipping my hair over my shoulder I look over at him. "What do you think?" He bites his lip and groans "your pops don't want to hear what I think" the whole room erupts into laughter and so do I. My dad slaps Aden on the shoulder as he passes us "damn right I don't son" he walks over to the bar and joins the others in grabbing a drink.

The party gets into full swing woman are dancing around a little more clothes on this time. I'm drinking just coke as I can't drink for a while Aden is sipping away on his beer. Ace is talking away to him as I just relax and look around the bar at my family because that's what I've come to realise they are. My adoptive family mixed in with my real family. Then I realised how lucky I truly am.

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