Twenty Five

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"Ahh officer Barns, I would say it's good to see you but it never is" my grandfather comes around the corner. His eyes scan me over for a second before they turn back towards this officer with a look on his face like he's eaten something sour. "What brought your visit here?" This officer turns his eyes away from me and towards my grandfather he looks annoyed as he turns to the other officer. "We are here to speak with Terry, why don't you tell him to stop cowering behind his desk and come out to speak with us." My grandfather chuckles "oh come on now, when has my son ever cowered from you, he's not here deputy. But I will pass on a message to him when he turns up" he looked passed the officer like he was done with the conversation.

"Whatever crap you boys have gotten yourself involved with does not affect the innocent town members, that was our agreement." I look between my grandfather and the officer unsure if I'm really meant to be hearing any of this. "That agreement was blown out of the water the moment that the supermarket got shot up last night. Your lucky no one was inside." I bite my tongue keeping my emotions under control, I really should not be listening to this. "I'm sorry to hear this Barns, it's the first I'm hearing about it" my grandfather admits "tell Terry to contact me" the officer points towards my grandfather as he turns towards the other officer and they made  their way back towards the cop car.

My grandfather walks to my side as he places his hand on the middle of my back, "good job sweetheart, don't let that asshole intimidate you, I'm proud." He turns towards Matt "you better get Sargent on the phone tell him Barns gave us a visit." Matt slips into The Bar to do as Jim told him. I stay standing next to my grandfather as we both watch the officers pull out of the compound heading towards the direction of the town. Turning to face my grandfather I raise a brow at him "Terry Archwood, that's my fathers name?" Jim smiles widely at me as he leads me into The Bar "come on let's grab a drink."

I downed the glass of whisky in front of me shaking my head as it burnt my throat. "So your telling me that there is a much bigger town on the other side of the mountains, with police and everything." Jim nodded his head for the third time smiling fondly towards me "why did Dad never tell me about this?" I grumbled as I pour myself another drink from the bottle that Matt had left on the counter. I had honestly thought this was all that wolf creek was, this small little town with nothing in it. I should not have been so stupid tho of corse there would be more, where had all the woman gone to Harley. I shake my head at my own ignorance, "grandad, I know I should not ask but what was that officer talking about with a deal?"

"Ahh child, it's a long story, many years ago tho I would never admit it to any of the boys" he looks at Matt who seems intrigued by the story he's about to tell me too, shrugging he carries on. "I was a much younger man, your father was just a little child barely walking on his own two feet. Your grandmother and I, god rest her soul. We started this all up" he points around at the bar. I lean my elbow on the bar and turn in my chair to face him. "We where just a bunch of misfits never really belonging anywhere always on the wrong side of the law." He chuckles as he rolls his eyes at his own words. I smile at him as I wait patiently for him to continue.

"At first we started up wolf creek motorcycle group on the other side of the mountain, but this got too heated to fast so we moved out here into a small bar call Starlight Bar, I named it after your grandmother, she was my starlight." He smiles as he looks a little lost within his own memories. It's sweet to see him talk so lovingly about the woman who was his other half. "Ahh listen to this old man been all soppy" I shake my head at him "actually I though it was quite refreshing to see." He smiles at me a look of understanding on his face "yes these boys can get a little rowdy can't they?" I giggle "right, where was I, ah yes starlight bar, it was our first foundation for what the WCMC are now. We learnt pretty quickly that been on the wrong side of the law could bring us quite a bit of money."

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