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I groaned as I pushed myself up off the floor, my back hurt and my head was pounding still. Note to self never sleep on the floor. Walking into the bathroom I look into the mirror and cringe, my eye make up is smudge and my hair looks like a rats nest. Turning on the shower I strip off my clothes and step inside, enjoying the hot shower as it washes away all the grime from my body. I rub my hands over my face trying to remove as much make up as I can before I wash my hair, shave and pull the curtains open to get out. "Ahhhhhhhhh" I slip in the shower as I'm greeted by Billy he looks wide eyes at me. As he stands at the door to the bathroom.

Flinging my hands over my body I attempted to cover myself up. "Get out" I scream and he covers his face with his hands and attempts to leave, he bumps into the door. In his haste to leave causing him to fall backward and land on my bed. I reach for the towel and wrap it around myself just as the motel door flies open. There in the door way stand Sargent, gun in hand and pointing it towards me. Not far behind him are a few other men, all with guns in their hands. They all look like they had not even gone to bed yet, my eyes shoot over to look at the clock on the bedside table and I realised it's in the middle of the afternoon.

I still have my arms wrapped around myself even tho I'm half covered with a towel. Sargents eyes travel around the room before they land on Billy and he lowers his gun the other men follow. "What the fuck happened?" He shouts out he looks pissed off as he looks down at Billy who is only just now scrambling off the bed. "I'm sorry, I was only coming to apologise about the car" he looked dumbfounded and I felt a little guilty for reacting the way I had, I was just freaked out. I bite my bottom lip as I look at the men slowly start to disappear from the motel door. Tho one set of eyes pin on me, he looks the most annoyed and I turn my head away from him. If looks could kill I'm pretty sure I would be dead. "Get out of here kid, Jesus knock next time boy" Sargent orders as he pulls Billy out of the room.

"Harley, are you ok?" I look up at him for a few seconds "I'm fine, sorry." I walk into the bedroom as I reach for my bag pulling out some clothes to throw on. "Please, can I get some privacy" I don't look up but I hear Sargent sigh as he closes the door. I know he knew something was bothering me and he would be correct, I had been avoiding all conversations with him since the bathroom instead yesterday at the dinner. He had questioned me many times asking me if I was ok or what was bothering me. I had just brushed it off, he seemed stressed enough he did not need to deal with my crap.

After taking sometime to get ready maybe a little longer then necessary, I knew I would have to face the music and just go out there. When I finally pulled open the door and take a step out I'm immediately push back inside again and I come face to face with Lucifer. He closes the door behind himself locking it shut as he points at the lock. "You see this, use it princess" then he turns his body fully to face me and takes long strong steps till I'm backed up against the bed. When he gets closer to me he pushes me back, looking up at him as he licks his lips and climbs onto the bed. He hovers over me his eyes intense. "Was you naked?" He asks me as he searches my face for my response. "Answer me Harley" he growls.

I look into his eyes, and then it clicked the first time I had forgotten about it all was when we where together that night. "Yes" I answer him honestly, I place my hands on his chest. Running my fingernails over his cut. "Yes I was naked Lucifer, I was very naked, I also want to be very naked again." Purring at him I wrap my legs around his waist and grind myself against him. I can feel his cock start to stiffen up. As he pulls back from me, "what are you playing at." He pulls my legs from around himself and stands up from the bed. I quickly get up onto my knees moving towards the end of the bed. "You tell anyone that I said this and I will make your life a misery, I'm horny and I want you to fuck me."

He looks taken back by my words and he smirks a full on smirk. "You want me to fuck you" his eyes rack over my body like he's contemplating my words then he shakes his head. "Normally I would tell you to take your clothes off a start sucking my cock" his eyes stop at my boobs and I arch my back a little. "Then why don't you?" I ask him keeping my eyes on his as they rake over my body. "Because I know your game, your hiding something and I don't trust you princess." His whole face is serious as he says the words and he honestly believes I'm hiding something. I grit my teeth and get ready to chew him out for leading me on.

So when he straights out his vest and walks back towards the door to exit the room I go after him. I take too steps out "fuck you Lucifer, stay the fuck away from me." I spit the words out he does not even look over at me he keeps on walking and honestly the non reply really gets under my skin the most. As I turn around I'm greeted by Bear he leans on the railing a cigarette in his mouth. His eyes are on me and I stare at him for a few seconds before I drop my glaze and head back into my room. Closing the door and locking it behind myself I drop down on the bed and scream into the pillow. I hated him.

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