500-Heart Special!

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Hey guys! I would like to give a big fat thank you to each and every one of you who have supported this long series. So in Quotev this story have reached over 500 hearts and to celebrate this milestone, I wrote an extra chapter! I really really enjoyed writing this one, this part is over five thousand words ;)

Anyways, stay awesome guys and I hope you like this one!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

Warning: Swearing and some suggestive themes. If you're bothered by things like that, you may not want to read on. Other than that, you're fine to go.

500-Heart Special!

Fairy Tail is not the same without a full-blown fight. As usual, the tables were turned upside down, chairs were used as throwing materials, food flew everywhere, there were some screaming gals and laughing boys. It was just an ordinary day, nothing unusual or strange about it, until after a certain dark-haired girl stood and walked inside the entrance. Nobody paid her much heed since they anticipated that she will just engage in her solitary pastime, or so they thought.

When she walked straight up to the center of the room, time paused, everybody's eyes popped out of their skulls, jaws hung open like traps. Everybody seemingly ceased to function as they processed the figure before them.

Adia posed with a smirk, hands on her hips and a flirtatious arch to her eyebrows. She wore a simple, blank tank top that dipped down low showing the peaks of her breasts. A pair of khaki super-short shorts covered the bottom of her extremely vivacious body. Her choice of clothing was the complete opposite of her usual conservative clothes. Everybody practically gaped in astonishment.

"Hey," she smiled coyishly, with a lingering glance at the boys around her. The overly sexual perverts melted against the floor, the borderline innocents only having bright red streaks on their faces. She laughed then added, "Oi Lucy! Where are you?"

The blonde stayed put, still in the state of suspended disbelief. When she felt a nudge on her shoulder, she snapped back to reality. "Um, yes Adrestia?" The brunette motioned her toward her with the crook of her finger and she was reluctant to move. She ended up being dragged. "Ow ow ow, okay, okay."

Resting her arm around the trembling shoulders, Adia leaned close to her ear and whispered. "I have a new one to add to my list, guess who?"

Poor Lucy trembled even more. "A...Are you okay?"

A giggle escaped the brunette as she strengthened her hold on the blonde. "Mystogan just asked me out." she declared, raising her voice above a whisper this time. The crowd stopped again and exchanged stumped looks. Lucy fully faced her. "What?"

The happy female rolled her eyes. "I said, the prince of Edolas just asked me out," she gave a little grin and winking afterwards. "Now he's a dead man. I mean, you called it! He was just playing hard to get,"

This time, Erza stepped forward and with narrow, suspicious eyes questioned, "What is the meaning of this, Adrestia?"

Adia's eyes widened and she let out a shriek of panic as she hid behind the shirtless mage. "Oh shit, hey Knightwalker. Forget I said anything, kay babe?" Gray stiffened when he felt her slender hands press into his back, pulling his body against hers. She chuckled softly as she noticed. "Damn Gray, shirtless suits you. Just keep wearing nothing at all and it's guaranteed Juvia will finally notice you." Behind, a faint echo of someone yelling "Love Rival" could be heard.

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