4th Chapter: magikí̱ psev̱daísthi̱si̱

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Upon arriving on dry land, she found herself walking through a forest. As she walked through the woodland, she was captivated and found herself feeling a peace she thought she would never feel again. The forest itself was filled with unimaginable wonders, bewildering enchantment; and beauty never seen before; adventure and mystery were behind every tree bush and rock. She somehow felt as if the forest was hearing her plea for peace and was now opening itself for her.

After enjoying a promenade walk under a noble canopy of trees, the girl lied on the soft earth at the base of the tree, and watched the sun slip below the horizon as the moon ascended into the dark sky. Time passed with her just staring at the night sky, admiring it's beauty. She leaned against the huge trunk of the tree, closing her eyes. She didn't fall asleep, but her mind went on a complete stand-by. 

Sleep was creeping up on her when she felt the air around her shift slightly. She slowly opened her eyes only to be met with the darkness of the forest. Even though she could barely see anything in the dark, she could definitely feel magic surround her, and the strongest was coming from the west. She looks to her side, as a soft breeze lightly brushes across her skin and lifts her hood up, revealing a part of her face.

The female slowly sits up from laying down on the ground. The more she looks at her surroundings, the more she could feel and identify the magic. As she stands up from the ground, she hears a faint rustling sound in the trees nearby. Glancing over to the tree line, she narrows her eyes to see deeper into the tree line. Her dark eyes grew wide when she saw a flash of pale yellow hair move behind a tree. Cautiously, she walks over to the tree to see what was behind it. When she got there, she saw nothing.

She knows she was being watched, considering she could feel her captor's magic.

Suddenly, she hears a tree branch snap as if someone had stepped on it. Her dark eyes flash over to where the sound came from. She walks over to where she heard the sound and swiftly darts over to the tree but sees no one, but a flash of black hair went behind another tree that was farther in the tree line.

The girl stood still and closed her eyes. She inhaled the scent of the air.

".. Dragons." she mutters to herself as she turned to head back to where she had rested. She laid her head back on the tree, and looked up at the starry sky,

"I can't let your presence go unmentioned." she said while gazing at the shining stars above, waiting for the group of mages to come out.

Once she noticed they weren't going to show themselves, she sighed and just continued looking at the sky. A canopy of luminous stars shined like ornaments in the ocean of blackness. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there was an adequate amount of shimmering stars to illuminate the night. Oh how she loved the incredible peace she felt whenever she took a glance at the sky.  And that was all she ever wanted- peace. If only she could rewrite her life and possibly stop the godawful events from happening, she might have been happy, she might have been at peace.

But life was so unfair to her. She took the life of her sister, her mother died, she was cursed with inhumane powers, her father desires to kill her, dark guilds want her power. What more will the gods damn her with when she already feels like she's been condemned to hell.

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