20th Chapter: Mia ischyrí pigí

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Leaning against the door frame, Adia waited. The sun had just risen from its slumber and none of the guild members has arrived yet. She waited there watching the old man sign the bundle of stacked papers. All of which seemed to be from the council.

Bags had formed under Makarov's eyes, making him look twice as old as the oldest fossils. One by one, the papers were signed fastly, until the last stack was reached. A sigh of death as he unclicked his pen and set it down.

"Finally," The brunette walked past the scattered papers on the floor and took a seat in one of the chairs not occupied by paperwork. "Now tell me everything there is to know about the mission."

Makarov stayed unmoving and he looked dead. After a few seconds' silence, he mumbled, "Just give me a few minutes child.."

"A few more minutes and those brats will be here."

He twitched and groaned. "O–Okay.." It came out muffled since his head was still glued to the table. He looked like a fish out of water.

"You have at least 30 minutes." Adia crossed her legs and leaned back in the old wooden chair. He appeared in no condition to talk. His brain was probably fired from stress. Maybe that's why he's nocturnal.

Thrice, the old man's head collided with the wooden table. Each time a bump formed. He gave up trying and just proceeded to talk with his head down. "You know, you could've come at another time." He twisted his head so his mouth wasn't blocked by the table. "You could still do that, the door's open."

The brunette cocked an eyebrow. "Then it's okay if I tell them?"

"Wait, what?"

"Those brats of yours have been curious. They wanted to know the reason. I kept my mouth shut because I wanted to confirm something first."

Makarov absorbed everything, feeling relieved that she was rational enough to act accordingly. "It was incredibly stupid of me not to tell you before you even joined, but I didn't because I thought it would never cross your mind."

Adia stared the slumped body down. "You were right. It never once crossed my mind. Until I had a conversation with that group. I became curious then, but because of a different reason."

"I'm surprised you didn't ask me this beforehand," He sighed "What do you want to know."

"You said last night that all the guilds were uninformed. So it must mean it's a decree given by the council." She began, her tone icy, "I want to know why such a law was made and who were the people behind."

There was a pause of silence and the old man turned his head so he was facing her. "You must surely remember what Wolfheim had offered you before in your trial."

The brunette snorted, and shook her head, "Of course, how could I forget? He offered me the position of wizard saint. Most specifically, the eighth one."

"And you refused," He finished, "He gave two reasons. The first was to use the title as a cover for the underhanded missions, and the second was?" He waited for her to conclude but instead got a grunt.


"Exactly," If he could snap his fingers, he would have already done it. But alas, he was drained. "The second reason applies to the intention behind making the edict. And also, for your sake."

Confusion painted Adia's face. "For my sake?"

A small, reminiscent smile curved Makarov's mouth as he remembered. "The Polemos clan has always been regarded as a myth. Only a few people recognize the name." He answered her questioning look calmly. "High officials of the council were the only people who knew the reason behind your imprisonment. They didn't bother to inform the guilds because they couldn't risk the information leaking."

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