23rd Chapter: Kryfés Thymós

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Reaching the border, the group stopped. They stayed true to their word and kept silent the entire journey. By the dragonslayer's estimate, they've arrived at dusk, just before night engulfed the sky.

Natsu looked back at his group and pointed at the border. "The scent is not here in Magnolia. It's beyond." He turned and directly addressed the brunette, "There are four towns in that direction. The main one being Clover Town."

Adia didn't respond but nodded her understanding. The blonde beside her shivered upon hearing the information. "Blue Pegasus' home." The taller male behind doing the same as he grumbled, "Ugh, those pretty boys."

"I know..." Lucy had her head hung low. Happy flew over to her and whispered something in her ear. Immediately she shot up and strangled the cat. "Ew, as if!"

"Well? If you want to head there, me and the rest of the team will accompany you, if you'd like." The pink-haired boy offered while scratching his head. "You did say I should lead you to the source, and as part of the family, I'm willing to help."

"So it could either be found in one of those towns, or beyond that." The brunette muttered after some time before turning to look at the dragonslayer. "Tch, who said I needed help?" Her eyes fell on the knights line up side by side like cattle. She memorized their positions before glancing back up at the boy. "I don't need your assistance. My goal is simply to find the possible area of the source."

"Are you sure? Our agreement was—"

"To lead me to the source. You've already done it. You've told me the possible locations, it's finished." Adia interjected with an almost silent tongue click at the end. She pulled her hood closer to her face so there was less chance of being recognized by the knights. One of them squinted his eyes at her, making her turn around. "Our agreement's over. I'll be leaving now."

"Wait! But don't you want to go there for yourself?" Lucy questioned, noting her oddly hurried behaviour. "Like Natsu said, we're willing to go with you to that location. Why are you backing out now?"

"You ask too many questions, Lucy." Eyes gliding swiftly over the suspicious soldiers, Adia answered simply, "I can't." Two of the knights approached them and she sighed. No point running now.

"What do you mean?" Tilting his head to the side, Natsu caught sight of the approaching men and narrowed his eyes. "What do you want?" He remembered the trouble the Council gave them, his fists clenching on his hips.

"It's a Fairy Tail member." One of the men said to his partner before pushing past the irate dragonslayer. They focused on the brunette standing idly behind the group and advanced with a rapid stride towards her. "You're the girl the boss was talking about. Why are you near the border? Were under strict orders to not allow you to cross."

"What are you doing to her?" Natsu rushed forward, flames erupting from his fingertips. If it weren't for Gildarts' outstretched arm, the knights would have been out cold. "Let go! We've got to help her!"

"Calm down." The stubbled man commanded, his eyes never leaving the brunette. He could feel the boy trying to wrench himself from his grasp so he tightened his hold. "The best help you can offer right now is shutting yourself up." His voice firm and clear, the boy eventually ceased and calmed down. "Good." He sent a mental note to the flying cat and the blonde, and they nodded.

"Well? Answer us." The knight prodded. When he received no answer, he pulled her hood off. "Tell us why you're near the border."

"I was just taking a walk and came by here."

The taller of the two snorted, a lilting mockery in his voice as he moved closer. "Is that it? I don't believe you. Anyone who comes by here is either planning to board the train or travel by foot to another town."

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