9th Chapter: I̱ dokimasía

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As the two arrived inside the headquarters, the Nine Wizard Saints of Fiore have already gathered and were by now, sat around the rectangular table, looking at the other people who have attended. Wolfheim, being one of them, started walking over to the only vacant seat left and silently sat down; his eyes closed in complete concentration as the others stared at him in breathless anticipation of what he might say.

When he didn't say anything, one coughed and cleared his throat, breaking the awkward tension, "So, did she provide any information?" Warrod asked, turning his head towards Lahar, "I do have to say that capturing one of the Polemos is quite an achievement. I applaud your magnificent idea of having the guilds help in capturing her."

Lahar however, despite the Saint's admiration remained aloof. His eyes met the other pair and he replied with an inquiry, "Why is it that the Lords of Fiore find it very amusing to capture one from the clan?" His eyes wandered over their faces until they met the Tenth's and continued, "You kept on saying that catching them is almost impossible, but how come we were able to detain one in just a week of announcing the news?"

With eyes closed, Makarov answered in a stern tone, "You see child, capturing a member from a family of warriors is quite a difficult task." He turned to the Saints as if silently asking permission to continue and they nodded, "And Warrod over here tells you it's an accomplishment for it is only the third time that the Council have captured one in years."

Lahar, completely astounded by this asks, "Why is that? As far as I could tell, it only took two guilds— Fairy Tail and Sabertooth to capture a Polemos, so I still don't get as to why capturing one is very taxing."

The Tenth sighed and let a small smile creep into his face, "Although I am proud that one from my family was able to capture a Polemos, I am sure that the pursuit group I sent doesn't have the ability to defeat her." He took a glance at the other Wizard Saints and coincidentally, they wore the same expression he had, "And I'm also certain that they were only able to capture her due to the fact that Adia herself willingly chose to."

The male youth's eyebrows arched in mild surprise as he inquired further, "Lord Tenth, I know that you're confident of your guild's strength, but you saying that the three of them, including two from your strongest can't defeat her? That's quite some talk now, right?"

"Yes, I am proud of their strength. I am sure that maybe in the near future one of them would be able to defeat her someday, but the way their powers are now— they're no match for someone who's on a different level."

"On a different level?"

Makarov nodded, "Yes, you see, Adia had undergone special training at such a young age to kill multitudes of people on her own. Now, I don't know what kind of training she'd gone to, but it explains why she has an immense tolerance to physical pain without her physical and mental abilities being impaired." He finished with a slight chuckle.

"Trained to withstand pain?" The Division Leader repeated, realizing all his efforts in making the prisoner talk were in vain, "No wonder she wasn't.."

A sigh escaped Noballus and Hyberion's lips as they both said in disbelief, "You couldn't make her talk so you resorted to torture? You should really do some research first before acting."

Research? "What research? Does that mean that Alcippe was the same?" The young male asked, completely overwhelmed by the new information he had just received. He can't recall Alcippe telling her this. Come to think of it, he can't remember Alcippe ever mentioning her sister, nor the family where she was from.

"You haven't seen her in battle yet, so it's impossible for you to notice, but she and her sister were annoyingly the same." The Sixth responded in an irritated tone as he turned to the person beside him, "Right, Warrod?"

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