Authour Note

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Hello readers, well you know how this part goes it's the boring bit, that no one enjoys readying. I don't even enjoy writing it, but it has to be done. You can go right ahead and skip it, "shh don't tell anyone it what I always do."

If any of my work relates to any other piece of writing out there. It was not my intention to do so, everything I have written comes out off my imagination making non off it real. All made up. There are places in this story that I've messed around with and located them in the wrong country, or even just merged two places into one. I've done this on purpose so that it's not 100% correct. If any of my work offends or upsets anyone then I am sorry for that. There will be spelling and grammar mistakes along the way. I am dyslexic so sometimes I find some words harder to spell and auto correct don't help always. Grammar that just conffuzles me totally. I do try my best tho so sorry again if that annoys you. This story is not edited. I will not be writing any other notes through this story as I like to complete write a story and post it up in full. I enjoy reading only completed stories myself as it's always a kicker when a writer goes MIA for a long period of time. Understandable that life can get in the way, but just so you don't feel that disappointment of never getting your ending, you will with this one.

Right did I miss anything, I probably have that part always bores me. Anyway let's get on with the story hope you enjoy.
Love ya all xoxo

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