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"Don't need to trust you to fuck you Princess" and I'm screwed because honestly I came here looking for food and a drink but the way his hands are now slowly roaming down my body, "let's just have fun tonight put all that shit behind us what you say?" He leans back and looks into my eyes his hold something in it, he's not smirking at me he's honestly letting me make the choice here, and I'm not sure if it's me or the alcohol that replied to him. "Yes" I whisper the words and he nods his head as his hands go to my ass sliding around the globe of them as he lifts me up the wall. "Wrap your legs around me" he orders his voice commanding I do as I'm told and wrap my legs around his waist. He's strong arms hold me up with ease as he take long strides to what I guess is a back entrance to the bar.

Because I feel the cool air hit my heated skin and my head spins from the alcohol I've consumed. Im fully tipsy and I know I should not be doing what I'm about to do but with my low buzz and my hormones going off, I've given in to my bodies needs. It's how I live my life jumping in head first and dealing with the consequences after. Soon I find myself been dropped onto a bed and flipped over so my stomach is touching the bedcovers. "I'm an ass man princess" I hear him groan out as he starts to undo his belt I look over my shoulder as I lick my lips he smirks at me. "Take off your clothes" he growls out ordering me around again and inside I get a kick out of it. Been dominating like that, I push myself up to my knees as I strip my clothes off. I have no shame with my body I'm confident with it. I have to be, been a stripper.

Breathing heavy I lay butt naked in his bed, my ass up in the air and I moan out as he yet again raises his hand up to slap down on my ass. I'm pretty sure it's bright pink by now. "You like that" he spanks me again and I moan out "fuck, shut up and fuck me" I shoot a look over my shoulder at him and he smirks as he grips his large cock in his hand. "You asked for it princess" he chuckles as he placed his dick at the entrance of my ass and pushed it in. I groan out in slight pain, it had been a while, I shove my face into the pillow as he pushes my lower back down forcing my ass to stick higher up in the air. My asshole stretches and the burn that greets me is both familiar and yet foreign at the same time. The sensation is different from been fucking in the pussy.

When he pulls out and slams back in I scream out, "that's it scream for me" he groans as he repeats his movements. Going in a little deeper and moving faster, my eyes scrunch up together as my body adjusts to the invasion of his long hard cock. It takes me a few seconds for the pleasure to start kicking in as my body accepts him, it invites him in and soon I stops screaming with each thrust and moan. Sweat covers my body as I push my hips back meeting his thrusts. He's fingers dig into my hips as he fucks me now with more speed. "Fuck" he grunts under his breath as he slams into me. I need more so I slip my hand between my thighs and start to rub on my little bundle of nerves. Soon I'm cursing myself "faster, fuck me faster" he laughs out as he picks up speed slamming into me at faster and harder, causing my knees to buckle.

His hands are the only thing keeping me up as he drives into me over and over I feel it coming on hard and fast and when it hit me I see stars I physically go blank, my hearing turns fuzzy and I'm pretty sure I scream out but it feels like my body has a mind of it's own. I feel wetness coat my back as I'm dropping onto the soft covers of the mattress. I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears, feel my heart hammering out of my chest. When I start to float back down to earth I turn my head to the side, looking over at Lucifer he smirks at me, "knew I could fuck that ass." He seems proud of himself and inwardly I cringe coming down hard from my orgasm. I turn my head and groan realising what I had just done the buzz from the alcohol had long gone and I quickly sit up and stand on my shaking legs.

I needed to get out of here, get away from him and god go shower, he's an arrogant asshole and I had just freely let him enter mine. I needed to see a shrink as soon as I got home, I needed professional help. Quickly shoving my clothes on I reach for the door "leaving so soon thought we could go round two." I groan as I walk out the door hearing his laughter as I slam his door shut. I was not going to hear the end of this, how could I ever face him again knowing that he had been inside of me. I let him, that asshole, fuck me, but it's not only that I let him fuck me in the ass when only that morning I had told him he stood no chance. I curse myself as I look around, realising that he was on the ground floor just below my room.

Holding my shoes in my hand I walk up the metal steps barefooted and reach for my room key out of my pants pocket. Shoving it into the door I rush inside and close it behind myself locking the door. I half rip the clothes off my body having the thoughts of burning them all together. Quickly walk towards the shower. I needed to wash him away I could feel his cum still on my back where he had pulled out and came on me. At least I could say he was not swimming around inside. I gag as I have that thought, oh god I hope he keeps his mouth shut about this. Last thing I need is for my father to hear it. I run my hands over my face as the hot water beats down on me and I actually cry a little for the first time in years.

I was disappointed in myself, disappointed with my action and I knew I had to make a plan, because my messed up mind was already remembered how good it felt even if it was with the devil himself.

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