39th Chapter: Μνήμες κρυμμένες στο νερό

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

39th Chapter: Μνήμες κρυμμένες στο νερό

"It's not like I have anything else besides these clothes, but Erza said we should carry with us as many necessities as possible."

Following a curve in the paved street, only two things lured Adia's mind away. She had fallen into her usual habit of letting the silence envelope her company in its guarded cocoon, and down, down her gaze fell and narrowed speculatively on the path she was taking.

While walking, her thoughts were ever fixed and neatly arranged as she put the pieces together in her head. Firstly, the group of brats didn't give her any insight as to what their next mission would be. For all she really knew it could be just another silly capture job. But the mission objective didn't matter much. The redhead had specifically told everyone to pack their stuff so it must mean that they were to have the demand to visit another city of Fiore.

She didn't complain, of course, because she had the urgent need to leave the familiar places in order to explore those unexplored countries in the continent. She could just hope that the mission was somewhere she had yet to step foot on.

"H-Hey, um, do you think maybe I could... buy at least another set of civilian clothes? I-If that's okay with you, of course. I just thought maybe with all the leftover money you could..."

When she had gone a few more paces, the brunette felt the liquid splash of water beneath her boots, and discovered a street puddle which, could never have been left from the previous day's sun. Peering heavenward with her black orbs, she took notice that the bright sun was suddenly obscured by graying clouds. There were no sharp cracks of thunder, or the common rushes of wind, but, the rain did pour down.

"W-Woah, since when did the weather suddenly become cloudy?"

A step beside her notified her to a presence too brisk and light that she turned to face the purplette who was using his cheap brown jacket to shield against the rain. He scooted closer, a faint smile spread across his face, and he had inviting eyes that she was able to easily read. With a scoff, she pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, gliding her feet onwards.

The little droplets of water chilled her exposed forearms and she fixed her gaze on the suddenly empty stretch of road ahead. This was the second thing she'd noticed, having felt a small degree of suspicion when she'd sensed a guildmate's presence grow and tail her. At first, she figured it was just plain coincidence, but now she somehow proved herself wrong in that thought.

Adia couldn't shake the feeling that she had been intentionally swayed to cross down this empty street. All those town accidents didn't occur "just because," since it just so happened that all those kind of nonsense blocked her path. It was just too much of a coincidence.

As if sealing her theory, a familiar face emerged from the far end of the street. The woman held a pink umbrella over her head, her midnight blue eyes as emotionless and impassive as a glacier as she neared the brunette. Her presence didn't seem to matter to Adia since she gave her space in the guild, but the brunette knew very well who this female was.

"Juvia had heard that her Gray-sama had slept for some hours soundly in Adrestia's bed. Juvia wants to confirm whether this is true or not."

This was the same bluenette who'd been glaring at her back in some instances.

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