11th Chapter: Díki

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The pair stopped just in front of the Council door. The caster of the barrier, turned his head and looked over his shoulder toward the girl who had remained silent for almost the entire journey and breathed a breath of new satisfaction. His long craving and intense desire for justice would finally be satisfied. All he had to do was unlock the door and go inside. He quickly did just that, but not before glancing at the prisoner for what seemed like the hundredth time since they've left the chamber.

What could she be thinking? He couldn't tell. Her eyes were focused straightforward and held a faraway look, as if she were seeing things that he couldn't. He tried to read her mind through her facial expressions but found it impossible. Her face never seemed to give anything away. Even people who were good at lying or hiding their feelings had more expressive features, but hers remained perfectly still. He'd seen her evilly smile and laugh at his weakness, but that same dark stillness ruled the rest of her features.

Setting his thoughts aside, Lahar put his ear to the door and listened for some time to check if the Saints were having an important or heated discussion. Because if they were, he would either not interrupt or circle back later. When he heard none, he gently eased the door open. Its hinges creaked as the door swung gently inward.

Inside sat the most powerful wizards in Fiore, all arranged according to their level of magical prowess. The lowest rank and position at the bottom right, the highest at the upper left. They sat around in a semi-circle within a few paces of the vacant seat in the middle. A waist-high wooden barrier served as a separation between the Saints and the soon to be convicted.

Lahar let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding and walked inside the room. The clinking sound of chains from the girl's fettered ankles hitting the stone floor echoed with every step she took; the loud clatter catching the group's attention as they have paused for a moment, to look at the direction from where the noise was coming from. Their intimidating gaze trailed over to the Division Leader then onto the feminine form beside him. Eyes of the group narrowed speculatively at the Polemos standing before them.

Looking at the powerful group before him, Lahar squinted his eyes. Such a group were considered the most powerful, definitely not people to be trifled with. Their presence alone was enough to remind anyone that they were inferior to them. They radiated power as tangible as the heat rising from a log fire and it seemed to grow as they spoke.

His thoughts of admiration were suddenly cut short by an officious voice that was by now, sounded all too familiar to him. "You can dispel this barrier now."

He slid a look at her from the corner of his eye. She seemed to be perfectly calm despite her current situation. Sometimes he wondered if she even have feelings. The outcome of the trial was unknown, if she makes a bad impression or if she goes wrong in which she participates in her trial, the judges (in which case the Ten Saints) would have no other choice but to give her a very heavy punishment. Her life was basically in their hands now, whether she would live or not, will depend on the decision that they will make. And that intolerable uncertainty of not knowing what will happen breeds anxiety— the anxiety that leads to "catastrophic thinking" which inevitably ends to being overwhelmed with extreme worry and fear. But there was no sign of worry in her attitude. No fear on her face. Her stern demeanor had made him wonder why she was acting like so. Maybe she had already suffered too much in the past, that nothing could affect her anymore. Or maybe she was just really emotionless.

Shifting his attention back to the Saints, Lahar said, "Presenting the convict, Adrestia Polemos." He'd turned his back on her, completely ignoring her request, because he'd learned from experience that letting your guard down a little was never a good idea. Then again, even if he would let his guard down and the prisoner decides to attack, the Saints would have no problem at preventing her from doing so. They could easily stop the girl's powers cold.

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