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Her mother had died, Adia had looked down on her body, laying cold and lifeless in a pool of blood.

The young girl collapsed to her knees, crying her eyes out.

Her mother is gone.

She's dead.

"Ah, my beautiful daughter Adrestia." A familiar voice interrupted her thoughts. She looked up to see her father. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"F-Father... M-Mother is..." Adia tried to say but was muffled by her crying. "Who-Who did.. this..?"

There was a pause, before her father spoke.

"I did."

Adia's eyes widened as she let go of him, "F-Father..?"

A smirk formed on his face, he was still standing like a post and staring at her.

"Your mother was so naive. I hope you're not like her."

"W-What do you mean.." Tears formed in the corners of Adia's eyes. All she could feel was the pain.

He kicked Adia in the stomach, causing the young girl to spew out blood. The force of the kick threw her back.

"F.. Father.. Why.." Adia managed to say through the unbearable pain she felt.

"You must hate me now, right daughter?"

She couldn't understand what was going on right now. She just couldn't believe her father just killed her mother.

"A.. Are you going to.. kill me too..?" She did not dare to take her eyes off him. She braced herself for what was to happen next.

"No, my sweet Adrestia. You have his blood, and you're the only worthy opponent for me when you grow up." His father said to a hurt Adia as he held her by her collar to a wall.

She struggled in his grip. The screaming did not stop. Adia called for help, but there was no answer.

"Now now, listen to me." Her father smirked slightly as as his grip on Adia tightened. His father's dark brown eyes slowly turned red.

"Y-Your eyes..."

"These eyes are only present to people from our lineage. And you should consider yourself lucky if you have this power. Because only a few from our family is blessed by him." Her father explained and let go of Adia's collar.

"If you wish to avenge your mother one day, then become stronger. And be a worthy opponent for me as a favor for making you live." Her father was walking away when he suddenly stopped his tracks and looked back at her. "You're weak and pathetic as you are now. If you wish to kill me one day, obtain his power and then come back and face me."

Her father walked away, leaving Adia alone.

Adia collapsed to the ground, and cried.

She whimpered, feeling the cold air on her bare flesh. Adia closed her eyes, forgetting all her training, lost in her fear.

"If you wish to avenge your mother, then.."

"Kill me."
"I'll kill you." Adia hissed through gritted teeth, making his father smirk to himself and continued walking down the streets.

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