7th Chapter: I̱ apostolí̱ epidío̱xi̱

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The band of men ran through the forest, the lines of their strong arms blurring into the foliage as they dash through the trees in search of the group of enchanters.

Rufus was currently hopping on the tree branches heading north where one of the enemy wizard was situated in, Orga was heading for the one in the east, Rogue was sprinting in the direction of the one in the west, and Sting was scurrying his way into the bearing of his target which was over to the south.

As they breezed through the labyrinth of trees and the hidden folds of the forest, they can't seem to avoid the thoughts stumbling and wandering in their minds. The simple yet bold thought of seeing the girl attempt, and defeat an entire army of clones with not a single amount of assistance substantially troubled them. How can a single girl win against hundreds of enemies if four grown men can't even dispel half of them? True, they had only just met the girl, but they can't seem to stop worrying about her. They didn't know what drove them to easily commit to the unspeaking youthful girl whom they had just encountered in the forest, or why. Was it because of her beautiful, pleasing features? Was it because of her inexplicable yet fascinating personality? They were absolutely and completely clueless.

The first one to appear at the location of one of the summoners was the Shadow dragon slayer, Rogue. Well, being that his target was the closest to the open glade of the forest, he had arrived faster than the others who were still running and searching through the impassable forest.

Just as the girl had said, there stands a steep rock face towering over his small body. He looked around, trying to discern his surroundings through his vermilion eyes. A precipitous, overhanging face of rock propped against the ground, it's height steep enough that anyone falling off it might kill themselves in doing so. The location of the cliff was a bit odd though, it was nowhere near the waters where they were usually found in.

As he took a walk around the grounds and as he walked closer to the steep rock, he began to perceive more about his environment.

The foremost part of the cliff had a fifteen-foot vertical drop leading into thick brush sloping another forty or fifty feet to the ground. The left side of the cliff angled downward at a steep sixty-degree angle and ended at a pile of rubble littering the earth. Needless to say, falling from the cliff would be a direct cause of death.

While wiping the sweat off his forehead he inched closer, Rogue glanced up above him when something caught his ear.

Due to his augmented sense of hearing, he heard the sound of spontaneous breathing coming from the clifftop. His eyes wandered upward taking in the light stellar sky as his fixed look transitioned from the tempting sight of the beaming welkin to the figure looming over the top of the cliff.

As the Shadow Dragon walked further up the long incline, the more he could make out the outline of the figure who was sat cross-legged on the grassy ground. He narrowed his eyes and took a closer look, trying to decipher the figure's appearance, when a glowing ball of light caught his attention.

The blinding light came from the figure's cupped hands, a blue glowing sphere of magic visibly emanating from inside its palms, a tint or shade of aqua green aura flowing through its wide, splayed fingers.

What is that?, he thought. Rogue was unnerved, but he walked a little closer so that he could see it better. Careful not to make any sound, he squinted into the darkness, his body faded into the shadows whilst the darkness of the night fully concealed him, allowing him a chance to assault from behind without his or her knowledge.

Stepping swiftly from the spot where he stood and stealthily gliding around to the adjacent side of the nearby tree, Rogue loomed over his unsuspecting victim, his eyes glowing intensely as the figure continued doing what it was doing unknowingly being watched by an unexplained presence from behind.

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