2nd Chapter: to kyní̱gi gia filía

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Upon entering the building, they witnessed the most horrible sight any would ever see. Dead bodies were everywhere. 

"Quick! Go and check if there are any survivors!"

But there were no survivors, all was lost.  Life that once was living on earth ended in the blink of an eye.

"S-Sir! It's..." One of his men called, pointing down at the lifeless body of a woman.

The Captain of the unit looked grim as he saw the familiar corpse before him. The woman had flaming orange hair  and wore a Nile green dress.

"... The eighth wizard saint, Alcippe."

Her body was clean and void of any specks of dirt or splotches of blood, unlike the dozens of bodies scattered everywhere which was layered with blood and some even have their entrails peaking out. Her body simply looks too pure to be in such a vile environment.

One from the unit comes up behind the Captain, "Sir, What do you make of it?" he asks Lahar, the Head Captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit.

".. A snapped neck."

The whole unit mourned before the dead wizard saint when the Captain made orders. "You, with the mask on, contact the Council and let them know what's happening," instructs Lahar before turning to his squad members, "The rest of you, you're all coming with me. We're going to have a look around." They all give him a nod, as they inspect the area.

Magic Council Headquarters, Era

"There were no survivors of the attack, sir."

"And the perpatrator?"

"Unfortunately, we haven't found any signs of him." said Lahar as he raised his head from bowing. "However..."

The powerful wizards looked upward at Lahar, waiting for him to speak.

"We asked the bystanders who were nearby when the attack happened and they said that they saw a dark, red, magical pillar that could be seen in the sky." Once he had finished explaining to them, they all stood there looking at him in shock. "Is there something wrong with what I said, my lords?"

They all stopped and looked at each other, then at Lahar.

The 4th god of Ishgar, Warrod Sequen spoke first, "A pillar of black and red.. Disfigured corpses... Could it be..?" He tilted his head and wrinkled his brow,

'It can't be him. Alcippe's his favorite daughter, unless..'

"Say, Yajima.. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it true that Alcippe had a sister?"

Yajima paused for a moment, then gave a slight shake of his head as he said, "Well yes, but reports say Alcippe's sister is already dead."

"Dead? What's the cause?"

"I'm trying to remember the file.." Yajima said hurriedly, splaying a hand across his chin in contemplation. One finger caressed his lips. Warrod was about to say something when Yajima suddenly put his hand in the air,

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