37th Chapter: Pliktrologíste: Kalel Sirona

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

37th Chapter: Pliktrologíste: Kalel Sirona

A key turned in the apartment lock and the door clicked open. Taking a step inside, Kalel looked around. Everything was not exactly as he'd left it.

Lounging around the once neat and clean room, Erza, Gray, and Natsu made themselves comfortable on whatever furniture they'd deemed essential. The terrifying redhead was sitting on the chair beside the bookshelf, the naked brunette was patting the bed sheets, and the pinkette was set out attacking the food in the refrigerator.

If possible, Kalel's jaw dropped through the floor. The living room looked like a hurricane had gone through it. The couch was upturned, coffee table smashed into pieces. Glass from the lamp lay shattered in shards, all across the carpet; he could just imagine how upsetting this filthy sight would be for Adia. He seemed to see how tired she is, and he felt bad that she would head off into a cleaning frenzy after getting home. And the kitchen would surely have to be scrubbed from top to bottom...

Oh well, she'd let him live here for free, so the least he could do was to clean up the mess.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?" Natsu peeked his head out of the kitchen, small bits of food flying from his mouth. Gray lazily looked where his rival pointed, while Erza lifted her eyes from the book before her.

"Burglar!" Suddenly the redhead was running towards him, a powerful aura of masculinity surrounding her body. Kalel's visible eye widened. She stopped a foot from him and raised a hand, and instinctively, he shielded his face with his arms, stumbled back and closed his eyes.

"W-Wait! Stop! I-I'm no burglar!" He tried to plead with the girl to stop, but it was too little too late. In a moment he found himself on the floor near the opposite wall, clutching himself and groaning.

"How dare you trespass into the humble abode of our friend," To Kalel's horror, the redhead kicked him onto his back, pressed her foot against his neck.

"E-Erza, stop... It's me!"

Gradually, very gradually, the boot lifted off his back. He sat up quickly, rubbing the scratches on his cheek. There was a momentary childish look as he looked down and his lips pouted and trembled.

"How do you know my name? Speak or I'll have to turn you in," Kalel paused expectantly and seemed to be waiting for Erza to allow him a cubicle or some space of his own where he could confer with them, work it through. But all he got was more disapproval and Erza taking a step closer to him, forcing them to cooperate with her, to tell his story on the cold wood floor.

The little tale started from when he had accidentally bumped Lucy flying in Adia's direction to accompany her in their most recent mission. He relayed the gist of their conversations, the plan they had developed for the cat-catching operation, even detailed the exact same clothes they wore during that time. He told them of Natsu's motion sickness, and finally, the particular encounter with the masked man.

Kalel took a huge breath of air, carefully awaiting Erza's reaction as she stared him down. Half of him expected her to get the gist of the situation, but her face had contorted in angry comprehension, his expectation just sort of all draining out of him. "You're a spy! What dark guild do you work for?"

"N-No! Wait! Think this through, Erza," He grabbed the apartment key to show his proof but she roughly slapped his hand away, backing him up against the opposite door in a blurry haze of flailing arms and legs. "There's more to it than you thought! W-Wait!"

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