21st Chapter: Psevdaísthisi Mageía

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Adia let a sly smile sneak onto her face. Readily she gave out her name making the man's grin grow wider, "Adrestia." She was sure he could sense her power. But despite that he looked assured. Gildarts saw her scrutiny, and sighed.

"You're very cautious and wary of me. Why?" A teasing element was evident in his voice. The girl's smile disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. Her evaluative characteristic reminded Gildarts of someone who needed that quality. A seriousness took over Adia's features as she narrowed her eyes.

"Stop taking me so lightly." She spoke in a monotone, her eyes challenging. As an act of submission, Gildarts threw his hands up, his smile faltering. The slightly sheepish look was still on his face, annoying the girl.

"I guess that was a really stupid question to ask," He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm pretty sure you could sense me too. And no, you're definitely not someone to just blink at." His tone implied he meant his words. Crossing his arms, he tried to make out the detail of her magic. She reflected something familiar to him. He racked his brain, trying to remember then cursed when nothing came out.

The brunette scoffed at his obvious abstraction. "Since we're on the subject of strength and we've estimated each other's capacities, I have a question for you on that matter." Her tone deepened to a throaty baritone, her black eyebrows crinkling in persuasion. "There seems to be another type of magic on you. It's a small quantity. Meaning it was either casted on you or you've only just started learning it. Which one is it?"

Gildarts stopped his mental torture and his stubbled face lit up in awe. A proud smile broke upon his lips. "Wow, you're very sharp." He commented.

"Answer me."

He shook off his admiration and conformed to the girl's demand. With his arms outstretched it allowed Adia to inspect him with earnest attention. "Yeah, I didn't notice at first. And nope, I haven't learned any new magic yet." Gildarts kept his eyes peeled and caught Adia's eyes widen momentarily. Then her gaze rose to his face.

"Who casted it?" The brunette commanded, already starting to draw inferences. The man continued to stare at her and she was getting impatient. If she knew the answer, she will be one step closer to finding him. Adia opened her mouth to speak but he finally spoke.

"Oh wait, your magic matches what's on mine." Gildarts noticed and gave a twirl of his finger, "Don't tell me it was you." He pointed and scrunched his face in thought. "Come to think of it, you're just as powerful." The girl's face twisted into an unreadable expression, confusing him. He titled his head and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Adia discerned every word carefully, a look of triumph glinting in her eyes. 'Just as powerful.' A smirk befell her face before she shifted her gaze from his face to his eyes. "Answer me directly. Who casted it?" Onyx eyes pierced Gildarts' own but instead of feeling scared a huge sense of calm overcame him, slowly realizing who the girl finally was.

He avoided her question and threw his own. "Say, are you from that cursed clan I've been hearing about?"

"Just answer me!"

Gildarts was surprised by the girl's change in demeanor. His eyes slid over her once again before answering, "Someone with a cloak."

"Have you got any more details?"

"No, I don't have anymore to say."

The brunette seethed. "What do you mean you don't have anymore? Tell me the encounter, tell me everything." Another goofy grin showed up on the man's face and she wiped it off with a punch. Gildarts stared at her in stunned shock.

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