400-Heart Special!

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Thank you all foryour continued support, you guys are so awesome! I hope you enjoy this special chapterand I hope you have an amazing day!


400-Heart Special!

"Ladies, please. One at a time."

Women from unknown places of Fiore bounded over to a young man with orange hair, clinging to him, touching him, petting him. At the sound of his sultry voice they dreamily sighed, some even fainting. This was a normal occasion for the celestial spirit, women falling at his feet. He was startlingly handsome that he's got them wrapped around his finger. A low chuckle erupted from his throat as another maiden decided to join the fray.

"Loke, are you done yet?" Lucy sighed while nearing said man. Loke simply shrugged and she gave out yet another sigh along with a look of defeat.

"I'll be back in a minute, honey." The women surrounding the spirit sent a chilly glare at the blonde, making her retreat back to her seat. Her teammates who were sitting around her table gave her the same nonchalant look. The man was always like this, nothing too surprising.

"Why do you even ask? He's always like that." The black-haired boy opposite her boredly said, leaning back in his chair. It wasn't obvious but he silently wished he could be in the playboy's position.

Lucy kept her gaze on the spirit. "We have a mission in a few minutes and I would like if all my keys are prepared." Loke continued his business and it didn't look like he'll stop anytime soon as another group of girls flocked over him. The blonde flopped down at the table and gave a very loud sigh. "Lookee, hurry up."

"Why are you even waiting for him? You'll be fine with the keys you already have!" Natsu beamed reassuringly while putting a hand on her shoulder. A blush coated Lucy's cheeks and she nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't worry," She stood up immediately, a determined look now in her eyes. "I can do this without that stupid flirt! Come on guys! Let's get going!" She lifted her foot onto her chair and did a pose. A grunt emitted from beside her and she settled back into her seat.

"Let me finish my cake in peace and we shall go." Erza muttered while chewing her piece of cake. She ate with gusto, her cheeks reddening at each bite. Her eyes were shining like stars as she breathed a sigh of complete contentment. For once she was able to eat freely and enjoy her food without it getting stepped on tripped over. Wendy just chuckled alongside her exceed and Happy.

Team Natsu decided to stare back at the flirty celestial spirit and watched. Other than his looks, they had no other idea why he was such a chick magnet. Loke flashed his signature smirk, and the crowd of girls giggled shrilly and squealed. His confidence remained unwavering and his ego skyrocketed as more lined up. It seemed that every girl that walked through the door came up to him. Except for one.

A black-haired girl with pale skin strutted calmly in the guild. The playboy thought she was beautiful, naturally, unlike the girls at his side. He licked his lips, slyly, a smirk grew on his face. Expecting she would come out to meet him, he laid back down and closed his eyes.

"What's your name, beautiful?"

"Ah! It's—"

Instead of hearing the fresh voice of the unfamiliar girl, a chorus of shouts swirled in his ears. Loke cringed from the constant noise and parade of faces simultaneously pushed to him. He was used to this kind of treatment now, but still his sensitive ears were uncooperative. Hazel eyes skimmed the crowd but there was no sign of the petite girl with the obsidian black crown. The girls followed his wandering gaze, a death stare fixed on their faces.

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