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Walking towards the truck in the car park I flip the keys around my finger. Inside I'm still upset with myself for what I had done last night and I knew I was been stupid. Running away to town to avoid my mistake. Not too far away from the truck my father was chatting away to Bear I think his name was. The convo looked heated and I tried my best not to listen in but it was kinda impossible not to overhear some of it. They where not really been quite about the whole thing. "So, they are heading this way I say maybe tomorrow a few days at most" Sargent nodded running his fingers through his hair. He looked stressed out, like this was the last thing he needed to hear. "Get the boys informed, everyone should know we need to prepare" Bear nodded his head and then his eyes looked up from the ground and landed on me.

He nodded in my direction causing Sargent to turn around and face me, I smiled sweetly at him as I picked up my pace a little pretending that I had not heard anything. Tho I was curious as to who was coming and what needed to be prepared for. "Harley, remember gas first" I turned to smile and nod his way "yeah I remember." I waved at him as I unlocked the truck and slipped inside. Sticking the key in the ignition and starting her up she purred to life. For been an older model truck she sure started up like a beauty. I waved one last time in his direction before I drove out of the car park and down the one way road towards the garage.

Pulling into the closes parking space I jumped out of the truck and closed the door behind myself. A quick scan of the car park had me drawing in a deep breath, why did he have to be here. There right next to my car stood Lucifer, he was shirtless and chugging down a bottle of water. He looked all dirty and sweaty from grease and car oils on his chest. I could not help myself I sucked in my bottle lip as I watched his Adam's apple bob up and down with each gulp of liquid he drank. He might be a complete jerk but he was a sexy jerk and he was great in bed. I shook my head and tried to pull myself together, "hey cousin, what brings you here." I jumped slightly as I twist around and come face to face with Billy.

He smiled at me and the look in his eyes as he looked over my head and towards the direction I was previously looking. His smile turned into a smirk, "ah I see, the ladies man is at it again" I frowned at his words and choose to ignore them. "Sargent said the truck needed gas told me to fill her up." He hold his hand out towards me "ok I can do that, he off somewhere important?" Dropping the keys in his palm I shrug "no clue but I'm heading into town." He nods his head as he climbs into the truck, I take that chance to look around for Rick, I needed to ask him about my car. I could see my beauty sitting in the garage looking broken, poor thing.

"Hay Bill- and he's gone" Billy pulled the truck away towards an old looking gas pump and I sigh. The office door was open I could not see Rick in there I however could see Lucifer and as my eyes land back on him again I can also see that he sees me. He wipes his hand on an old rag as he walks towards me. I'm frozen to the spot having nowhere to run too. I don't want to run anyway that would just entertain him. So I turn from him and look back over to where Billy is filling up the truck with gas. I sense him before he opens that mouth of his to speak. "Can't stay away from me can you" I scoff at his cocky words "oh please, I'm here for gas" I wave towards Billy who seems to be taking his sweet time.

"Where you going" the tone of his words has me looking over at him, he seems confused but something els is there and I can't work out what it is. "To town, I need things" I reply with a shrug seen no harm in telling him this. His eyes look into mine deep into mine, "town for what?" I'm confused as to why he's asking, why does he even care. "Non of your business." He smirks and nods his head as he leans into me. Avoiding eye contact with him I look down at my hands that I've entwined in front of me. "I'm calling bullshit, your trying to avoid me" his lips graze my ear as he whispered the words to me. I shiver because he's right I am avoiding him but I was so not going to admitting that, or was I, an idea popped into my head.

"Your right I am trying to avoid you" I tap his chest with my hand as I look up at him. A look of sadness on my face "the sex was so appalling, I just could not face you." Sighing I turn from him his eyes are throwing flames at me but I can see his lip twitch with amusement. Billy pulls the truck to a stop next to us and I remove my hand from his chest and walk over to a confused looking Billy who had the keys in is palm. His eyes dart between me and Lucifer. He looks like he's about to say something but I shake my head at him and hop back into the truck. As I'm about to pull away Lucifer steps in front of the truck and I'm forced to push down on the break.

He's fucking crazy I think to myself, why does he not understand that I don't want to speak with him. I've been making it pretty obvious he signs for me to roll down the window and I roll my eyes but do so anyway. "What do you want?" I groan at him annoyance obviously in my tone. This just seems to entertain him as he leans into the window reaching threw it. "Give me your phone" I raise a brow at him shaking me head "no fucking way." He laughs like I've said the most funny thing ever and then he pulls the truck door open. I screech out as he pretty much draped his body over mine, I can feel the heat from his skin like the sun itself has touched me. He pulls my phone from the passenger seat where I placed it earlier.

"What the fuck Lucifer, give it back" he ignores me as he straightens out of the truck and types away on my phone. Unbuckling the seat belt I go to get out of the truck and I'm half tempted to jump on his back and claw out his eyeballs. But before I get a chance to exit the truck he's flinging the phone back at me it thumps of my chest and lands in my lap. "What was that?" I huff at him as he shrugs "you have my number now, it's not safe out their princess no matter what your pops might think." I don't have chance to reply to him as he turn and starts to walk away I slam the truck door closed and click my seatbelt back into place. "Enjoy avoiding me Princess" he shouts out as I pull the truck out of the garage and make my way down the long ass road that leads into town. Don't you fucking worry I will jackass.

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