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When I reached the town I was not happy I hoped that Sargent had been playing it down but he had infact been playing it up. There was nothing here a small dinner that looked like it had never left the 60's. Next to that was a supermarket that had a post office inside of it, it was a decent size for this small town, I happen to see a pharmacy and honestly that's the place I needed. I was joking about been low on tampons but I was not joking about the woman things I needed. Like body wash and shampoo, conditioner was a must have. The only things that where left in the motel room were for men.

I had also packed light hoping I could buy what I needed when I reached here. I had no idea it was a small town tho, should have done my research. Pulling into the only parking spot I jumped out of the truck grabbing my bag and phone. Walking inside the old looking pharmacy I look towards the one shelf of products that they supply. I cringed, there was so few items and most of the stuff here was made for men. "Can I help you?" A young looking guy asked me from behind the counter, I smiled at him "I'm just browsing" he looked at me like I was crazy. I probably did look a little crazy so I could not blame him. In the end I settled for some fruity body wash and basics shampoo and conditioner set. No body location, nothing, I was starting to worry about my skin.

Walking over to the check out counter I placed the item down and pulled out my card to pay. The young guy shook his head and pointed up to a sign, CASH ONLY, "shit" I cursed and the guy scratched his neck. Digging around in my bag I pull out a few notes that are crumpled up and try my best to smooth them out before handing them over. "You're new around here, I take it" I nod as I watch him place my item into a paper bag "everywhere around here only takes cash, just the heads up." I panicked inside I had no cash on me, had this town really missed the change into the twenty first century. "Is there a cash point anywhere?" I look hopefully over at him and he shrugged "not that I know off most places only deal in cash so ones never needed."

Right of course they don't. Nice of Sargent to fail at telling me this, my journey out here was completely wasted. I was also extremely hungry and I really wanted to grab some food to eat from the supermarket or that little dinner before I went back, I guess them plans where squashed now. Siting in the truck I close my eyes as I lean my head back I had no way of contacting Sargent. I did not have his number but I had someone's number. I was fighting with myself, fighting with the need I had for food and the need I had to escape him.

Pulling my phone out of my bag I scroll through my contacts till I come to one, I half scoff and laugh at it. Big dick, really what a complete idiot. Rolling my eyes I press call on the phone and place it to my ear, already regretting my choice because I knew I would not hear the end of it.

"Hello" his rough voice sounded through the small speaker and I froze he sounded like he had been working out breathy and tired. "Look asshole your prank calling the wrong guy, I will fuck up your life like no fucker you have ever known." I bite my lip to express a giggle but it still passes through. He goes silent from his rant and I can see the smirk behind his next words "miss me already Princess?" I roll my eyes "never, look I called because you're the only number I have but if you could pass me onto a sensible adult I would greatly appreciate that." He grunts "not happening, you know you sound much sexier on the phone, think I might listen to you talk a little more." I groan "Lucifer, please" I hated that I gave in by calling him, it was humiliating enough I just did not want to deal with it.

"What do you need?" He drops the sarcasm and his question sound genuinely serious. "Sargent did not tell me that this place does not take card as payment, Im so hungry I'm thinking about sell my ass to pay for some food at this stage." Ok I was been dramatic, I would not go that far, even if I practically already do that as my job but he don't need that information. "Why don't you just get food here" he groans out "fuck not so hard, you will break the fucking bolts Billy." I bite my bottom lip contemplating if I should just be honest with him or not. "I was going to eat here, needed some real cooked food and not the crap you guys eat."

If I was standing in front of him I'm pretty sure I would have seen his eyes roll at my comment on these guys eating habits. "Alright, give me a few I will get in touch with Sargent, stay put" he cut the call off before I could even reply to him. I was sitting in the truck for a good thirty minutes and still no reply, I had managed to created a whole song from the amount of times my stomach had rumbled. That's when I heard it, the sound of bikes and I shot a look out the back window. Down the old sandy road where a row of bikes, all coming this way I gulped and slipped out of the truck. The hot sun high in the sky and without the AC on me anymore I was slowly burning. I had removed my flannel shirt leaving me in a spaghetti strap sling-let that was a little more covered up then my normal style and some short denim shorts.

My ankle boots where a little dusty from the dirt carpark and the dust only got worse as the bikes pulled into the small area around me. I covered my eyes with my hands to shield the light so I could look over at who had turned up. First person I see is my Father as he hops of his bike and walks over towards me. "I'm sorry Harley, I did not think to tell you about the currency issue here" he looks genuinely guilty as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. I shrug like it's no big deal, and that was when my stomach started to rumble again this time it was louder. He chuckled as he threw his arm over my shoulders "come on let's get you fed" he pulls me into his side as he walks towards the rest of the guys that are currently walking inside the small dinner. In my mind I was wondering how we where all going to fit inside.

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