38th Chapter: Σύμμαχος ή Εχθρός

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

38th Chapter: Σύμμαχος ή Εχθρός

The escort mission was nothing short of being horribly unoriginal. Though her geographical limits were widely extended by the Council's bidding, she couldn't risk performing her search with a noteworthy group of mages who very well might have the same sensing proficiency she does.

As the spy group returned by noon the same day, they turned off into an isolated part of the forest, where they took a break. Even though they were a highly skilled bunch, they were no exception to the bitter complaints of hunger.

Boar took a small white pouch out of his pocket and the moment he opened the container, the smell of food wafted into the air. He grabbed a pellet for himself, then offered his teammate some of the food.

Owl gladly picked a few, and proceeded to gnaw away. Boar extended the pouch toward Dog, but before she could even think of moving a muscle, he retracted his hand.

"Why should I offer amnesty to the low-life criminal who had killed Cat?" The brown-haired spy spat, the venom pitched low and hard as his eyes glared through the slits of the mask. "The deaths of spies are almost always disregarded, since this job entitles us to a grudge that will forever haunt us in life. But as a fellow spy myself and a fellow teammate, I could never overlook her death."

There was no doubting the threatening aura he emitted, but despite this, Dog remained her ground and kept silent. Her physical mask added with her calm disposition unintentionally turned out to be a teasing gesture, one that meant she could care less, and taking this bait, the fuming spy reached into his pocket and retrieved a knife. Boar swiped at Dog, his swift movements a symbol for the richness of his experience.

He neared the only girl in the group, and prepared to make a valiant effort in her own defense, she grabbed the hilt of her sword. A piercing clang reverberated in the otherwise silent forest.

Much to Dog's surprise, her sword made contact with something, but it wasn't Boar. Instead she clashed with one of Owl's two blades, his other weapon actively parrying the resentful's blow. He stood a mere inch away, with his back turned to her, and she could sense the man's urge to smirk.

"Be civilized, Boar. As spies we shouldn't have any connections with anyone at all. Ties could only reveal past and present vulnerabilities." Through the slanted eyeholes, Owl's eyes glinted dangerously, daring the adversary to oppose him.

There was silence as the tension mounted. Boar stared Owl down a moment longer, and finally yielded and retracted his weapon. But not before he pointed the tip of his knife threateningly toward the brunette protectively shielded by his teammate. "Keep this in mind, Dog. If you so even think about turning against the Council, my grudge will personally deal with you."

The brunette female simply clicked her tongue. Her onyx eyes stared at the blade pointed toward her, moving higher, taking in the maroon eyes staring back at her, raking them so boldly. Owl blocked her view, and she shifted her gaze to his tall figure.

"Here we go again, with your up and down, back and forth 'grudge' talk. How many times do I have to tell you that it's not the fledgling's fault Cat had decided to go on her own?" Owl's voice was full of teasing mishief, his aura disposing itself as purposeful and malicious. "As the old saying goes; 'curiosity killed the cat,'"

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